
  1. 本文主要从促进学生自由表达的角度出发,探索了作文指导的一般策略。

    This paper explored the common strategy of composition guidance from the aspect of promoting the students to express freely .

  2. 讲读课文与写作思维训练的双重转化&谈课文讲读和作文指导的关系

    The Dual Transformation between Text Teaching and Training of Writing Thinking & the relationship between text teaching and composition instruction

  3. 作文指导作为作文教学的一个重要环节,长期以来,大多囿于具体方法的探索,而很少从策略高度着眼,致使学生表达呈现出明显的不自由性。

    For a long time , as an important tache in composition teaching , composition guidance was limited into the exploration of concrete methods while seldom from the level of strategy due to what students ' expression show comfortless .

  4. 在初中作文教学指导中,如何释放和发挥学生的个性,提高学生的写作能力,是本文关注的焦点。

    In the instruction of teaching writing in middle school , how to help students unfold and present their individualism , improve their writing ability is the focus of this thesis .

  5. 激发学生兴趣上活作文课&指导学生提高写作水平的几点体会

    Stimulating Students ' Interest and Have a Good Composition Lesson

  6. 随着语文课程与教学改革的深入,作文教学的指导思想也发生了明显转变。

    With the deepening of language courses and education reform , the guiding ideology of composition had noticeably transformed .

  7. 活动作文教学评价强调指导评价、讲评评价和多元评价。

    Evaluation activities emphasize writing instruction guide assessment , evaluation and critique of Evaluation .

  8. 作文教学无方,指导无法,学生也就无所适从。

    If there is no direction for writing , students will be at loose ends .

  9. 对作文教学进行科学指导和创新能力的培养,力求作文教学能达到文章求真求新、做人求实的教学目的。

    Scientific guidance on the writing and the cultivation of innovative abilities is to achieve the teaching purpose of truth-seeking and novelty-seeking .

  10. 满分作文和老师的作文指导并非多余,但它们的作用都是辅助的,那也是应付考试的无奈之举。

    Out of writing and the teacher 's writing guide is not redundant , but their roles are secondary , that is quite upset with their examinations .

  11. 在教学方面,本文以专题作业作文课程为例,从话题选择、作文指导、作文反馈、作文发表四方面对作文教学过程进行了探讨。

    On curriculum implementation that we also called " teaching ", it explores the " write to learn " special issue writing curriculum in four points , that is topic choice , instruction , feedback , and publishing .

  12. 论文从作文与做人,培养写作意识,教师作文指导,展示自我与规范性写作四个方面对之进行了探讨。

    This essay deals with the features from four aspects : the combination of being a writer and being a person , the cultivation of writing consciousness , the guidance in writing from teachers and the show of individuality and standardization of writing .

  13. 作文讲评教学是中学作文教学的重要组成部分,但是相对于作文指导和作文批改显得很薄弱,效果也不是很明显。

    Commenting on teaching writing is an important part of teaching writing in high school , but it appears very weak relative to guide and compositions , the effect is not obvious .

  14. 可值得注意的是这些研究或只是对美、日作文教学经验的简单介绍或只是比较其差异,而缺乏从理论层面上探讨各自的利弊得失以及对我国作文教学的指导意义。

    But what needs to be noteworthy is that most of these studying concern the brief introduction or comparison of the experience of American or Japanese composition teaching , insufficient in theoretical level to discuss respective advantages and disadvantages as well as the significance to Chinese composition teaching .