
dà zāi nàn
  • catastrophe;cataclysm;big disaster
  1. 那场森林火灾是个大灾难。

    The forest fire was a catastrophe .

  2. 洪水是一场大灾难,夺去了许多人的生命。

    The flood was a major catastrophe , causing heavy loss of life .

  3. 这形势本来是很可能成为一场大灾难的。

    The situation might all too easily have become a disaster .

  4. 全球气温上升的后果虽然并非即时发生,但可能潜伏着大灾难。

    The effects of global warming , while not immediate , are potentially catastrophic .

  5. 小错误可能会招致大灾难。

    A slight mistake could precipitate a disaster .

  6. n.灾祸,灾难洪水是一场大灾难。

    The flood was a major catastrophe .

  7. n.不幸之事;灾难春天的洪水对农人来说是一大灾难,他们的农作物和房子都被破坏了。

    calamity The spring floods were a great calamity to the farmers whose crops and houses were ruined .

  8. 距离福岛第一核电站25千米处的Minimisoma村官员SadayasuAb表示,这是该地区面临的第四大灾难。

    Sadayasu Ab , an official in Minimisoma , a village that sits 25 kilometers from the plant , says this s a fourth disaster for the region .

  9. 从大灾难这个词知道,希腊人用cata表示下降。

    You know from catastrophe , cata is Greek for down .

  10. 不过现在这位坦率直言的约克郡人、GMO的首席投资策略师,再次用最新的预测抓住了媒体的眼球:他发出马尔萨斯式的悲惨警告,称可能出现环境大灾难。他的观点主要是:世界的食品供应即将告罄;

    Now , however , the outspoken Yorkshireman , who is chief investment strategist at GMO , is making headlines with a new prediction : Dire , Malthusian warnings about environmental catastrophe . To hear him tell it , the world is running out of food .

  11. 他们开始意识到这是场大灾难。

    The realization was dawning that this was a major disaster .

  12. “哦,天哪!”我大叫,“这真是大灾难!”

    " Oh dear !" I cried ," What a mishap !"

  13. 不像计划中的?它是个大灾难!

    Didn 't go as planned ? It was a catastrophe .

  14. 但是这件事到最后成为了一个大灾难。

    But it 's turned out to be a big disaster .

  15. 好可爱那是,一只小瓢虫很讨喜。成千上万那可就是极端恐怖的大灾难了

    Oh , sure , one 's cute.Thousands- - unspeakable horror .

  16. 也不知由于什么原因,原来这些并不是大灾难啊。

    For some unaccountable reason , these were not vast calamities .

  17. 因此,为潜在的大灾难做好准备,正是这种“新常态”的一部分。

    And preparing for potential catastrophes is part the new normal .

  18. 詹姆士:你知道日本发生大灾难的新闻吗?

    James : Have you been following the disaster in Japan ?

  19. 为这个大灾难的受害者提供援助。

    And to provide humanitarian aid to victims of this monstrous .

  20. 将把世界引向末日的大灾难。

    The cataclysm that would bring the world to an end .

  21. 它们能够提前感知死亡、地震和一些其他的大灾难。

    They can feel death , earthquakes and other catastrophes in advance .

  22. 我曾听人们谈论到唐山的那次大灾难。

    I have listened to people talk about the catastrophe in Tangshan .

  23. 他们得到了将要来临的生态大灾难的警告。

    They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come .

  24. 他们又能拯救曼谷于一场大灾难吗?

    Can they save Bangkok from the imminent nuclear threat ?

  25. 汶川地震是一次可怕的大灾难。

    The earthquake in Wenchuan county is a dreadful catastrophe .

  26. 油井起火是地区性而不是全球性的大灾难。

    The oil-well fires are a regional but not a global catastrophe .

  27. 日食被认为是大灾难的预兆。

    The eclipse was thought to portend some great disaster .

  28. 油船的溢漏对海鸟来说是一大灾难。

    The spillage from the oil tanker was a disaster for seabirds .

  29. 一场环境的大灾难正在形成。

    It is an environmental calamity in the making .

  30. 上周的霜冻对柑橘种植业是一场大灾难。

    The frost last week was a great calamity to the citrus industry .