
  • 网络white wave
  1. 第二章是从历时的角度分析田螺姑娘型故事的形态演变。

    In the second chapter , the writer analyzes the form evolvement of the story from the history view .

  2. 异类婚是民间故事中一个流行的故事类别,田螺姑娘型就是这一类故事中的一个。

    Heterogeneous marriage is a popular type of folk tales . The kind of snail girl story is one of them .

  3. 田螺姑娘型故事主要分布在沿海各省,在汉族、傣族、苗族等少数民族中广泛流传。

    The story mainly covers the coastal provinces , especially popular in Han , Dai , Miao and other ethnic minorities .

  4. 田螺姑娘化石于此,她也就青春长驻,常在人间了。

    Snail fossils of this girl , she was also young resident , and often in the human world of the .

  5. 正文分为三章:第一章是概述田螺姑娘型故事及对其学术史进行回顾。

    The body part contains three chapters . In the first one , the writer summarizes the snail girl story and reviews the academic history .

  6. 1998年在上海召开的亚细亚民间叙事文学学会国际学术研讨会:亚细亚‘螺女’故事研究,对田螺姑娘型故事的研究是一个推进。

    Held in Shanghai in 1998 , sia Society of Folk Narrative Literature International Conference : Asia Snail Girl Story Study is a progress on this story .