
  1. 告诉我们你想怎样?大夫说。

    Tell us what you want , said the doctor .

  2. 那么,大夫说,咱们走着瞧吧。

    Well , said the doctor , we shall see .

  3. 他是个好人,船长,大夫说。

    That 's a good man , captain , said the doctor .

  4. 好,好,大家别争论了,李甫西大夫说。

    Now , now , let 's not argue , said Dr5 Livesey .

  5. 是这样,大夫说。你不喜欢埃罗吗?

    That 's true , agreed the doctor.And you don 't like Mr Arrow ?

  6. 你让我们保守秘密,大夫说,

    You want us to keep all this a secret , said the doctor ,

  7. 屈利劳尼想打汉兹却结果了另一个人,李甫西大夫说。

    Trelawney tried to shoot Hands but killed another man instead , said Dr Livesey .

  8. 大夫说我要在床上躺多久?他问。

    Did the doctor say how long I must lie in my bed ? he asked .

  9. 屈利劳尼,大夫说,我认为你物色到了两个正直的人—船长和约翰·西尔弗。西尔弗,没错,乡绅说。

    Trelawney , said the doctor , I believe you have managed to get two honest men on board-that man , and John Silver .

  10. Harris大夫说今天晚些时候就会了

    Dr. Harris said later today .

  11. “我建议人们尽可能避免任何形式的吸烟”,Benjamin大夫说。

    ' I advise people to try to avoid being around smoking any way that you can , 'Dr Benjamin said .

  12. Klatsky大夫说他相信适量的咖啡因可以帮助心脏阻止能导致心律不齐的腺苷的化学行为。

    Dr Klatsky said he believed moderate doses of caffeine may help the heart by blocking the action of the chemical adenosine , which can cause disturbed rhythm .

  13. 那个大夫说阑尾对我们来说并不重要。

    The doctor said the appendix is not important for us .

  14. 我向大夫说,我只待一会儿。

    I promised the doctor to stay only for a moment .

  15. 内科大夫说,吸烟对我们的健康有害。

    The physician said smoking is harmful to our health .

  16. 我不能再多说了,大夫说。

    I can 't say more , said the doctor .

  17. “告诉我们你想怎样?”大夫说。

    Tell us what you want , 'said the doctor .

  18. 我的大夫说她对我的病情好转非常高兴。

    My doctor says she is pleased with my progress .

  19. “他是个好人,船长,”大夫说。

    That 's a good man , captain , 'said the doctor .

  20. 但大夫说这只是暂时的。

    But the doctors say it 's only temporary .

  21. 大夫说她可能有内伤。

    The doctor says she may have internal injuries .

  22. 可是大夫说,不让我吃鱼和海鲜。

    But the doctor said that I should not have fish and seafood .

  23. 大夫说你的膝盖承受不了的。

    Doc says your knee won 't take it .

  24. 你,大夫说,因为你不能保持沉默。

    ' You ,' said the doctor ,' because you cannot keep silent .

  25. ‘好了,’大夫说,‘我们来谈谈条件吧。’

    " Well ," says the doctor , " let 's bargain . "

  26. 我们来讲条件吧,'大夫说。

    " Let 's bargain ," said the doctor .

  27. 大夫说我还有一个星期就能走路了!

    The doc says I should be on my feet in a week !

  28. 赫维斯腾大夫说他的脉博加快了。

    Doctor hviesten says his pulse is elevated .

  29. 罗大夫说他活不久了。

    Dr. Rose said he ain 't got much more time on this earth .

  30. 一位眼科大夫说:“好药从不贱卖。”

    One eye surgeon said : " Good medicine never goes on sale . "