
  • 网络Violin Art;The Art Of Violin
  1. 小提琴艺术

    The Art of Violin

  2. 十九世纪欧洲小提琴艺术的美学审视

    Aesthetics Standards of Europe Violin Art in 19 Century

  3. 山西小提琴艺术发展概述

    The Development of Violin Arts in Shanxi

  4. 20世纪上半叶小提琴艺术在中国的传播发展与教学研究

    On the Study of the Development and Spread of Violin during the First Half of the 20th Century

  5. 十七、十八世纪,小提琴艺术随着教会的发展引入到山西。

    In the 17th , 18th century , the violin arts came to Shanxi along with the development of Church .

  6. 在几代人共同努力下,小提琴艺术在演奏、教学、科研、制作等方面蓬勃发展起来。

    With the efforts of several generations , the violin arts was developing vigorously in the aspects of performing , education , researching , manufacturing and so on .

  7. 在我国小提琴艺术发展史中,陈钢占有重要的地位,他为小提琴艺术的民族风格探索作出了很大的贡献,尤其在小提琴作品中民族旋律素材与西方和声、曲式的结合;

    In the history of violin in China , Chen Gang played an important role , who contributed a lot to the Chinese style of violin art , especially in the combination of Chinese melody materials and western harmonies and western structures .

  8. 指法问题,一直在小提琴演奏艺术中占据着重要的地位。

    FINGERING always plays a pivotal role in the art of violin performance .

  9. 西方小提琴演奏艺术对20世纪中国二胡艺术的影响

    Impaction on Chinese Erhu Arts in 20th Century from the Western Violin Playing Arts

  10. 小提琴演奏艺术中的揉弦是一种重要的演奏技术和表现手段。

    The string rubbing in violin playing is an important art of performance and presentation .

  11. 被称为南印度风格的小提琴演奏艺术已形成了一个体系,有自己的一套系统方法,技巧,教材。

    After a long period of practice , the South Indian classical music with the violin has integrated .

  12. 小提琴表演艺术的匀、准、美是正确表达体现作品思想内容的关键所在。

    It is important to play the violin with the technique of the equality , accuracy and beauty , which embody the ideological content of a work .

  13. 文章主要内容是十九世纪欧洲小提琴音乐的艺术水平达到历史最高峰的四项标志:古典主义走向式微,浪漫主义蓬勃兴起;

    The article main content is the historical high point four signs of 19th century Europe violin music artistic level achieves : the classicism trend declines , the romanticism vigorously emerges ;

  14. 17世纪末,小提琴由传教士带入中国清朝宫廷,早期的北京小提琴艺术活动主要局限在宫廷里和来北京的外国人当中。

    At the end of 17th century , violin was taken into Chinese court by the clergyman . The early violin performance in Beijing was mainly in the court and among the foreigners .

  15. 在小提琴发展史上,十九世纪是欧洲小提琴音乐的鼎盛时期,小提琴音乐的艺术水平达到了前所未有的高度。

    In the violin developing history , the 19th century is the prosperous times of European violin music , The violin music artistic level has achieved the unprecedented altitude .