
  • 网络stage spectacle
  1. 戏剧场面是戏剧结构的基本单位。

    Stage spectacle is the basic unit of drama structure .

  2. 城墙景观浅议论戏剧场面的开掘

    On the Scene of Rampart

  3. 而人,就是人物与人物之间具有的独特的错综复杂的性格和心理关系,即人物关系。任何戏剧场面里,都要有动作,这是事;

    And character refers to the given relationship of character which means the special character and anfractuous psychologic relationship .

  4. 布里顿对戏剧场面的调度能力,对剧中人物关系及矛盾冲突的表现能力,对丰富的、多层面的舞台音响效果的把握能力均完美呈现于这部舞台戏剧作品中。

    Britten 's ability of managing drama scene , and the expression ability of handling the people 's relationship in opera and contradictory conflict , and the control ability for rich and stage sound effects of multilayers , all that were Presented perfectly in this stage drama works .

  5. 去年,中立的国会预算办公室(CBO)警告称,几种备选政策可能导致一个戏剧化的场面:到2021年,联邦债务可能达到经济年产值的100%,而到2035年,可能达到近190%。

    Last month , the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office warned that in a likely scenario of policy choices , federal debt would be equivalent to more than 100 per cent of the annual size of the economy as soon as 2021 and would reach nearly 190 per cent by 2035 .

  6. 美国预算原本用不着出现这么戏剧化的场面。

    There should be no need for drama over the US budget .

  7. 他将对女演员们飞吻,活动结束后,他将和超模罗西·亨廷顿-怀特利(RosieHuntington-Whiteley)一起在舞台上上演百老汇戏剧式的送别场面。

    He 'll air-kiss actresses and , when it 's all done , take the stage for a Broadway-style send-off next to the supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley .

  8. 青春片似乎都陷入了一个固定的套路:一场轰轰烈烈的爱情故事,以及对于学校生活和前途的焦虑。而这些都以戏剧化的方式呈现出来——大量戏剧化场面。

    Youth-oriented films seem trapped in a fixed pattern : They all center on a * sensational love story , rife with anxiety about school and the future , and they all have to be told in the form of dramas-lots and lots of dramas .