
  • 网络EPI;EPI Wafer;Epitaxy;LED wafer
  1. 高亮度白光LED用外延片的新进展

    New Progress in wafer epitaxy technologies for high-brightness white LEDs

  2. 由于氮化镓(GaN)基发光二极管外延片是白光发光二极管的核心技术,是半导体照明技术的源动力,因此本文以氮化镓材料为例展开介绍。

    As the epitaxy of the GaN-Base wafers is the core technology of the white LED and the original driver of the semiconductor lighting technology , this dissertation focused on GaN material .

  3. 用于功率器件的P型厚高阻外延片

    Epitaxial Growth of p-Type High Resistivity Thick Layer on Silicon Wafers for Power Devices

  4. 对典型样品进行了微区光致发光的测试,比较外延片横截面上不同厚度层的光致发光,非常明显地看出主要发光区是在P区。

    In the test , microscopical photoluminescence in the cross sections of epitaxial wafers different thickness have been compared .

  5. 退火对AlGaInP/GaInP多量子阱LED外延片性能的影响

    Influence of Thermal Annealing to the Characteristics of AlGaInP / GaInP Multiple Quantum Wells LED Wafers

  6. 基于PC的LED外延片无损检测扫描系统

    PC-based LED Epi-wafers NDT scanning system

  7. 利用光致发光光谱研究了Mg掺杂GaN外延片的光学性质。

    Using photoluminescence spectra study optical properties of Mg-doped GaN epitaxial wafers .

  8. 7056玻璃与大面积GaAs外延片粘接工艺分析

    Cementing Technologic Analysis for 7056-glass and Large Area GaAs Epitaxial Plate

  9. 再结晶Zn中的位错蚀斑硅外延片(111)面层错腐蚀坑显微图象分析

    Micrograph analysis on the face ( 111 ) layer dislocation etching pits of Si epitaxial crystal slice

  10. LPE生长外延片超薄有源层结构的SEM研究

    SEM Study on Ultra-thin Active Layer Struture of LPE Wafers

  11. III-Ⅴ族氮化物及其高亮度蓝光LED外延片的MOCVD生长和性质研究

    Study on MOCVD Growth and Properties of III - ⅴ Nitrides and High Brightness Blue LED Wafers

  12. MOS用(100)N/N~+硅外延片

    ( 100 ) N / N ~ + Epitaxial Slice of Silicon for MOS

  13. 综述了光荧光谱(PL)和电化学C-V测量在外延片测试中的应用。

    The thesis summarizes the applications of photoluminescence and electic C-V measurements .

  14. 高亮度发光二极管多层结构外延片电化学C-V测试分析

    Tests and analyses of multilayer structure HB-LED epitaxial slice by electrochemical C-V measurement

  15. 用小功率He-Ne激光器测量Ga(1-x)AlxAs外延片表面组份的均匀性

    Measurement of composite uniformity of ga_ ( 1-x ) al_xas epitaxial surface with a lower power He-Ne laser

  16. 缺乏LED外延片和芯片技术专利,长期依赖进口核心技术,企业自主创新能力差,成本居高不下,都是我国LED企业的硬伤。

    The lack of LED wafer and chip technology patents , long-term dependence on imported core technologies , enterprise independent innovation ability , the high cost of LED companies are flawed .

  17. LED晶片键合技术可以把LED外延片和GaP透明衬底、金属镜面衬底或蓝宝石衬底结合以提高出光效率。

    LED wafer bonding , the attachment of LED epitaxial wafer to another substrate such as GaP transparent substrate , metal mirror substrate or sapphire substrate , increases the light emitting efficiency .

  18. GaP∶NLED外延片微区光致发光和拉曼散射研究

    Study on GaP ∶ NLED Epitaxial Layer by Microscopical Photoluminescence and Raman Spectroscopy

  19. 用微区光致发光和拉曼散射光谱比较了国内外GaP:ZnO红光二极管产品的结构,在国内首先实现了用微区光学方法检测LED外延片并进行生产工艺的改进。

    Using microscopical photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy , the productive of GaP : ZnO LED at home and abroad has been compared in our studies . An improvement in productive techniques has been made .

  20. In(1-x)GaxAs液相外延片组分一致性的控制方法

    A Control Technology of Compositional Repeatability for the Growth of In_ ( 1-x ) Ga_xAs Epilayers by LPE

  21. 本文报道分别在单缓冲层(高温AlN)和双缓冲层(高温AlN+低温GaN)上生长相同厚度的GaN外延片。

    GaN epilayers with the same thickness were grown on high-temperature AlN buffer layer and high-temperature AlN + low-temperature GaN buffer layer , respectively .

  22. 用X射线形貌技术研究GaAs衬底及GaAs-AlxGa(1-x)AsDH外延片中的缺陷

    A Study of Defects in GaAs Substrates and GaAs-Al_xGa_ ( 1-x ) As DH Epitaxial Wafers by X-Ray Topography

  23. 高压VDMOS用外延片的外延参数设计

    Design of EPI Parameter for High Voltage VDMOS

  24. 为了保证p型硅外延片的电阻率具有良好的可控性和重现性,除了充分抑制重掺硼衬底的自掺杂作用外,还需十分严格地控制硅外延片的生长温度和速度。

    To achieve good controllability and reproducibility of the resistivity of epi-layers on p-type Si , strict control is required over the growth temperature and rate , as well as a fully suppression of the auto-doping in heavily boron doped substrate .

  25. a)利用超高真空化学气相沉积(UHV-CVD)技术在重掺Si衬底上生长高晶体质量的亚微米级薄硅外延片。

    A ) Si thin film with sub-micro thickness was epitaxial grown on heavy-doped Si substrate by Ultra High Vacuum Chemical Vapor Deposition ( UHV-CVD ) .

  26. 其200mA下的发光功率为13.8mW,约为相同LED外延片制备的普通尺寸LED的10倍。

    Under the injection current of 200 mA , the luminous power is 13.8 mW , which is 10 times of the power of the diodes fabricated with the same LED wafer in normal size .

  27. 在Q表上用四种小讯号频率测量了TTL电路和某些线性电路外延片的C~(-2)-V曲线。

    C. signals at four different frequencies in a Q meter , the author has measured C ~ ( - 2 ) - V curves of Si epitaxial chips for TTL and some linear integrated circuits .

  28. 结果表明,综合吸除技术不仅能有效地改善W/N+硅外延片的电性能(τg)和明显地降低外延层上的表面缺陷密度,而且对硅片剖面的电阻率分布也无影响。

    Results shew that the combined gettering technology not only improves effectively the τ g of N / N + silicon epitaxial wafers and reduces evidently the density of surface defects on the epitaxial layers , but also gives no influences on the resistivity distribution cul the silicon wafer profiles .

  29. 重掺杂直拉硅单晶既可以消除CMOS器件的闩锁效应,也能够有效地降低器件的功耗,而广泛用作硅外延片的衬底材料。

    The heavily doped Czochralski ( Cz ) silicon could not only eliminate the " latch-up " effect of small feature size CMOS devices , but also effectively reduces the energy loss , therefore is extensively applied as a substrate material of epitaxial silicon wafers .

  30. 本文报道制备GaAs透射式光阴极过程中窗玻璃与大面积GaAs外延片热压粘结工艺的原理和过程,并重点分析抗反射膜的淀积、粘结温度控制和压力大小对粘结结果的影响。

    In this paper we reported the process and principle of large-area GaAs epitaxial plate thermocompression bonded to K4 window-glass technology , and emphatically discussed the effects of the deposition of SiN film , the controlling of bonding temperature and the choice of pressure on bonding quality .