
  1. 基于剪辑近邻法,结合K-近邻法和SVC的优点,对数据样本作两步决策。

    Based on edited nearest neighbor , we combine the advantages of K-nearest neighbor and SVC . We made a strategic decision of two-step to divide the data set .

  2. 为了练习向RAID阵列中添加一个分区,我们可以作两种处理,这取决于您要模拟哪种场景。

    To practice adding a partition back into our RAID array , we can do one of two things , depending on what kind of scenario you 'd like to prepare or .

  3. 考虑到GaAs单晶的极性对器件工艺的影响,本文提出了一种由位错蚀坑的形状确定极性,在单晶锭上作两个参考面的方法,以保证衬片方位的一致性。

    Considering the effect of GaAs polarity on the device technology , two reference faces were prepared on sides of GaAs ingot by means of the shape of dislocation etch-pits to ensure the consistency of wafer orientation .

  4. 本文算法对其进行了改进,使用Canny算子代替了梯度算子,更好的提取边缘信息;并将上眼睑和下眼睑分别分作两段利用Hough变换进行检测。

    In this thesis , Canny operator is used to detect the edge information instead of gradient operator ; upper eyelid and lower eyelid are detected using Hough transform by being divided into two segments , respectively .

  5. 用等效定理将问题分作两部份。

    The equivalence theorem is applied to divide the problem into two parts .

  6. 他的文学成就集中体现在诗歌与赋作两个方面。

    His literary achievements concentrated expression in poetry and Fugue for two aspects .

  7. 要马上作两人授命,下令出击。

    Under the two-man rule , the order to strike must now be confirmed .

  8. 当你作两个数的减法时,你用一个被减数去减另一个减数。

    When you subtract two numbers , you subtract a subtrahend from a minuend .

  9. 本文作两个方面的研究。

    Two series of studies were undertaken .

  10. 不用作两维谱,测量过程类似于常规弛豫时间测量,实验简便、准确。

    The approach like those of routine measurements of relaxation time is simple and accurate .

  11. 用单位力轨迹线作两铰拱影响线

    Drawing the Influence Line of the Two-hinged Arch by the Methed of Unit Force Trace Line

  12. 机器人作两圆柱相贯线运动的一种轨迹规划方法

    An trajectory planning method of manipulator

  13. 走了三百步后他到了一个岔路口。街道在这里分作两条,一条斜向左边,一条向右。

    Three hundred paces further on , he arrived at a point where the street forked .

  14. 对于二值商标图像,本文将其分作两类,一类是普通的商标图像,另一类是组合商标图像。

    As for the trademark , we divide it into two kinds , ordinary trademark and combined trademark .

  15. 比如同时作两个课题,把主要的筋力放在第一个,第二个作为一条后路。

    One to which you devote most of your time and energy and the second as a fallback .

  16. 以上实验重复四次,所得结果作两样本均数差异的t检验。

    All experiments were repeated for four times , and the results were checked up by t - test .

  17. 单一制下中央地方关系体制应作两类划分&我国中央集权式中央地方关系的动态平衡

    Central-local Relationship as Two Classifications under Unitary State System & On developing balance under China 's centralized central-local relationship

  18. 耶户说,将首级在城门口堆作两堆,搁到明日。

    Then Jehu ordered , 'Put them in two piles at the entrance of the city gate until morning . '

  19. 结果:捆绑术22足,截骨术26足,每足术后6月和3年作两次随访。

    Results : Binding method 22 feet and osteotomy 26 feet . After 6 months and 3 years of operation every foot was followed up .

  20. 他十分不明白为何母亲判作两人,在父亲去世未满两个月,就再婚了。

    He was sentenced for two men do not understand why my mother and father died in less than two months , on the remarriage .

  21. 通常每个动作被分别进行,虽然偶尔会同时作两个动作,尤其是探物取物。

    Usually each motion was performed separately , although occasionally two separate motions would occur simultaneously , particularly as people reached for objects to pick up .

  22. 基本字符的创制过程,可以分作两个环节,一是取象,二是符号化。

    The creation of basic characters can be divided into two steps : first , to abstract an image , and second , to symbolize that image .

  23. 每行诗以中间停顿分作两个半行,各有两个重读词,或为辅音头韵,或为元音头韵。

    Each line is divided by a caesura into two halves ; and there are two stresses in each half , falling on the alliterative consonants or vowels .

  24. 多组间差异采用方差分析,根据方差齐性结果,采用非配对t检验作两组间比较。

    Analysis of variance was used to compare the deference for multiple groups and non-paired t-test was used to analyze the two groups after homogeneity of variance test .

  25. 理由是:改变原判不符合法律规定,再判一次违背一事不作两次法律评价原则。

    Reason : changing the verdict does not meet the legal requirements , and then sentenced to a violation of the law regarding the evaluation of the two principles of no.

  26. 依据各类事实的性质,可以将司法认知作两种分类,那就是必须认知和可以认知。

    Based on the property of facts , judicial notice can be classified into two categories : judicial notice that shall be taken and judicial notice that may be taken .

  27. 提供了多种软测量模型建立方法。主要分作两大类,一类是回归分析方法,具体包括多元线性回归、多元逐步回归、主元回归等;

    Kinds of soft-measurement modeling methods are presented , which are mainly divided into two categories : One is regression method concretely including MLR , MSR and PCR , and so on ;

  28. 典型的测距器使用两个窗,加上一个反光镜系统使你可以同时通过两个窗看见目标,而不用作两次独立的观测。

    Instead of making you take two separate sightings , a typical rangefinder uses two windows , plus a system of mirrors that lets you view the target through both windows simultaneously .

  29. 根据对听证概念理解的不同,可以将国外听取陈述和申辩制度的相关制度作两大类划分:欧美模式和日韩模式。

    In accordance with the different understandings of conceptions of hearing systems , the related foreign could be divided into two models , European and American model and Japanese and Korean model .

  30. 将72例颞叶钩回疝病人分作两组,40例颈动脉注射醇甘露等脱水剂(观察组),32例静脉注射脱水剂(对照组)进行观察。

    40 patients with hernia of uncinate gyrus were treated with hyperosmotic de - hydrant injected in common carotid artery . The control group was 32 cases treated with this drug intravenously only .