
  • 网络Occupational Therapy
  1. 结果治疗后作业疗法合针灸组的手功能评分均高于单纯作业疗法组(P0.01)。

    Results All scores of hand function were significantly higher in the occupational therapy plus acupuncture group than in the simple acupuncture group ( P0.01 ) .

  2. 科罗拉多州立大学(ColoradoStateUniversity)作业疗法学副教授阿琳&12539;施密德(ArleneSchmid)说,心理因素也影响着平衡感的恢复。

    There is also a mental component to regaining balance , says Arlene Schmid , an associate professor of occupational therapy at Colorado State University .

  3. 目的探讨作业疗法(OT)对手烧伤整形病人术后康复护理的作用。

    Objective To explore the role of OT on rehabilitation nursing for hand burn patients after plastic operation were discussed .

  4. 目的将洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定量表(LOTCA)的操作和记分系统开发成计算机软件。

    ObjectiveTo develop the manipulation and scoring system of Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment ( LOTCA ) into a Chinese software .

  5. Barthel指数:运动+作业疗法组在治疗后2,4,6,8周时得分均高于运动疗法组(P<0.01)。

    Barthel index : The Barthel indexes at 2 , 4 , 6 and 8 weeks after therapy were higher in the exercise + occupational therapy group than in the exercise therapy group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 方法用失语症筛查表、洛文斯顿作业疗法用认知评定成套测验(LOTCA)对55例左脑损伤患者和43例右脑损伤患者的认知功能进行评定。

    MethodsCognitive function of55 LHI patients and43 RHI patients were examined by aphasia screening test and the Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment Battery ( LOTCA ) .

  7. 康复方法以Bobath方法和运动再学习方法为主,配合作业疗法和言语治疗等,每日一两次,50~60min/次,每周5次,疗程8周。

    The rehabilitation was performed once or twice a day , 50 to 60 minutes once and 5 times per week for a course of 8 weeks .

  8. 作业疗法在偏瘫患者上肢精细动作恢复中的作用

    Effect of OT in resuming upper extremity function of the hemiplegia

  9. 作业疗法改善颅脑损伤患者的记忆功能

    Occupational therapy on memory function in patients with brain injury

  10. 作业疗法在儿童脑瘫康复中的应用

    Applying of Work Therapy in the Rehabilitation of Children With Cerebral Palsy

  11. 应用作业疗法治疗脊髓损伤性截瘫

    Occupational therapy program for the paraplegia of spinal cord injury

  12. 运用证实性因子分析的方法对洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定量表的结构效度进行考察。

    The constructive validity was tested through confirmed factor analysis .

  13. 作业疗法实验课创新任务型教学方法探讨

    Innovative Task-Based Mode in the Occupational Therapy Experiment Class

  14. 应用作业疗法改善偏瘫患者上肢功能

    Application of occupational therapy for the improvement of upper

  15. 他接受过物理疗法,然后是作业疗法,开始复原他的身体。

    He had physical therapy , then occupational therapy to begin rebuilding his body .

  16. 目的:观察应用促通技术加作业疗法改善偏瘫患者上肢功能的疗效。

    Objective : 27 stroke patients with hemiplegia .

  17. 作业疗法常用临床技术和临床治疗策略

    Clinic technique of OT and clinic intervention strategies

  18. 作业疗法合针灸治疗肩手综合征45例疗效观察

    Clinical observations on the efficacy of occupational therapy plus acupuncture for treating reflex sympathetic dystrophy

  19. 作业疗法对脑卒中患者上肢功能及并发症的疗效观察

    Effect of Occupational Therapy on the Function of Upper Limbs and Complications in Stroke Patients

  20. 促进技术与作业疗法对中风患者肢体运动功能的影响

    The Effect of Facilitation Technique and Occupational Therapy on the Extremity Motor Function of Stroke Patient

  21. 患者对作业疗法需求的调查

    Requirement of patients fro occupational therapy

  22. 结论作业疗法可以提高偏瘫患者的上肢功能及手的实用性,减少并发症。

    Conclusionot can improve the functions of upper limbs and hand and abate complications in stroke patients .

  23. 强制性运动与作业疗法对颅脑损伤后上肢功能恢复的影响

    Influence of forced movement and occupational therapy in the recovery of upper limb function following craniocerebral injury

  24. 根据上肢体作业疗法的需要,实现了上肢体作业任务的虚拟仿真。

    According to the need of arm occupational therapy , a virtual occupational task simulation is designed .

  25. 结论穴位注射配合作业疗法治疗小儿脑瘫精细运动功能障碍确有明显效果。

    ConclusionThe efficacy of acupuncture point injection combined with occupational therapy is significant in children with cerebral palsy .

  26. 结论作业疗法合针灸治疗卒中后肩手综合征疗效优于单纯作业疗法。

    Conclusion Occupational therapy plus acupuncture is better than simple acupuncture in treating treating postapoplectic reflex sympathetic dystrophy .

  27. 靳三针配合作业疗法治疗中风后硬瘫的临床疗效观察

    The Study of Clinical Application of Jin 's 3-Needle and Occupational Therapy on Treating Spastic Paralysis after Cerebral Apoplexy

  28. 目的观察针对性作业疗法对脑卒中所致单侧空间忽略的治疗效果。

    Objective To observe the effect of occupational therapy ( OT ) on unilateral spatial neglect ( USN ) in stroke patients .

  29. 研究作业疗法在偏瘫上肢功能恢复中的作用。

    Objective : To study the effect of occupational therapy ( OT ), for the improvement upper extremity function of the hemiplegia patient .

  30. 目的:检测国内脑损伤患者中洛文斯顿作业疗法认知评定量表(中文版)的结构效度。

    AIM : To detect the constructive validity of the Chinese Edition of Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment in Chinese patients with brain injury .