
  • 网络byssinosis
  1. 棉尘病诊断标准及处理原则。

    Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of byssinosis .

  2. 为了观察棉尘病的发生及其自然发展史,对60名棉纺厂新工人进行了5年的前瞻性随访。

    Sixty new employees in a cotton textile mill were followed up for five years to study their occurrence of byssinosis and its natural history .

  3. 为研究棉尘病发病机制,对163名棉纺厂新工人,于接尘10周前、后分别进行氯化乙烯甲胆碱支气管激发试验;

    Respiratory responsiveness was measured by methacholine chloride bronchial provocation test in 163 new cotton workers before and after 10 weeks exposure to cotton dust .