
  • 网络Sodium Propionate
  1. 颈静脉灌注丙酸钠或乙酸钠溶液对山羊瘤胃运动的影响

    Effects of jugular vein infusion of sodium propionate and acetate solution on ruminal motility in goats

  2. 目的:研究丙酸钠对肥育猪胆固醇代谢的影响。

    Objective : To study the effects of dietary sodium propionate on cholesterol metabolism in finishing pigs .

  3. 结果,随着丙酸钠浓度的升高,PC基因mRNA水平呈上升趋势,PC基因mRNA对丙酸钠的耐受范围较广;

    Results showed that mRNA level of PC gene was enhanced with the increase of concentrations of propionate sodium , and tolerant range of PC mRNA to propionate sodium was wide .

  4. 结论:丙酸钠可以抑制肝脏HMG-CoA还原酶的活性,有效地减少肝脏胆固醇的合成。

    Conclusion : Sodium propionate may decrease the activity of hepatic HMG-CoA reductase and suppress the synthesis of cholesterol .

  5. 新型表面活性剂3-十二烷氧基-2-甲基丙酸钠的合成

    The Synthesis of a New Surfactant Sodium 3-C_ ( 12 ) - Alkyloxy-2 - Methyl Propionate

  6. 本文报道了在面包和蛋糕中添加防腐剂丙酸钠和丙酸钙的防霉作用。

    The test of antimold effect of Sodium propionate and Calcium propion-ate in bread and cake was reported .

  7. 静脉灌注丙酸钠和乙酸钠对新生犊牛血糖及某些代谢激素含量的影响

    Effects of infusing propionate and acetate infused into jugular vein on plasma glucose and some metabolic hormones in newborn calves

  8. 在混合碳源中,聚磷菌对乙酸钠的利用最好,丙酸钠次之,葡萄糖最差。

    In mixed carbon sources , sodium acetate could be used best by Phosphorus-Accumulating Organisms , while sodium propionate worse and glucose worst .

  9. 碳源的短期改变实验表明,反硝化聚磷菌对乙酸钠和丙酸钠的利用没有选择性,两者效率相近;

    Short-term batch tests showed that denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms ( DNPAOs ) were able to switch immediately between acetate and propionate , with similar uptake rates .

  10. 在不同碳源的条件下,菌株的生长速率及除磷率顺序依次为:乙酸钠丙酸钠丁二酸钠葡萄糖。

    Cultivated with different carbon source , the sequence of the growth rate and phosphorus removal efficiency of the strains was concluded as follow : Sodium acetate sodium propionate sodium succinate glucose .

  11. 乙酸钠和丙酸钠为最佳碳源;丁二酸钠略差;乙醇和葡萄糖较差;异戊酸为最差碳源。

    Sodium acetate and sodium propionate were optimal carbon source , and sodium succinate was slightly worse than them . Ethanol and glucose were unsuitable carbon source , and isovalerate was the worst carbon source .

  12. 该菌可以在有机碳源存在的条件下生长,在乙醇、乙酸钠、丙酸钠和柠檬酸钠存在的情况下该菌有可能更容易发生异养反硝化来为机体提供能量。

    The strains could grow with organic carbon source existence . When ethanol , acetic acid sodium , sodium propionate , and sodium citrate existed , heterotrophic denitrification may be more easily happened for energy supplement .

  13. 碳源的长期试验结果表明,以丙酸钠和乙酸钠为碳源的除磷系统除磷效率相当,以葡萄糖作为唯一碳源,造成了除磷系统的崩溃。

    Long-term experiments showed that propionate-fed system had similar phosphorus removal efficiency with acetate-fed system , when glucose was used as the sole carbon source , it would result in the deterioration of the phosphorus removal system .

  14. 土种山羊瘤胃灌注丙酸钠、乙酸钠、混合酸钠、乙酸铵溶液时,青干草采食量分别增加22.86%、23.33%、28.57%和17.97%;

    In local miniature goats infusion of sodium propionate , sodium acetate , sodium of VFA complex and ammonium acetate increased the hay intake by 27.86 % , 23.33 % , 28.57 % and 17.97 % respectively .

  15. 其中碳源种类对反硝化除磷污泥的影响较大,尤其是以葡萄糖为碳源时系统中的群落结构与种群数量与乙酸钠或丙酸钠为碳源时相差很大。

    The type of carbon source influenced sludges which had the capability of denitrifying phosphorus removal greater . Especially the system with glucose as sole carbon source was different greatly from the system with sodium acetate or sodium propionate as sole carbon source .

  16. 较长时间以乙酸钠和丙酸钠为进水碳源,系统皆可保持良好的脱氮除磷效果;而丁二酸钠为碳源则可导致脱氮效果下降,且除磷效果也随之恶化。

    When sodium acetate and sodium propionate were used as influent carbon source in long-term , the system could keep favorable performance . But sodium succinate as carbon source led decrease in nitrogen removal efficiency , and the phosphorus removal deteriorated with the reduction of nitrogen removal efficiency .

  17. 2-(4-溴甲基苯基)丙酸是合成洛索洛芬钠的关键中间体之一。

    2 - ( 4-bromomethylphenyl ) propanoic acid is one of the key intermediates for synthesizing Loxoprofen sodium .

  18. 丙酸盐系列:丙酸钙,丙酸钠,丙酸铵,丙酸钾,丙酸锌等。

    Propionaic acid salt : calcium propionate , sodium propionate , potassium propionate , zinc propionate , ammonium propionate .

  19. 本文报道了一种丙酸苏合香酯的合成新工艺,研究了以苯乙烯及丙酸钠为原料,相转移催化合成了丙酸苏合香酯。

    In this process , styrene arid sodium propionate is used as raw metalsm , styralyl propionate is synthesized by phase transfer catalysis reaction .