
  • 网络coastline change
  1. 海岸线变化趋势预测方法研究与系统实现

    Study and realization of coastline change forecast based on GIS and RS

  2. 合成孔径雷达(SAR)是一种主动式的微波成像雷达,由于其全天候、全天时、高分辨率、大面积的特点,成为观测海岸线变化的重要技术手段。

    Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ), as an active microware imaging radar , is an effective tool to observe the coastline with its characteristics of all-weather , all-time , high resolution and wide coverage .

  3. 珠江口海岸线变化的遥感监测

    Remote sensing monitoring of coastline changes in Pearl River Estuary

  4. 黄河三角洲海岸线变化及其环境地质效应

    Shoreline changes of the Yellow River Delta and its environmental geologic effect

  5. 海岸线变化速率计算方法及影响要素分析

    Selection of Methods for Calculating Shoreline Change Rate and Analysis of Affecting Factor

  6. 河流输沙与中国海岸线变化

    Riverine sediments and coastline changes in China

  7. 黄河口径流、泥沙、海岸线变化及其发展趋势

    Changes and development trend of runoff , sediment discharge and coastline of the Yellow River Estuary

  8. 厦门岛及其邻域海岸线变化的遥感动态监测

    Dynamic Monitoring of the Shoreline Changes in Xiamen Island with Its Surrounding Areas of SE China Using Remote Sensing Technology

  9. 辽宁省海岸线变化是自然、经济和社会因素与海岸带类型综合作用的结果。

    Changes in the coastline of Liaoning Province are combined result of natural , economic and social factors and types of coastal zone .

  10. 遥感技术可作为海岸线变化监测的有利工具,特别是卫星遥感很适合于动态变化的探测,因为它可以对相同的地区进行重复性观测,且能覆盖很大的区域。

    Remote Sensing especially the satellite imagery is an available tool to monitor the changes of coastline , because it can cover a large area and observe the same zone repeatedly .

  11. 作者认为研究沙质海岸线变化要注意到各因素综合影响,应尽量提高岸线数据的精度和加强对近岸带各种现象物理机制的研究。

    The authors point out the importance of taking notice of the integrated effect of all factors , enhancing the precision of shoreline data and reinforcing the research on the physics mechanism of the nearshore zone .

  12. 基于遥感和GIS相结合的广西海岸线时空变化特征分析

    Analyses on spatial and temporal changes of Guangxi shoreline based on remote sensing and GIS

  13. 海岸线的变化,往往对海岸带地区生态环境造成严重危害,带来巨大经济损失,备受世界各国关注。

    The shoreline changes , which threaten the ecological environment and economic in coastal zone , are drawn attention by many countries in the world .

  14. 秦皇岛市海岸线侵淤变化规律研究

    A Study on the Change Regularity of the Coastal Erosion and Deposit in Qinhuangdao City

  15. 利用不同时段的遥感影像、数字化地形图和历史航空相片,在地理信息系统平台上获取广西海岸线的时空变化资料,并对其进行分析。

    Spatial and temporal data of the change of Guangxi shoreline were obtained and analyzed on the platform of geographical information system ( GIS ) by using satellite remote sensing images , digital topography maps and historical airplane photos in different periods of time .

  16. 6000年来我国低平海岸线的冲淤变化及其对海岸带开发的影响

    Study on Low Coast Changes in the Past 6000 Years in China and Their Impacts on the Coastal Zone Exploitation