
  • 网络maturity of cotton fibre
  1. 棉纤维成熟度的测试与分析

    Test and Analysis on Maturity of Cotton Fibre

  2. 用染色试样的R/G值和PM值表示棉纤维成熟度

    Estimation of Cotton Maturity by R / G and P_M Values of Dyed Samples

  3. R/G和PM值都可以用来表示棉纤维成熟度。

    Both R / G and Pu value can be used to estimate the cotton maturity .

  4. 棉纤维成熟度试验法:causticaire法

    Testing method for maturity of cotton fibers : causticaire method

  5. 中腔胞壁比值法测定棉纤维成熟度系数的讨论

    Determinaton of cotton maturity coefficient by lumen width-cell wall thickness ratio method

  6. 试验证明,本方法得出的棉纤维成熟度比与实际棉纤维成熟情况保持一致。

    Experiments show that the cotton fiber maturity ratio obtained by our method consistent with the actual cotton fiber maturity .

  7. 国内外研究表明,利用图像处理技术是实现棉纤维成熟度直接检测的一条有效途径。

    The studies in broad and at home show that image analysis is an effective way to measure maturity directly .

  8. 分析了原棉及半制品中成熟度与其他性能的相关关系,探讨了棉纤维成熟度在纺纱加工过程中的变化规律。

    In this paper is analyzed the relationship between the maturity and other performances with the variation regularity of cotton fibre maturity in spinning also discussed .

  9. 棉纤维偏光成熟度仪标度的连续化

    A Polarized Light Cotton Fibre Maturity Meters with Continuous Scale

  10. 棉纤维细度成熟度测试仪的研制

    Development of Testing Instrument for Determining Maturity and Fineness of Cotton Fibre

  11. 但运用计算机技术对棉纤维的成熟度进行自动化判定的研究仍有相当大的难度。

    However , the research about automation cotton fiber maturity determination by using computer technology is still a considerable difficulty .

  12. 棉纤维的成熟度、原棉的未成熟纤维含量是影响原棉短绒率、疵点的关键,棉纤维的成熟度、原棉未成熟纤维含量主要因素是由棉花的栽培条件决定。

    Cotton fiber maturity and immature fiber content of raw cotton are the key which influence short fiber content and defects . Cotton fiber maturity and immature fiber content of raw cotton are main decided by cotton cultivation condition .

  13. 对采用定压式气流仪快速测定我国陆地棉纤维细度和成熟度系数的方法进行了探讨。

    Methods of testing China uplands cotton fibre fineness and maturity coefficient rapidly by constant pressure airometer is discussed .

  14. 通过试验分析了美棉的物理性能,美棉纤维成熟度好,纺纱过程中杂质易排除,因而成纱疵点明显减少;

    Physical property of American cotton was analyzed through test , American cotton fiber has good maturity , and the impurities were easy to excluded , so the yarn defects were obvious reduced .

  15. 利用种子填充法与链码相结合的方法统计出棉纤维的特征参数,计算出棉纤维成熟度比,从而最终得出棉纤维的成熟度。

    By using seed filling and chain code combination algorithm counts the characteristics of the cotton fiber parameters , we calculate the cotton fiber maturity ratio , and ultimately come to the maturity of cotton fibers .

  16. 利用特征参数建立模式空间,并根据不同成熟度等级的棉纤维样本的落点概率分布图,建立了判别分界线,实现棉纤维成熟度的自动分类。

    Pattern spaces are built used the feature parameters , and decision boundaries are get by spot probability density map of cotton fiber samples with different maturity classes .