
  1. 什么十七大精神,那对于你有用吗?

    What spirit of the17th National Congress , that are useful to you ?

  2. 贯彻党的十七大精神深化两课教学改革

    Deepen Teaching Reform of Two Courses in the Spirit of the 17th CPC Congress

  3. 深刻领会十七大精神,加强高校校园文化建设

    Deeply Comprehend the Seventeenth Congress 's Report , Strengthen the Cultural Construction of University Campus

  4. 以十七大精神为指导构建社会主义和谐校园

    Building Socialist Harmonious Campus under the Guidance of the Spirit of the 17th CPC Congress

  5. 贯彻十七大精神工会工作应当把握的着力点

    To Follow out the Spirit of the 17 ~ ( th ) Party Congress the Trade Union Should Focus on the Key Point

  6. 高校学习贯彻党的十七大精神,最重要的是进一步贯彻落实科学发展观。

    The most important thing for colleges and universities to learn from the17th CPC National Congress is to further carry out the scientific outlook on development .

  7. 学习宣传贯彻党的十七大精神,是当前和今后一个时期全党、全国政治生活中的头等大事和首要政治任务。

    Studying , propagandizing and implementing the essence of the17th National Congress of CPC is the key task of our Party and the whole country in the following years .

  8. 按照党的十七大精神,结合社区党组织的实际情况,监理健全各种有效的机制,推进社群党建工作。

    According to party's17 big spirits , union community party organization 's actual situation , overseeing perfect each kind of effective mechanism , advancement social group party building work .

  9. 认真学习十七大精神,加强和改进党的基层组织建设,是当前党建工作的主要内容。

    It is the current primary coverage of the party building , to study the spirits of the17th National Congress of CPC earnestly , strengthen and improve partys basic-level organization construction .

  10. 在这样一个发展阶段,学校贯彻落实党的十七大精神,实现科学发展,必须认清形势,增强使命感和责任感;

    In order to carry out and implement the spirits of17th NCCPC to realize the scientific development of school , we should see clearly the situation to enhance the sense of mission and responsibility ;

  11. 为了贯彻十七大精神,四川省政府高度重视农村社会养老保险制度的建立、推行与完善。

    In order to implement the Seventeenth Party Congress spirit , to implement the scientific concept of development , Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the provincial Government have attached great attention to rural social old-age insurance .

  12. 按照党的十七大精神,建立中国特色医药卫生体制,逐步实现人人享有基本医疗卫生服务的目标,提高全民健康水平。

    According to the party congress spirit , to establish medical care system with Chinese characteristics , and gradually realize everyone will have access to basic medical and health service goals , improve the health level .

  13. 根据党的十七大精神,企业需要从软件和硬件两个方面加强安全生产管理,保障安全生产。

    According to the Chinese communist party 17 times national congress of the spirit , the enterprise needs from two aspects of hardware and software to strengthen the administration of production safety , guarantee the safety of production .

  14. 学习十七大精神,构建社会主义和谐社会、贯彻落实科学发展观的关键是如何坚持科学发展观的问题。

    The key to learn the spirit of the Seventeenth Party Congress , to build a harmonious socialist society and to carry out the scientific development concept is how to insist on the issue of the scientific development concept .

  15. 科学发展观,是十七大精神的精髓与灵魂,它汲取了人类文明的一切进步成果,是顺应当代世界发展潮流的一个全新发展模式。

    The ideals of scientific development is the essence of the spirit of the 17th congress , which has drawn on all the advance of human civilization and is a brand new development model adapting to the trend of the current world .

  16. 实现公共资源优化配置,既是贯彻党的十七大精神,落实科学发展观和完善社会主义市场经济体制的必然要求,也是促进社会主义和谐社会建设的实践内需,具有重要的经济意义和政治价值。

    Optimum distribution of public resources is very important to develop and improve the socialist market economic system , it is also an inevitable requirement for the promoting of the practice in building our harmonious society , which has important economic significance and political values .

  17. 为深入贯彻落实科学发展观和党的十七大精神,进一步加强对图书馆事业的管理,推动图书馆事业的发展,文化部于2009年在全国开展了第四次公共图书馆评估定级工作。

    The Ministry of Culture decides to carry out the forth public libraries assessment in order to implement the Scientific Outlook on Development and the spirit of the Seventeenth Party Congress , and enhance the management of the Library to promote library development and improve the level of library service .

  18. 结合党的十七大有关精神,需要大力加强大学生的个人品德建设。

    Combining the 17th relevant spirit , we need to strengthen college students and the individual moral character development .

  19. 认真落实“十七大”精神,必须加强以和谐稳定为中心的校园文化建设。

    While carrying out the spirits of the17th Congress of the CPC , it is essential to strengthen the construction of harmony-centered campus culture .

  20. 在十七大报告精神的引领下,检察机关先后进行了一系列的改革。

    In the report of the 17th National Congress under the guidance of the spirit , the procuratorial organ has carried out a series of reforms .