
  • 网络volunteerism
  1. 在本质内涵上,志愿服务精神与公民精神具有高度的契合性。

    In the essential meaning , the volunteerism and civism correspond to each other with a high degree .

  2. 在和谐社会的战略背景下,大学生志愿服务精神&这一课题首先引起了教育界的广泛关注。

    In the strategic background of the harmonious society , volunteer service with the new tasks and requirements . " College Students ' volunteerism " & the topic has aroused widespread concern in the education sector at first .

  3. 津贴志愿者概念与志愿者概念在志愿服务精神上是一致的。

    Concept of subsidy volunteer is congruous with the concept of volunteer with regard to the spirit of volunteering service .

  4. 奥林匹克主义、志愿服务精神与我国高等教育价值取向在精神层面的相通互融构建了我国高校奥运志愿服务的内在基础。

    The combination of the Olympism , the volunteer spirit and the university education make up the inner base of the university Olympic volunteer service .

  5. 青年志愿者们秉承奉献、友爱、互助、进步的志愿服务精神,为社会做了大量的工作,赢得了社会的广泛认同和好评,同时也在服务他人,服务社会的过程中不断磨砺,提升自己。

    Youth volunteers have embraced the voluntary service spirit of " devotion , fraternity , mutual help and progress ", have made a lot of contributions to the society and have won extensive identity and complements from the society .

  6. 如何理解志愿服务与志愿精神

    How to Understand The Volunteer Service and Volunteer Spirit

  7. 德育、志愿服务、志愿精神、志愿文化等概念是文章首先要界定的问题,本文中涉及的所有关于德育和志愿者的研究都是基于对高校范围内的研究。

    All the research on moral education and volunteer involved in this paper are achieved in universities .

  8. 本文介绍了海上应急搜救、搜救志愿者、志愿服务、志愿精神的概念和定义。

    This paper introduces the maritime emergency rescue , search and rescue volunteers , volunteer , volunteer spirit concepts and definitions .

  9. 你们知道吗,每当我跟学生交谈时,不管是在正式场合还是在校园里,或是在与我的女儿及她的朋友们交谈时,他们对社会的关注以及他们志愿为他人服务的精神都给我留下了深刻的印象。

    You know , as I go and speak with students I 'm impressed so much , not only in formal settings , on campuses , but with my daughter and her friends , about how much you care , about how willing you are to volunteer and serve .