
  1. 十年43起急性职业中毒事故分析

    Analysis on 43 accidents of acute occupational poisoning in past 10 years

  2. 淄博市2003~2004年急性职业中毒事故调查分析

    Survey on acute occupational poisonings during 2003-2004 in Zibo city

  3. 硫化氢职业中毒事故分析研究及对策

    Analysis and Countermeasures on Occupational Poisoning Accident of Hydrogen Sulfide

  4. 青岛市2000&2007年突发急性职业中毒事故调查

    Accident Analysis of Acute Occupational Poisoning Events in Qingdao City during 2000-2007

  5. 杭州市20年急性职业中毒事故分析

    Analysis on acute occupational poisoning accidents during recent 20 years in Hangzhou city

  6. 宝山区1999~2005年急性职业中毒事故发生情况分析

    Data analysis of acute occupational poisoning accidents in Baoshan District during 1999 to 2005

  7. 发现职业中毒事故隐患时,应当及时报告。

    When finding potential occupational poisoning accidents , they shall make reports in time .

  8. 11年急性职业中毒事故分析与防治对策研究

    Analysis of occupational acute poisoning accidents in 11 years and corresponding preventive and therapeutic policy

  9. 柳州市1991&2007年急性职业中毒事故流行病学分析

    Epidemiological analysis on incidence of acute occupational toxic in Liuzhou city from 1991 to 2007

  10. 结论(1)刺激性气体重大急性职业中毒事故危害严重。

    Conclusion ( 1 ) The se - vere acute occupational poisoning related to irritating gases are .

  11. 应急物资准备是突发职业中毒事故应急救援成功的关键因素。

    Emergency materials preparedness is the key factor of success emergency response for unexpected occupational poisoning accident .

  12. 参加急性职业中毒事故抢救的人员,或因事故发生中毒的其他人员。

    Personnel that engage in the rescue of acute occupational poisoning accidents and other personnel that are poisoned in any accident .

  13. 我国重大急性职业中毒事故的发生在高危行业、重点毒物和主要岗位有明显的集中趋势;

    The trend of the characteristics of severe acute occupational poisoning accidents is centralized in the high risk industries , poisons and jobs .

  14. 在职业中毒事故或者危害状态得到有效控制后,卫生行政部门应当及时解除控制措施。

    Upon the effective control over occupational poisoning accidents or hazards , the administrative departments for public health shall remove such measures in time .

  15. 目的通过分析杭州市1984~2003年间发生的48起急性职业中毒事故,研究其发生的原因和规律,为探索预防对策和措施提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the status of 48 acute occupational poisoning accidents from 1984 to 2003 in Hangzhou and analyze the causes and rules , thereby provide a scientific basis for effective prevention or control of the accident .

  16. 结果(1)15年间共发生刺激性气体重大急性职业中毒事故92起,年均6.1起,直接导致中毒的物质有40种,平均每起事故中毒14.5例,中毒死亡0.8人;

    Results ( 1 ) There were 92 severe acute occupational poisoning accidents related to asphyxiating gases during 15 years , which showed that there were 14.5 accidents occurred each year . Forty types of chemicals were reported to cause poisoning acci - dents directly .

  17. 结果(1)15年间共报告有机溶剂重大急性职业中毒事故58起,中毒393例,中毒死亡48人,总中毒率为51.2%,总中毒死亡率为12.2%;

    Results ( 1 ) There were 58 severe acute occupational poisoning accidents related to organic solvents for 15 years with 393 workers poi - soned and 48 workers died . The total poisoning rate was 51.2 % , and the total mortality was 12.2 % .

  18. 急性职业性中毒事故现场应急救援的研究

    Emergency Rescue against Acute Occupational Poisoning Accident

  19. 重庆市1997~2002年职业性急性中毒事故调查分析

    Analysis on the acute occupational poisoning from 1997 to 2002 in Chongqing city

  20. 25起职业性急性中毒事故分析

    Analysis of 25 Episodes of Acute Occupational Poisoning Accidents and Studies on Its Preventive Strategy

  21. 目的对重庆市1997~2002年职业性急性中毒事故进行调查,了解其发病规律、趋势和特点。

    Objective To analyse the status of acute occupational poisoning from 1997 to 2002 in Chongqing city and to explore their pattern , trend and character .

  22. 方法收集杭州市13年间发生的25起重大职业性急性中毒事故的劳动卫生调查资料,对事故发生的行业、企业、毒物品种采用流行病学分析方法进行统计分析。

    Methods Data of labor health conditions in 25 episodes of poisoning during the past 13 years were collected and analyzed statistically according to industries , enterprises and toxicals .