
  • 网络external disturbance
  1. 在不同外扰激励下,开展了基于SCLD技术的车身结构振动噪声主动控制实验,取得了令人满意的效果。

    Under different external disturbance excitation , the active control experiments on body structure are carried out based on the SCLD technology , and the satisfactory results have been obtained .

  2. 太阳辐射是影响建筑热状况的重要外扰,在建筑热过程分析时,必须加以准确的考虑。

    Solar radiation is an important external disturbance affecting thermal environment of buildings .

  3. 该方法考虑了跟踪误差和逼近误差对参数自适应律的共同影响,并对模糊逼近误差和外扰采用H∞补偿控制。

    The adaptive law utilizes two type of errors in the adaptive fuzzy systems , the tracking error and ( approximation error . )

  4. 此外,PID控制器无法同时满足对设定值跟踪和抑制外扰的不同性能要求。

    In addition , PID controller cannot satisfy the different performance requirement of set-point tracking and restrain outer disturbance at the same time .

  5. Matlab仿真结果表明,新的串级控制系统对模型的不确定性和外扰均有较强的适应性和鲁棒性,其控制品质远优于常规的串级控制系统。

    The Matlab simulation shows that the new serial control system compared with general cascade control has excellent control performance , outstanding adaptability and robustness against model uncertainties and external disturbances .

  6. 针对受参数不确定和外扰影响的混沌Lorenz系统,提出一种基于径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的滑模控制方法。

    A novel adaptive radial basis function ( RBF ) neural network sliding mode strategy is developed to control Lorenz chaos with parametric uncertainties and external disturbances .

  7. 系统利用自抗扰控制器(ADRC)的扩张状态观测器,来对系统模型中的不确定因素和外扰进行动态观测,使系统对扰动具有很好的适应能力。

    Based on ADRC extended state observer ( ESO ) to get the model uncertainty and external interference of the system , the system shows good adaptability to noise and model uncertainty .

  8. 自治式水下机器人(AUV)系统具有非线性、强耦合性和数学模型不确定性的特点,工作时存在未知外扰的影响,这对AUV运动控制系统的设计提出了更高的要求。

    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle is a system with nonlinear , strong coupled , time-variable and uncertain model exposed to unknown external disturbances . For these reasons , higher requirement is put forward about design of AUV motion controller .

  9. 本文应用矩函数法分析船舶在随机横浪中的非线性横摇运动,以及用Hermite矩闭合法来闭合矩微分方程组,求得随机横摇运动获得平稳时的响应统计矩与外扰力的关系。

    Presents the method to analysis the nonlinear ship roll motion in random transverse waves by using the moment function . The results of stochastic roll response statistics are obtained from the moment differential equations enveloped by the Hermite Moments .

  10. 根据本文导出的方法,编制了求解在初始条件下系统对线性外扰力的瞬态响应程序,并在PC-1501计算机上调试通过。

    A program to solve for the transient response to linear disturbing forces under assigned initial conditions is compiled in accordance with the method introduced in this article . The program has been successfully debugged and run on a PC-1501 computer .

  11. 外扰对隔离病区压力梯度影响的数值模拟研究

    Simulation study on the change of pressure gradient influenced by exterior interference

  12. 利用外扰模型前馈控制抑制轧机扭振的应用

    Applied Simulation Following Control Restrain Torsional Vibration of Rolling Mill

  13. 本文结合直流电气传动系统,提出了全维状态及外扰观测器的新设计方法。

    A new design method of the full-order state and disturbance observer for D.

  14. 太阳辐射作为一项重要的外扰。

    Solar rediation is an important outer disturbance .

  15. 柔性板是一种典型的空间结构,在外扰下易引起振动。

    Flexible plate is a typical space structure .

  16. 仿真结果验证了重复控制系统抑制周期已知的外扰的优越性。

    The simulation results prove that the repetitive control system is good for rejecting periodic disturbances .

  17. 利用外扰负荷观测器将外扰观测出来,补偿到回路中,以此抑制轧机扭振。

    The load observer can observe the disturbance and compensate it , to control the vibration .

  18. 本文应用线性二次型最优控制理论设计了具有可测强外扰作用的伺服系统。

    A servosystem with measurable strong external disturbance is designed by LQ optimal theory in this paper .

  19. 模拟了冷冻水出水温度设定值阶跃变化和阶跃外扰作用下系统的团环响应。

    Closed-loop responses to step changes in supply water temperature set point values and disturbances are simulated .

  20. 分别利用分散化控制和集中控制方法对结构进行控制,仿真结果表明,当具有初始位移或受到不确定性外扰时,分散化控制非常有效。

    The decentralized control method and the centralized control method are used to control vibration of the structure respectively .

  21. 通过引入含估计参数的微分同胚变换,给出了一种非参数纯反馈系统的自适应控制,并对I.Kanellakopoulous等提出的参数纯反馈系统的自适应控制作了改进,使之能抵御有界匹配外扰。

    By using diffeomorphism containing estimated parameters , we propose a new nonlinear adaptive control strategy for non-parameter-pure-feedback systems .

  22. 这种控制器能实时检测系统的外扰,并通过控制扰动后系统发电机的功角摇摆曲线来进行自动校正。

    The controller can detect automatically the real time effect of the disturbances , and compensate it via controlling the generator angle .

  23. 仿真结果表明,系统对复合摄动具有较强的鲁棒性,并能有效地抑制外扰。

    Finally , simulation results show that the ASAC system has strong robustness to mixed uncertainty and external excitation is suppressed effectively .

  24. 但外扰所引起的振动响应往往具有较宽的频带,而现有的驱动器无法满足其要求。

    Usually the vibration response caused by external disturbance have wide frequency band , but the existing actuators cannot reach these requirements .

  25. 利用二阶自抗扰控制器补偿系统模型扰动和外扰,实现了纵向运动俯仰角变量的跟踪控制。

    The new scheme realizes the tracking control of flight pitch angle by applying second order ADRC to compensate model disturbances and uncertainty .

  26. 然而,实际系统除了具有不确定和外扰以外,动态系统往往呈现非线性,从而使得上述要求很难满足。

    However , these demands are satisfied difficultly because of existence of nonlinearity besides uncertainty and external disturbances in the practical engineering systems .

  27. 近年来提出的非脆弱性鲁棒控制不但考虑被控对象和外扰的不确定性,同时还考虑控制器增益本身存在的不确定性。

    Non-fragile robust control deals with not only the uncertainty of the controlled object , the disturbance , but the uncertainty of controller itself as well .

  28. 对系统进行了仿真研究,结果表明在系统外扰和参数摄动存在情况下,系统性能指标满足设计要求。

    By simulation results show that the disturbance in the system and the presence of perturbation parameters , the system performance to meet the design requirements .

  29. 并与相同空间结构,相同外扰作用下的平房作了分析比较,定量的说明了窑洞与平房相比具有冬暖夏凉的优点。

    Furthermore , by comparing with that of bungalows , the characteristics that warm in winter and cool in summer in cave dwelling are illustrated in quantity .

  30. 仿真试验表明,该控制方案可以有效克服燃料量内扰和负荷外扰对主汽压力的影响,维持主汽压力的稳定。

    The simulation results show that the new control method can efficiently overcome the fuel disturbance and the load disturbance and maintain the stability of main steam pressure .