
  1. 与《元刊杂剧三十种》等文献比较,具有大体一致性,但又显出一些差异。

    There is consistency , but there are some differences in comparison with the documents on Thirty Kinds of Yuan Variety Play .

  2. 《元刊杂剧三十种》是现存最早的而且是唯一的元代杂剧刻本。

    " Yuan published of 30 kinds of Drama " is the oldest extant , and is the only block-printed edition of Yuan Drama .

  3. 简介《新校元刊杂剧三十种》版本价值,总结元代介词研究现状、本文选题意义和方法、介词分类等相关问题。

    About the " The new proof of the 30 kinds of Yuan Drama " version of the value of the Yuan Dynasty preposition Research summary , topics meaning of style and other related issues .

  4. 位于动词前是介宾短语最常见句法位置;《新校元刊杂剧三十种》是传统介词与新兴介词混合的介词系统,这个系统印证了元代是古汉语向现代汉语的过渡阶段。

    In the prepositional phrase before the verb is the most common syntactic positions ; " The new proof of the 30 kinds of Yuan Drama " is traditional and emerging preposition preposition preposition mixed system , the system confirms the ancient Chinese Yuan is the transition to modern Chinese .

  5. 为了更好地解决这两个问题,采用对《中原音韵》和唯一保存元人作品真实面貌的《元刊杂剧三十种》进行对比分析的方法。

    In order to resolve the two problems , I compare " Thirty kinds of Zaju inscribed in Yuan-Dynasty " with the " Midland Phonology " .

  6. 元杂剧是流传在民间的文学样式,除《元刊杂剧三十种》外,现存选本都是出自明人之手。

    Yuan drama is a literary style , which is popular among the people . In addition to Yuan Kan Za Ju San Shi Zhong , the existing versions are compiled by the people from Ming Dynasty .

  7. 晚近著名学人就元杂剧版本问题多有论议,并由此贬抑《元曲选》,大抵发生在1915年《元刊杂剧三十种》被影印、便于学人利用以后。

    It was nearly after thirty kinds of Yuan Dramas photocopied and used in 1915 that , much discussion about the edition of Yuan Drama and depreciation of Selection of Yuan Dramas among the modern scholars emerged .