
xiǎo huì yì shì
  • committee room
  1. 在亚马逊(Amazon)总部的一间小会议室里,现年49岁的公司首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯手持黑色记号笔在书写板上奋笔疾书,分三部分简要阐述他的设备战略。

    Inside a small conference room at Amazon headquarters , Jeff Bezos is briskly writing on a dry erase board in black marker .

  2. 远离底特律车展的夺目与喧嚣,这位本田汽车(Honda)总裁兼首席执行官在一间小会议室里,关注着该公司对客户的全心投入,以及对于设计创新的承诺。

    In a small meeting room away from the shiny tumult of the Detroit auto show , Honda 's president and chief executive stays on-message about his company 's conscientious focus on customers and commitment to innovation in engineering .

  3. 明天我会预订小会议室。

    I 'll reserve the small conference room for tomorrow .

  4. 会议是在一个小会议室里举行的。

    The meeting was held in a small conference room .

  5. 团队工作在小会议室。

    The one on working in teams is in the small meeting room .

  6. 抱歉的是我不得不取消我们一个小会议室和三道菜晚餐的预定。

    Unfortunately I have to cancel our reservation for a small conference room and a three course dinner .

  7. 另外,各种规格小会议室更适合于各种专题讨论会。

    In addition , smaller rooms , preferably of a variety of sizes , are required for workshops and seminars .

  8. 坐在一间挂有“说出困难”标语的小会议室里,他显得有些犹豫。

    Sitting in a small meeting room below a poster that reads " Say the hard thing , " he hesitates .

  9. 宾馆大、中、小会议室配有现代化多功能音响设备及大型电视屏幕和投影机,适合举办各种会议和活动。

    Meeting rooms with modern facilities such as Hi-Fi , projector and screen are suitable for holding conferences and other activities .

  10. 留下来的同学逐个到小会议室与两位嘉宾交谈,让双方有更深入的了解。

    Left students talked with two guests in the small conference room individually , which let the two sides have more deep understanding .

  11. 只能容纳四到六个人和一个媒体中心的小会议室很快将成为办公会议环境的新常态。

    Instead , smaller conference rooms that simply fit four to six people and a media center are quickly becoming the new norm for office meeting environments .

  12. 他穿过办公室所在的前医院大楼的走廊时,路过一个小会议室,里面是一位中国亿万富翁和他的随行人员。

    As he walked through the halls of the former hospital building that houses his office , he passed one Chinese billionaire and his entourage in a small conference room .

  13. 酒店设有多功能的商务中心、商场、夜总会、美容美发中心、中西餐厅、优美典雅的咖啡厅和大、小会议室。

    Hotel facilities : multi-function Business Centre , Shopping Arcade , Disco , Beauty Salon and Barber shop , Chinese and Western Restaurant , beautiful and elegant Coffee shop , Meeting and conference Rooms .

  14. 最大限度减少噪音,就算你用在环境噪声小的会议室或录音室也会觉得安安静静。

    Minimizing noises , you will feel quiet even though they are used in a conference room or recording room with low environment noise .

  15. 戈德利曼步入那间小而舒适的会议室。

    Godliman stepped into the small , comfortable conference room .

  16. 产品广泛应用到各种大、小娱乐场所、会议室、演唱会、色音棚等。

    Our products are widely used in all kinds of recreation , conference halls , performing spots , recording studio and so on .