
  1. 第六部分研究唐人传奇与志人小说的关系。

    The sixth chapter discusses the relationship between Tang Chuanqi and Zhiren novel .

  2. 邯郸淳在中国文学史上所受到的关注极少,鲜被单章独节地提及,偶有所见也大都附于魏晋志人小说之下,且多为一笔带过。

    Handan Chun has seldom been mentioned or studied by posterity in the history of Chinese literature .

  3. 魏晋志怪小说中有影射夫妇关系和家庭生活的内容,志人小说中有描写家庭生活的篇章;

    There are some elements concerning family life and the relationship between man and wife in the grotesque fiction and personal records of the Wei and Jin Dynasties ;

  4. 首先,小说文献内容丰富多样,志人小说、志怪小说、杂俎小说并存。

    The first novel literature content is bountiful , remembers the person novel , to record strange or supernatural events the novel , mixed ancient sacrificial utensil novel coexisting .

  5. 燕山常巴巴轶事辑述&兼论西北天启棍、八门拳诸问题对六朝轶事小说(志人小说)的综合研究,主要集中在下述几个方面:关于轶事小说的子类划分;

    Anecdotes about Chang Yanshan ── A Wushu Expert of the Hui The comprehensive study on the Six-dynasties incident novel touched mainly the next several problems : On category of incident novel ;

  6. 作为志人小说的《世说新语》实际上也是魏晋文化具体而微的一部百科全书。

    As a novel about trivial matters and manner of speech and behavior , Shi Shuo Xin Yu is also a small but complete encyclopaedia of culture of the Wei and Jin Dynasties actually .

  7. 如唐前婚恋小说中,志人小说里的年轻的男性多着白衣、貌俊俏,年长的男性则多身材清瘦、素衣素食、雄姿风气、神朗气清。

    Such as marriage and love storys of story depicting humanity before the Tang , more than a male wears white , handsome appearance , older men are more body lean , plain clothes and full of energy .

  8. 志人小说《世说新语》无疑为文言小说的典范之作,但志怪小说《幽明录》也以其独特内容和艺术魅力,在中国文言小说史上占有重要的地位。

    Novels of person " shi shuo xin yu " is undoubtedly a model of the classical Chinese novel , but Ghost novel " You Ming lu " owns its unique content and artistic charm , and occupies an important position in the history of China .

  9. 这些女性形象既有继承六朝志人志怪小说的部分,又有自己的新特点。

    The image of these women is somewhat similar to those of Ghost Stories of the Six Dynasties but has its own new features .

  10. 《风俗通义》对后世文学,尤其是魏晋南北朝时期的志人志怪小说有着重要的影响,如《世说新语》、《搜神记》等对其结构、内容、语言等方面都有所继承。

    Feng Su Tong Yi has a great influence on the literature of the later generation , especially on the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties Novels , for example , both Shi Shuo Xin Yu and Sou Shen Ji inherit ist structure , content and language .