
  • 网络Cotton Ball;Cotton Wool
  1. 这个像棉花球的东西是什么?

    What 's this thing that looks like a cotton ball ?

  2. 洁面后,面部及颈部饱和了一个棉花球及中风。

    After cleansing , saturate a cotton ball stroke over face neck .

  3. 我没有棉花球,我们都是人。

    I have no cotton balls . we 're all human beings .

  4. 土家族棉花球运动在学校体育中的应用研究

    Applied Research on Cotton Ball Acitivity of Tujia Nationality in School Sports

  5. 把小的棉花球粘在纸上做雪人的头。

    Glue the small cotton ball on the paper for the head .

  6. 棉花球运动及其用球的研制

    Cotton Ball Sports and its Manufacture , A New Achievement in 21st Century

  7. 把两颗黑纽扣粘在小的棉花球上做雪人的眼睛。

    Glue two black buttons on the small cotton ball for the eyes .

  8. 把五颗红色的纽扣粘在大的棉花球上做雪人的大衣纽扣。

    Glue five red buttons on the big cotton ball for the coat buttons .

  9. 女士们,棉花球到哪去了?你们用它来做什么?

    Where are the cotton balls , iadies ? What are you doing with them ?

  10. 土家族棉花球运动的创新研究

    Innovative Study on Tujia Cotton Ball

  11. 对土家族棉花球发展演变的探讨

    The Evolution of Cotton - ball

  12. 将棉花球浸入苹果醋中,轻轻拍在脸颊上,这样你的脸颊就会立即变红。

    Dab a cotton ball in cider vinegar and pat it on your cheeks for an instant blush .

  13. 向两个棉花球上倒非常冷的牛奶,然后敷在眼睛上大约15分钟。

    Pour very cold milk onto two cotton balls and apply them to your eyes for about 15 minutes .

  14. 同时,棉花球的某些技术环节对篮球技能的形成有一定的负迁移影响。

    Meanwhile , some of the strategies of the cotton-ball have somewhat negative transference influences on the formation of basketball strategies .

  15. 之所以会被称为棉子象鼻虫,是因为这种昆虫会毁坏棉花球,以及含有棉花的种子荚。

    It 's called the boll weevil because it destroys the cotton boll , the seed pod that contains the cotton .

  16. 有老鼠出没?把滴入几滴欧薄荷精油的棉花球放在老鼠出没的地方。

    Are mice a problem ? Place several drops of Peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place at problem locations .

  17. 把一些下降矿物油或者耳朵药物治疗放入他的耳朵而且用一些棉花球插入他们每个。

    Put a few drops of mineral oil or ear medication in his ears and plug them with several cotton balls each .

  18. 三叶草实际上是一种野生植物,它的花朵形状如同棉花球,通常在每一支梗上有三片叶子。

    Clover is actually a type of wild plant with flowers shaped like cotton balls and usually has three leaves on each stem .

  19. 观众面对的是玻璃碎片的混合体、棉花球、淡彩的泡沫、卡通式的绘画和素描,以及仿古的小玩意儿。

    The viewer is confronted with a mixture of broken glass , cotton balls , light-colored foam , cartoon-like paintings and sketches , and antique baubles .

  20. 把洒有香精油的棉花球放在浴室不显眼的地方,或直接把精油喷撒在丝绸或干花束上,这是保持浴室气味芳香的简易办法。

    The bathroom is easily scented by placing oil-scented cotton balls in inconspicuous places , or sprinkle oils directly onto silk or dried flower arrangements or wreaths .

  21. 结果表明:两项运动之间存在着很多正迁移的共同因素,篮球对棉花球的正迁移表现得尤为突出。

    The analysis shows that there are many common factors of positive transference in these two sports , and the positive transference of basketball on cotton-ball is especially transparent ;

  22. 主要结论:棉花球运动是一项以扣篮为中心的民族特色体育项目,具有趣味性高、观赏性强,易普及、易推广的特点;

    Conclusion : Cotton Ball is a sport game with ethnic features with dunking ball as its playing , it is very interesting , worth watching and easy to popularize and spread .

  23. 运用对比、理论分析、文献资料等方法,对土家族棉花球运动与篮球运动的技、战术体系及其迁移规律进行比较分析。

    In this article , an analysis is made into the strategies of Tujia cotton-ball and basketball sports and their laws of transference by means of comparison , theoretical analysis and documents .

  24. 为了抢救、保护、传承和弘扬我国优秀民族传统体育项目&棉花球运动,对棉花球的研制是首要的。

    In order to rescue , protect , pass on and carry forward the Chinese outstanding national and traditional sports , the cotton ball sports , it is important to manufacture its ball .

  25. 建议运用技能迁移的原理,对具有一定篮球基础的运动员进行棉花球的专门性训练,有助于土家族棉花球运动的普及推广。

    Suggestions : by employing the principles of skill transference , the specialized training in cotton-ball of the athletes who have some essentials about basketball is of much help to the popularization of Tujia cotton-ball sports .

  26. 要想消除鞋子的气味,滴几滴天竺葵精油在鞋子里,或把蘸有几滴柠檬精油的棉花球上放在鞋子里。

    Shoes can be freshened by either dropping a few drops of Geranium essential oil directly into the shoes or by placing a cotton ball dabbed with a few drops of Lemon oil into the shoes .

  27. 棉花球是一种新型结构的球,它具有不需充气、柔软、球感好、弹跳好、易抓易握、经济实惠、不易变形,即使变形后也能自动复原等特点。

    The cotton ball is the one of a new-type structure with the characteristics of non-inflation , softness , good sense of ball , easy to hold , economy , non-deformation , etc. It can be restituted automatically even after being out of shape .

  28. 苹果酸可以和皮肤上的细菌和酵母菌对抗,降低感染的风险,还可以减轻炎症。用棉花球把苹果酸涂在被感染的位置,5到10分钟后用温水冲掉。

    Apple cider vinegar combats skin bacteria and yeast , lowering the risk of infection and it can also relieve inflammation.Use a cotton ball to apply apple cider vinegar to the affected area and rinse it off with warm water after 5 to 10 seconds .

  29. 我常在耳朵里面塞上棉花球,用毯子盖住头,但爸爸的鼾声宛如轰轰作响的汽车引擎,依然穿墙越壁而来,而我们的房间中间还隔着客厅呢。

    I used to bury cotton wisps in my ears , pull the blanket over my head , and still the sounds of Baba 's snoring - so much like a growling truck engine - penetrated the walls . And my room was across the hall from Baba 's bedroom .