
xì fèn
  • bonus ;the proportion of an actor's part in a play or movie
  1. 英格丽德正忙着背诵第二天戏份的台词。

    Ingrid was busy learning her lines for the next day 's shooting

  2. 也许很快剧作家就得结束掉她在该系列剧中的戏份,不再让她露面。

    Maybe soon the scriptwriters will have to write her out of the series .

  3. 剧集第四季的前几集都在巴黎拍摄,而Chuck则戏份甚微。

    After all , the first few episodes of season 4 are currently being filmed in Paris , and Chuck apparently makes a cameo .

  4. Emily和Nicole将会在第三季中有很重的戏份,因为基本上每个人都想在第三季回归时找到这个宝宝。

    Emily and Nicole will play a very large role in Season 3 , since basically everyone will be trying to track down that baby when the story returns .

  5. 《行尸走肉》第四季后半段将会有更多NormanReedus戏份。

    The Walking Dead fans might be getting a lot more Norman Reedus in the second half of Season 4 .

  6. 更有消息称,制作人已经在考虑让Gillingham继续在第五季出演,听起来这个角色说不定有重要戏份。

    Moreover , producers are already considering Gillingham to play a role on Season 5 . Sounds like things will be getting serious !

  7. 我们不能指望在罗伯特•罗德里格斯与昆汀•塔伦蒂诺共同指导的《从夜晚到黎明》中,莎尔玛•海雅克的戏份和SantanicoPandemonium一样多,但那句话怎么说来着?

    We didn 't expect to see much of Salma Hayek as Santanico Pandemonium in Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino 's " From Dust Til Dawn , " but what 's that saying ?

  8. 颇为浪漫而又忧郁柔情的梁朝伟有打斗戏份,但其缺乏类似于查尔顿•赫斯顿(CharltonHeston)或三船敏郎(ToshirMifune)等武术英雄的体格或威严。

    More of a romantic , melancholy heartthrob , Leung has the acting chops but not the physique or the commanding presence of a martial hero that would be the equivalent of Charlton Heston or Toshio Mifune .

  9. 现在剧本女孩会把你的戏份稿子发到你的手上。

    Now the script girl will be handing out your part .

  10. 我认为他在电影中戏份相当多。

    I think he is still pretty much in the movie .

  11. 外国投资者或许兴致勃勃,但他们的戏份很少。

    Foreigners may be gung-ho but they are bit players .

  12. 怪不得他的戏份那么少呢

    No wonder his part in that movie was so small

  13. 另外,天气可能还会抢点戏份。

    Plus we have the fact that the weather might play some cards .

  14. 金妮在《混血王子》中的戏份超过其他任何一部。

    Ginny is seen in Half-Blood Prince more than in any other book .

  15. 就算是,下面也没有他的戏份了。

    Well , thank God he 's not in any more of the play .

  16. 他的戏份虽然不多,但表演恰到好处。

    His performance is just right though he doesn 't appear in many parts .

  17. 他们俩这段戏份是我们拍过的最性感最有意思的了。

    Their scenes are some of the most fun and sexy we have ever shot .

  18. 上述裁员和削减戏份的决定均基于财政,哦不出于剧集创新性考虑。

    The decision to cut Cook and cut back Brewster was made for financial creative reasons .

  19. 然而,在电影中,导演王全安增加了田小娥的戏份,有些过了头。

    In the movie , however , director Wang focuses on Tian a little too much .

  20. 孔侑说他并不会戏份和故事情节完全没有关系的情况下有目的地唱歌。

    Ggong replied that he didn 't want to purposely sing without any relation to the storyline .

  21. 上一季没有卢卡斯的戏份,大概还有几年的刑期。

    Lucas was out of the picture last season and presumably still has a few years left in his sentence .

  22. 除去黄渤和陶虹的戏份不论,《无人区》便是徐铮的独角戏。

    Despite appearances by co-star Huang Bo and Tao Hong , No Man 's Land is Xu 's one-man film .

  23. 虽然很多电影都有大量机器人的戏份,但绝大多数“机器人”都是由真人来扮演的,或是运用视觉特效进行塑造。

    While robots have featured prominently in many films , most are played by real actors or created using visual effects .

  24. 虽然对于将如何处理沃克未完成的戏份环球尚未发表声明,但他仍然会出现在电影里。

    Walker still will appear in the film , though Universal has not said exactly how it will handle his unfinished performance .

  25. 然而,为了节省时间和资金,他不得不删掉实验室外的戏份。

    However , in order to save time and money , he had to drop scenes which took place in different locations .

  26. 《李尔王》剧组来自英国,导演麦克·格朗德吉指出,虽然这部剧作具有很大的政治戏份,但是莎士比亚其实在其中融入了其它更主要的元素。

    Director Michael Grandage observes that , while the play has large political dimensions , Shakespeare has tapped into something more primal .

  27. 本季总督不仅没死,他还会在《行尸走肉第四季》有更多的戏份。

    Not only is The Governor not dead , he 's coming back for a lot more on The Walking Dead Season 4 .

  28. 可能会出现一些情感戏份,他尝试着抢救弥留之际的她,但是她是还是最终离开人世了。

    There were going to be some really emotional scenes where he tried to save her from dying , but she ultimately passed .

  29. 该剧因为爱情戏份太多,对周莹奋斗的故事描写太少而受到批评,其豆瓣评分为7.2分。

    The drama got 7.2 points on Douban , receiving criticism for having too much romance and too few of Zhou 's struggles .

  30. 这一部分对我来说简直是太混乱了,这还没算上这部剧中其他主演的戏份。

    This part was confusing enough for me without adding in the numerous other main characters that play important roles in all of this .