
  • 网络villa;Grand Villa;CHATEAU
  1. 他在距离那座粉红色的大别墅约80到100码的地方等候着。

    He waited some 80 to 100 yards from the big pink villa

  2. 他们开车穿过一个大铁门,在一栋白色的大别墅前面停了下来。

    They drove through a tall iron gate and stopped before a large white villa .

  3. 他们在镇上树木繁茂的环境中建造了自己的大别墅。

    They built themselves large villas in the wooded surroundings of the town .

  4. 大多数广播电台都设在镇上绿树成荫的大别墅里。

    Most radio stations settled in the large villas in the leafy areas of the town .

  5. 他在海边拥有一幢大别墅。

    He possessed a large mansion by the seaside .

  6. 这房子是模仿一座法国大别墅建造的。

    The house was modelled on a French chateau .

  7. 当大别墅的门在他身后啪地关上的时候,他的头脑还没清醒过来。

    He had not been entirely clearheaded when the chateau gates snapped shut behind him .

  8. 在这套大别墅之前的那套。

    Before they bought that gigantic mansion .

  9. 这个女人停下来稍想了一下,“我想要座大别墅住。”

    The woman stops and thinks for a second ," I want a huge mansion to live in . "

  10. 还有那些住大别墅的土豪搞出了“卧室税”这么个玩意折腾残疾人

    Aye , and the posh dicks in their mansions who came up with the fucking bedroom tax for disabled ...

  11. 如果他们是小肚鸡肠、坏脾气的笨家伙,就算他们有了卡迪拉克轿车、大别墅、游艇,他们还是小肚鸡肠、坏脾气的笨蛋。

    If they 're a petty , miserable asshole , they 're a petty , miserable asshole with a new Cadillac , a house and a boat .

  12. 那些海滨大别墅现在大多已经关闭了,四周几乎没有灯火,除了海湾上一只渡船的幽暗、移动的灯光。

    Most of the big shore places were closed now and there were hardly any lights except the shadowy , moving glow of a ferryboat across the sound .

  13. 我认识一位亿万富翁,他买了7所大别墅,雇佣了逾100名工作人员帮他打理这些房屋,每年为此付出的维护成本高达数千万美元。

    I know of a billionaire whose portfolio stretches to seven substantial houses , a staff of more than 100 , and annual running costs of many tens of millions of dollars .

  14. 他奢华的生活方式一直是日本电视媒体关注的焦点,麻生在日本最南端的九州岛拥有大片私人土地,而且在东京高档住宅区有一幢大别墅。

    Japanese TV channels have been focusing on his luxurious lifestyle , with huge family lands on the southernmost main island of Kyushu and a large home in an exclusive part of Tokyo .

  15. 河畔院落别墅,顶礼于京城三大高尚别墅生活休闲带之宗意。

    Riverside yard villa , baptized with principal aim of three largest noble villa life and leisure zones in the capital .

  16. 运潮减河,继温榆河、潮白河之后成为三大河岸别墅之自然发祥源头。

    Yunchaojian canal , after Wenyu canal and Chaobai canal , becomes natural headstream place of bank villas along three great canals .

  17. 把这么一所大房子叫成别墅也许不合适。

    Villa is perhaps a misnomer for such a large house .

  18. 他们给自己造了一所大而难看的别墅,因而成为引人瞩目的人。

    They built themselves a large , ugly villa and became people of consideration .

  19. 企业所有门业都专注与别墅装修,2009年企业推出独一无二的大宅豪门系列别墅门!

    Enterprises focus on all the doors are all decorated with the villas , in2009 the introduction of a unique enterprise wealthy family villa house door !