
zhì qi
  • ambition;aspiration;morale
志气 [zhì qì]
  • [aspiration;ambition] 积极上进或做成某事的决心和勇气

  • 人小志气大

志气[zhì qi]
  1. 人的志气应当象天上的星星那么高。

    Man 's aspiration should be as lofty as the stars .

  2. 喜爱有加才算是志气,梦境难园雄心起;

    Of many an aspiration fond , of many a dream and plan ;

  3. 他们谴责这笔交易为毫无志气的投降行为。

    They condemned the deal as a craven surrender .

  4. 虽然我们萍水相逢,可是我觉得你是个了不起的有志气的姑娘。

    Although we have only met by chance , I can see you are a very remarkable girl with a clear purpose in life .

  5. 妻子却一本正经地说:“我听说,有志气的人不喝盗泉之水,廉洁的人不吃磋来之食;何况,这拾来的钱物,会站污一个人的品德!”

    His wife said in all seriousness : " I heard that men with aspiration1 do not drink from the Dao ( meaning steal in Chinese ) Spring , and honest men do not take handout2 food . Furthermore , picked-up money and things will stain one 's moral character . "

  6. 但quentin有志气并且聪明。

    But Quentin was driven and bright .

  7. 对于我们美国人,勤劳、节俭和志气都是积极的价值观。

    To Americans , industriousness , thrift and ambition are possitive values .

  8. 人凭志气,虎仗其威。

    Man relies on his will and the tiger on his strength .

  9. 我知道她总会成功的,因为她有志气。

    I know she will always do well because she thinks big .

  10. 凡有志气的人都应当起来打破这个循环轨迹。

    Any good man will try to break the cycle .

  11. 不要志气高大,倒要俯就卑微的人。

    Mind not high things , but condescend to men of low estate .

  12. 你们作父亲的、不要惹儿女的气、恐怕他们失了志气。

    Fathers , do not embitter your children , or they will become discouraged .

  13. 马克思主义理论学科:学科自觉和理论志气

    Marxist Theories : Discipline Consciousness and Theoretical Ambition

  14. 虽然他没受过良好的教育,不过他人很好,而且很有志气。

    He is kind and , although not well educated , he is ambitious .

  15. 和你们这些没志气的家伙是完全不同的。

    It 's totally different from you quitters .

  16. 他们虽穷却很有志气。

    They are ambitious although they are poor .

  17. 我们还是要有理想,有志气,把事情搞好。

    We should continue to pursue high ideals and aspirations and do our work well .

  18. [你们做父亲的,不要惹儿女的气,恐怕他们失了志气。----歌罗西书第三章第二十一节(《圣经.新约》中的一卷)]

    Fathers do not embitter your children , or they will become discouraged . Colossians 3:21

  19. 人不能靠志气生活呀!

    On one can live on pride !

  20. 学生丙:他还是有志气!

    Student C.He had ambition indeed !

  21. 这十来天的旅行磨得一个人志气消沉。

    The last ten or fifteen days of travel had been wearing enough to sap his will .

  22. 闯一闯,让我们闯一闯,我们志气要比天还高。

    Ran a rush , let we ran a rush , we ambition than it was high .

  23. 上帝最欣赏的是能够自我激励的人,而这种人首先是有志气的人。

    God only appreciate those who are self-motivated and , first of all , have great ambitions .

  24. 可是乔恩很有志气,觉得一个人必须能够经得起任何挫折。

    Jon , however , had a great idea that one must be able to face anything .

  25. 亲近那些力图在这个世界上有所表现的人吧&他们有高原的目标,有宏大的志气;

    Be close to those who are eager to stand out with high goals and strong ambitions .

  26. 真是气死人了,为何他跟我在一起时没这么有志气?

    Of course not , it 's infuriating ! Why wasn 't he this ambitious while with me ?

  27. 构建和谐社会与党执政自觉马克思主义理论学科:学科自觉和理论志气

    The Relationship between Harmonious Society and Ruling Consciousness of the Party Marxist Theories : Discipline Consciousness and Theoretical Ambition

  28. 但是,事实上哈姆莱特并不是这种人,他有志气,对人生有积极的看法。

    However , the fact this is not hamlet , he has ambition , a positive view of life .

  29. 我们看人也是一样,一个人在年轻的时候没有志气,中年或晚年就更难有志气了。

    We look the same , a young man in no ambition , middle-aged and old harder have ambition .

  30. 只要你有志气,有毅力,无论什么事都能做好。

    As long as you have the determination and perseverance , no matter what happened can do a good job .