
  • 网络Occupational Hazardous factors;occupational hazard
  1. 职业性有害因素,即在生产环境和劳动过程中存在和产生的可能危害职业人群健康和劳动能力的各种因素。

    Occupational hazards arise from a variety of factors in production environment and process which maybe harm the health and working capacity of workers .

  2. 某炼油企业职业性有害因素监测7年前后评价与分析

    The Occupational Hazards Estimation and Analysis at the Refining Company before and after in 7 Years

  3. 隔膜法和离子膜法烧碱生产中氯氢处理扩改及并轨工艺某氯碱厂PVC生产过程中职业性有害因素调查与评价

    Process for extending and combining chlorine and hydrogen treatment system in production of diaphragm caustic soda and that in production of ion-exchange membrane caustic soda

  4. 用听力测定仪测定工人左右耳听力;另取50名南京市不接触职业性有害因素工作人员作为对照组。

    50 workers who were not exposed to the same working conditions were used as the control group .

  5. 煤炭开采过程几乎涵盖了粉尘、噪声、振动、高温、有毒有害气体,放射性污染、不良作业条件等职业性有害因素。

    Coal mining process covers almost dust , noise , vibration , heat , toxic gases , radioactive pollution , poor working conditions and other occupational hazards .

  6. 粉尘是主要空气污染物,生产性粉尘来源于矿石开采、陶瓷加工、玻璃制造、皮毛处理等生产性行业,是污染作业环境、损害劳动者健康的重要职业性有害因素。

    Dust is air pollutant . The occupational dusts usually come from industries of mining , ceramic processing and glass manufacturing , which not only pollute the environment atmosphere , but also affect the health of employees .

  7. 噪声是电力行业比较突出、影响较大的职业性有害因素。进一步完善后的等级公路网在实现客货快速、便捷运输的同时,也对周围环境带来一定程度的污染,交通噪声就是其中之一。

    The noise hazard is the bigger harmful factor of occupation job grading in Thermal power plant . The enlarged ' highway network coupled with strict environment regulation make it more urgent than ever to control traffic noise hazard .

  8. 职业紧张已被公认为职业性有害因素,可直接或间接危害职工健康和作业能力、影响职业生活质量。

    Along with the traditional physical , chemical and biological occupational hazards , occupational stress is a new occupational hazard that affects directly or indirectly personal health , personal work ability and professional life quality .