
  • 网络dodecaphony
  1. 十二音序列及其序列分割&巴比特钢琴曲《分割》中的音高结构分析

    The Twelve-Note Serial and Serial Division

  2. 经过潜心的研究勋伯格建立了十二音序列,终于解决了作品中结构力的问题,拉开了现代音乐创作的新时代。

    Through concentrated study schoenberg established twelve pitches serial , finally solved the problem of the work force structure , kicking off now music creation of new era .

  3. 摘要以勋伯格为代表的新维也纳乐派使传统的调性音乐走到了尽头,开创了自由无调性音乐,十二音序列音乐,后来又被其他作曲家继续发展为整体序列音乐。

    Neo-vienna group , represented by Schoenberg ended the era of the classical tonal music and started the free , atonal manner , the twelve pitches serial music , which later was called by other composers as integral serialism .

  4. 勋伯格的作品影响很广,十二音序列成了同时期作曲家竞相尝试的作曲技法,一些新生派作曲家更是在勋伯格十二音序列的基础上发展出了其他无调性的作曲方法。

    Schoenberg works effect is very wide , twelve pitches serial composing technique became the same period composer global-positioning try composing technique , some freshmen pie composer is in schoenberg twelve pitches serial develops on the basis of out of the other without the tonal composition techniques .

  5. 容易找到音乐资料,但比较难明白它音乐上的价值&不要迷失在十二音系的数字序列性上。

    Easy to get , but difficult to see its musical merits-don 't get lost in the mathematics of12 tone .