
  • 网络Breathing exercise;breathing training;breath training;Pranayama
  1. 目的:探讨呼吸训练对缓解期老年重度慢性阻塞性肺疾病(ChronicObstructivepulmonaryDisease,COPD)患者的生存质量及日常生活活动的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the impact of breathing training on quality of life ( QOL ) and activities of daily living ( ADL ) in elderly patients with stable severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) .

  2. 而腹式呼吸训练过程中RSA的均值较平静自然呼吸状态下明显增大(P<0.01);

    The respiratory sinus arrhythmia ( RSA ) of the patients in abdominal breathing training obviously increased as compared with that of the ones in calm and natural breathing ( P < 0.01 );

  3. 每天早上花上10到15分钟呼吸训练。

    Spend 10 to 15 minutes a day every morning to breath .

  4. 即使是老年严重的COPD患者,也能通过呼吸训练使他们在生存质量上得到改善,呼吸康复适用于所有COPD患者。

    Pulmonary rehabilitation should be recommended for all patients with COPD .

  5. 呼吸训练对COPD患者远期效果的影响

    The Impact of Recovery of the Respiratory Muscle Training in COPD Patients with Long-term Effect

  6. 方法选胸腹部CT检查的病人(志愿者),进行呼吸训练,用秒表测量A组与B组的屏气时间;

    Methods The patients that were selected by volunteer with performed chest and abdomen CT were trained breath and measured the breath holding time in A and B group .

  7. 结论有氧训练和呼吸训练可明显提高COPD病人的生存质量。

    Conclusion The quality of life of old COPD patients can be improved by aerobic and respiratory training .

  8. 结果经过系统运动训练的COPD患者,运动耐力和生活质量远好于未经过系统呼吸训练的COPD患者。

    Results COPD patients who had received the systematic exercise training had a better recovery on exercise endurance and quality of life than those who had no exercise training .

  9. [结论]抗阻力深慢腹式呼吸训练可改善COPD病人的肺功能和生活质量。

    Conclusion : it suggested that the anti - resistance deep and slow abdominal breathing exercises that obviously enhanced the lung function and living quality of patients with COPD .

  10. 方法:选择缓解期老年重度COPD患者30例,随机分为对照组10例,呼吸训练组20例。

    Method : Thirty cases of elder patients with stable severe COPD were randomly divided into two groups . The breathing training group which consisted of 20 cases and the control group which consisted of 10 cases .

  11. 术前进行心理护理和呼吸训练;术后注意早期活动,加强腹腔镜CO2气腹后的观察、护理,做好皮下气肿、胆漏、出血、高碳酸血症和下肢静脉血栓等术后并发症的观察及护理。

    The nursing measures included preoperative psychological nursing and respiratory training , postoperative early ambulation , strengthening the observation and nursing of pneumoperitoneum complications such as subcutaneous emphysema , hypercapnemia , venous thrombosis of lower limb and preventing bile leakage and hemorrhage .

  12. 结果:呼吸训练组最大吸气量在呼吸训练后第1天与对照组有显著差异(P0.05),第2天至第6天有极显著差异(P0.01);

    Group B , control group . Results : Compared with group B the maximal inspiratory capacity in group A increased significantly ( P 0.05 ) on first day , and ( P0.05 ) during 2nd-6th day , especially in three days .

  13. 结论:围术期联合应用呼吸训练器和氨溴索可以发挥协同作用,保护肺功能,减少体外循环引起的肺损伤和减少呼吸道并发症的发生,缩短患者术后呼吸机辅助通气时间及ICU监护时间。

    Conclusions : The application of ambroxol and respiration training device during perioperative time could contributed to protect the pulmonary function , decrease the pulmonary injury caused by CPB and the respiratory tract complication , decrease the time of breathing machine assisted ventilation and the time in ICU .

  14. 方法:采用反馈型腹式呼吸训练仪对30例寻常型银屑病患者进行30min腹式呼吸训练.随后要求患者坚持2次/d,30min/次的家庭腹式呼吸训练3mo。

    METHODS : Feedback abdominal breathing training apparatus was adopted in 30 psoriatic patients to do the abdominal breathing for 30 min , and then they were asked to do the abdominal breathing training twice a day for 3 months .

  15. 对10例慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者进行吸气末停顿呼吸训练(EIPBT),发现该法可使患者潮气量增加,呼吸频率减慢,动脉血气改善,有助肺内气体分布均匀。

    The effects of end inspiratory pause breathing training ( EIPBT ) on the ventilation and arterial blood gas were studied in 10 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) patients . This breathing pattern could increase tidal volume , decrease breathing rate and improve arterial blood gas .

  16. 呼吸训练对鼻腔填塞患者耐受性的影响

    Effects of Respiration Training on the Tolerance of the Rhinocleisis Patients

  17. 呼吸训练改善慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者肺功能的效果

    Effects of Respiratory Training on the Lung Function of COPD Patients

  18. 事先做做呼吸训练,是不是一个好主意?

    Is it a good idea to do breathing exercises beforehand ?

  19. 僧侣们一边吟诵,一边做瑜珈呼吸训练。

    The monks ' chanting is combined with yoga breathing exercises .

  20. 阶跃式呼吸训练加中药治疗肺心病疗效观察及机理探讨

    Clinical Observation on Effect of Step Respiration Exercise Combined Chinese Drug Therapy

  21. 呼吸训练法在肺叶切除术后的应用研究

    Applied study of breath training method for patients after pulmonary lobe resection

  22. 浅谈聋儿语训中的言语呼吸训练

    A brief talk on the breath-control in speech rehabilitation for deaf children

  23. 抗荷正压呼吸训练效果的评价

    Evaluation of the effect of anti-G positive pressure breathing training

  24. 系统呼吸训练对肺癌患者术后肺功能的影响

    Effect of Respiration Training of Postoperative Lung Function in Patients with Lung Cancer

  25. 腹式呼吸训练治疗寻常型银屑病临床及基础研究

    Research on Clinical and Mechanism in Treating Psoriasis Vulgaris with Abdominal Breathing Training

  26. 呼吸训练技术对社区慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者临床指标的影响

    The effect of breathing exercise on clinical data of COPD patients in community

  27. 老年病人围手术期应用深呼吸训练器的效果观察

    Observation on effect of a deep breathing trainer used for peri-operative senile patients

  28. 深呼吸训练帮助你减慢呼吸频速度。

    The deep-breathing exercises help slow the breathing rate .

  29. 论成人声乐教学中的呼吸训练

    On Respiration Skill in Vocality Teaching for Adults

  30. 不同呼吸训练方法对老年尘肺病人肺功能的影响

    Effect of different breathing exercises methods on lung function of elderly patients with pneumoconiosis