
  • 网络Traumatic paraplegia
  1. 结论:BMSCs和BDNF联合移植对急性脊髓外伤性截瘫的结构和功能有更好的修复作用。

    Conclusions : It is more effective for structural and functional recovery of traumatic paraplegia of spinal cord adopting combined therapy of BMSCs and BDNF .

  2. 氩激光治疗外伤性截瘫45例疗效观察

    Argon laser in the treatment of 45 cases of traumatic paraplegia

  3. 促进外伤性截瘫病人顺利排尿方法的探讨

    Probe into methods of promoting miction smoothly for traumatic paraplegia patients

  4. 外伤性截瘫合并耳聋11例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Deafness as a Complication of Traumatic Paraplegia

  5. 晚期外伤性截瘫的脊髓前路减压术

    Anterior Decompression of the Spinal Cord for Late Traumatic Paraplegia

  6. 外伤性截瘫患者出院后家庭访视及护理指导

    Nursing guide and family visiting for discharged traumatic paraplegia patients

  7. 外伤性截瘫患者心理状况与人格类型的相关研究

    Correlative Study on the Psychological States and Personality Type of Traumatic Paraplegic Patients

  8. 外伤性截瘫病人双下肢甲襞微循环观察

    Observation of Nailfold Microcirculation of both Lower Limbs in Patients with Traumatic Paraplegia

  9. 协同护理在外伤性截瘫患者恢复膀胱功能中的作用

    Effects of Collaborative Nursing on Repairing the Traumatic Paraplegia Patients ' Cystic Function

  10. 椎板减压术治疗外伤性截瘫25例报告

    Report on 25 cases of paraplegia treated by laminectomy

  11. 外伤性截瘫患者康复期保健管理的成本效果分析

    Cost-effect analysis of healthcare management of traumatic paraplegia patients

  12. 预防外伤性截瘫病人泌尿系感染的护理探讨

    Nursing Investigation on the prevention of urinary system infection in patients with traumatic paraplegia

  13. 外伤性截瘫患者的心理健康状况及护理

    Psychological Health Status of the External Injuring Paraplegic Patients and the Nursing for Them

  14. 外伤性截瘫病人的家庭护理

    Familial Nursing care of patients with traumatic paraplegia

  15. 外伤性截瘫患者肾功能检查结果的临床分析

    A Clinical Analysis on the Results of kidney Function in Patients with Traumatic Paraplegia

  16. 带蒂肌瓣脊髓内移植治疗外伤性截瘫28例

    Treatment for 28 Cases of Traumatic Paraplegia by Intramedullary Transplantation of Pedicled Muscle Flap

  17. 目的了解外伤性截瘫患者对泌尿系护理的认知水平。

    Objective To understand the recognition of traumatic paraplegia patients about urinary system nursing .

  18. 综合护理干预对提高外伤性截瘫患者生命质量的研究

    Studying on the Comprehensive Nursing Intervention for Improving the Quality of Life for Paralytic Patients

  19. 本文总结了60例施行带蒂大网膜脊髓移植治疗外伤性截瘫的麻醉处理。

    The anesthetic management of 60 cases of traumatic paraplegia undergoing mass omentum-spinal transplantation is reviewed .

  20. 外伤性截瘫并发神经原性膀胱的X线特点(附42例报告)

    The X-ray Features of Traumatogenic Paraplegia Complicated with Neurogenic Bladder ( A report of 42 Cases )

  21. 外伤性截瘫对微循环的远期影响

    Influence of Paraplegia on Microcirculation

  22. 外伤性截瘫患者配偶生活质量影响因素调查

    Survey on the Factors Influencing the Quality of Life of the Spouse of Patients Suffering from Traumatic Paralysis

  23. 经后路用骨刀行脊髓前减压术治疗外伤性截瘫25例报告

    Decompression of anterior spinal cord from posterior and osteotome for traumatic paraplegia : a report of 25 cases

  24. 初步分析了11例外伤性截瘫合并耳聋患者,指出外伤性截瘫多有慢性肾功能不全、肾性贫血等并发症。

    This paper reports 11 cases of deafness in traumatic paraplegic patients . The causes of this complication were analyzed .

  25. 探讨促进外伤性截瘫病人早日脱离尿管,减少尿路感染的方法。

    Objective : To probe into the methods of promoting extubating of urinary catheter as early as possible for traumatic paraplegia patients and reducing their urinary tract infection .

  26. 结果外伤性截瘫患者在日常生活预防泌尿系感染方面认知情况较差,尿路常见并发症相关知识和膀胱功能康复训练知识了解较少。

    Results Their recognition of urinary system nursing after traumatic paraplegia was poor and the patients knew less about the knowledge of common complications and rehabilitative training of bladder function .

  27. 目的探讨外伤性截瘫患者出院后生存质量与社会支持的关系,为提高患者的生存质量提供参考。

    Objective To probe into the relationship between life quality and social support of traumatic paraplegia patients after they leave hospital , and to offer information for further improvement of the life quality of the patients .

  28. 目的比较氟骨症性胸椎管狭窄症后路减压手术中,应用骨刀和非骨刀两种减压方式。经后路用骨刀行脊髓前减压术治疗外伤性截瘫25例报告

    Objective To compare the advantage and defect of two decompression techniques using bone knife or not for treatment of thoracic spinal stenosis of skeletal fluorosis . Decompression of anterior spinal cord from posterior and osteotome for traumatic paraplegia : a report of 25 cases

  29. 针刺配合推拿治疗外伤性脊髓截瘫疗效观察

    The treatment of traumatic spinal cord paraplegia by Acupuncture and massage : a therapeutic effect observation