
zuò zhàn zhǔn bèi
  • operational readiness
  1. 作战准备车辆装备质量抽样方法研究

    Research on Sampling Method of Vehicle Equipment Quality in War-prepared Phase

  2. 我们为在桑多梅日桥头堡所即将到来的作战准备已经完成。

    Our preparation for the forthcoming battles on the Sandomierz bridgehead was over .

  3. 作战准备车辆装备质量的多层次模糊综合评判

    Application of the Fuzzy Synthetic Judgment Method to Evaluation for Quality of the Combat Readiness Vehicle Equipment

  4. 诸如射击准备时间、自行火炮装备完好性程度等作战准备性能直接影响着自行火炮综合体作战效能。

    The performances such as fire preparation time and equipment perfection degree of self-propelled gun system have direct effect on its operational efficiency .

  5. 中国综合考虑威胁国家安全的各种因素,着眼于最困难、最复杂的情况做好防卫作战准备。

    In view of the various factors threatening national security , China has prepared for defensive operation under the most difficult and complex circumstances .

  6. 其评价指标的选取包括作战准备时间、弹药投入、兵力耗损、毁伤目标及被掩护目标安全率等方面。

    The evaluation index choosing includes the battle prepare time , ammunition need , forces damage , damage targets , security rate of secured target and so on .

  7. 如何在海量的军事信息数据中挖掘出对军事训练、军队管理等有用的知识是搞好作战准备的关键步骤。

    How the massive military information data mining to military training , military management and other useful knowledge is to do well the key step of combat readiness .

  8. 该系统的实现,对于提高我军渡河工程保障自动化指挥和作业水平,进一步完善渡河工程资料的作战准备都具有十分重要的意义。

    There is no doubt that this system has crucial significance to improve the army 's commanding level and to prepare the information of accrossing river for us in the future war .

  9. 适应世界军事领域的深刻变革,做好现代技术特别是高技术条件下的防卫作战准备。

    It seeks to adapt to profound changes in the world 's military sphere , and makes proper preparations for defensive combat in the situation where modern technology , especially high technology prevails .

  10. 军队医院应急作战卫勤准备问题探讨

    Discussion on The Difficulties of Hospital Medical Service Preparation to Meet The Emergency Campaign

  11. 他们做好了长期作战的准备。

    They are prepared for the long haul .

  12. 第一步还是容易的,因为水手没有作战的准备。

    The first part was easy because the seamen were not ready for a fight .

  13. 但如果没有做到这一点,那我们就必须做好长期作战的准备。

    But if that fails , you need to be ready to stick at it for a long time .

  14. 做好在一个不会对低端玩家有太多忍耐力的环境下长期作战的准备。

    Be prepared to play long hours in an environment that does not suffer poor players for very long .

  15. 解决这一问题不能冀希望于一招制敌,而应有长期作战的准备。

    To solve this problem , it is not in the hope that the " NRK ", we should have long-term ready for combat .

  16. 就在正面进攻的作战方案已经准备就绪。

    The battle plan for the frontal assault had been completed .

  17. 我们有经得起长期作战的充分准备。

    We are sufficiently prepared to be able to fight a long war .

  18. 那好,现在你有热情,也有现金,对于回报也有长期作战的心理准备,你该如何着手呢?

    So let 's say you have the enthusiasm , the cash and are prepared to take a long-term view toward a return . Where do you start ?

  19. 如今,广播体操仍旧在电台上播出,但进行了重大调整,以便使大众为下一个阶段的“作战”做好准备&在电脑前长期、健康的工作。

    And now , while still broadcast over the radio , the exercise has been overhauled to prepare the masses for the next stage of the fight & a long , a healthy future in front of their computers .

  20. 到晚饭前一小时,作战方案已经大致准备就绪,安德鲁向将军交差了。

    An hour before supper Andrew had finished enough of the battle plan to present it to the General .

  21. 现在那号角又再度召唤我们--不是号召我们肩起武器,虽然武器是我们所需要的;不是号召我们去作战,虽然我们准备应战;

    Now the trumpet summons us again -- not as a call to bear arms , though arms we need not as a call to battle , though embattled we are

  22. 在此基础上,重点探讨了临近空间预警探测器在现代防空“三大威胁”目标的预警和反导作战预警探测中的应用,尤其指出了其对于反导作战应急准备的意义。

    The applications of near space detector in detecting high threat air-breathing targets and TBM are also discussed . What 's more , its significance to the anti-TBM emergency preparation is put forward .