
fēn jí wǎnɡ luò
  • hierarchical network
  1. 分级网络计划在TBM施工中的应用

    The application of hierarchical network planning in construction by TBM

  2. 本文针对项目计划制定,建立了基于WBS的项目分级网络计划;

    This dissertation establish aviation project hierarchical network planning firstly .

  3. 最后提出了航空型号项目基于WBS的分级网络计划模型。

    Finally , aviation project hierachical network planning model is provided .

  4. 对分级网络编码的各个模块进行实现,给出了分级网络编码在P2P内容分发和P2P流媒体中应用实现。

    The modules of the hierarchical network coding are implemented , and hierarchical network coding in P2P content distribution and the corresponding algorithm for P2P streaming media are designed .

  5. 分级网络OLSR协议能够为子网内通信和子网间通信提供正确的端到端路由,并且能够与移动IPv6协作,保证节点在子网间移动时的通信连贯。

    Hierarchical network OLSR protocol can provide correct routes for the communications in the subnet and among the subnets .

  6. 首先在深入了解网络计划技术和CG项目制作流程的基础上,根据CG项目的工作分解结构,利用分级网络技术为项目建立系统的网络图;

    After the research of classifying net plan technic and produce flow and the Work Breakdown Structure of CG project , it constructs systemic net chart ;

  7. 动中通系统采用分级网络结构,且无线接入点(RadioAccessPoint,简称RAP)和移动用户均随机运动,RAP间以无线adhoc网络形式组网。

    The Communication in moving network employs multi-layer architecture , where not only is the mobile user moving at random , but also the Radio Access Point ( RAP ) and the whole network . And the physical links to connect RAPs is based on wireless Ad Hoc .

  8. 在分级网络结构基础上,提出一种分簇算法将LCTS扩展到多跳网络中,并对时钟漂移进行补偿,保证了一定的精度。

    At the basis of hierarchical network structure , we propose a new clustering algorithm so LCTS can extend to multi-hop networks , we also compensate the clock drift to ensure high synchronization accuracy .

  9. 基于多层分级网络安全管理的应用模型的研究

    The Application Model of Network Safety Basing on Multi-Layer and Classification

  10. 分级网络结构相对于平面网络结构具有良好的可扩展性。

    Hierarchical network is more scalable than the flat one .

  11. CAN/LIN网关是基于CAN/LIN总线分级网络控制系统的核心部件。

    CAN / LIN gateway is the main component of networked control systems .

  12. 一种面向航空产品的分级网络计划方法

    Method of hierarchical network plan for complex aviation product

  13. 为此,提出了一种面向航空产品项目的分级网络计划模型,将文档流与控制流分离,实现了文档流的插入与更改。

    A model of hierarchical network plan for complex aviation product was presented . Document flow and control flow were separated in the model and document flow could be easily inserted and modified in the model .

  14. 分析航空制造企业管理模式,建立适合航空产品的分级网络计划模型,提出基于网络计划拓扑排序原理的分级网络计划时间参数算法。

    The management mode of aviation proudct enterprise is analyzed , then the hierarchical network plan model orienting aviation product is constructed , and the algorithm of time parameters based-on the theory of network top sorting is presented .

  15. 提出了基于拓扑结构的分级网络计划方法以简化多阶网络计划中某些阶次上的大型、复杂网络计划,并建立了基于拓扑结构的分级网络计划模型和时间参数计算模型。

    Puts forward the hierarchical network method based on the topology of network plan to simplify the complicated and big network plan on some layer of the multi-stage network plan , and give the relative time parameters calculation model .

  16. 在大中型工程施工管理中采用分级网络法,适应当前企业管理模式,便于项经部施工人员的编制和调整,有利于实施过程中分级控制管理。

    The application of classification of network to construction project management is well adapted to the present industrial engineering model , helps constructors with their project drawing and their adjustment and will be of much help for classification controlling once carried out .

  17. 基于分级神经网络的Web文档模糊聚类技术

    A Fuzzy Clustering Technology Based on Hierarchical Neural Networks for Web Document

  18. 分级ad-hoc网络中的一种移动节点故障诊断算法

    Fault Diagnosis Algorithm for Mobile Hosts in Hierarchical Ad-hoc Networks

  19. 分级模块网络管理法

    The network management in successive stages method

  20. 研究分析在不同范围内的拓扑发现工具及算法,并针对系统需求设计实现一种域内分级式网络拓扑发现算法。

    Studying several topology discovery tools and algorithms . Implementing an intra-domain classificational network topology discovery algorithm .

  21. 分级递阶网络的失效恢复

    Failure Recovery in Hierarchical Networks

  22. 针对分级递阶网络中建立基于备用信道的失效恢复机制的难点问题,首次提出分级递阶网络中的备用资源分配算法和备用信道建立算法。

    Considering hierarchical networks characteristics , a novel algorithm for backup resource allocation and backup channel establishment is proposed .

  23. 根据节点的网络配置和相应的硬件支持,分级结构网络又可被分为单频分级网络和多频分级网络。而分级网络路由协议是分级组网的核心。

    According to the configuration and hardware support of the node , hierarchical network can also be sorted into single-frequency and multi-frequency .

  24. 虽然有研究利用分级的网络结构加强了地理组播的可扩展性,但减少了路由生存时间。

    Although some studies use hierarchical network structures to enhance the scalability of geographic multicast , they reduce the lifetime of routing instead .

  25. 分级adhoc网络中的一种应用层故障诊断算法

    A fault diagnosis algorithm on application layer in hierarchical ad hoc networks

  26. 分级adhoc网络安全组网关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technologies for Secure Networking in Hierarchical Ad Hoc Networks

  27. 在分级adhoc网络中,由于节点随时移动且网络拓扑经常动态变化,路由过程中的安全问题变得尤为突出。

    Routing security is a serious problem in hierarchical ad hoc networks , as the nodes keep moving and network topology is dynamic .

  28. 同时在存在攻击节点的情况下,加入该入侵检测机制后网络表现出较好的路由性能,从而有效地保障了分级adhoc网络的安全和稳定。

    And the network shows good routing performance after joining the intrusion detection mechanism which effectively protects security and stability of hierarchical Ad Hoc networks .

  29. 目的研究血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)在老年口底癌组织中的地位及作用,探讨老年口底癌的发病机制、临床分期和病理分级及VEGF网络相关情况。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression level of VEGF ( Vascular endothelial growth factor ) in carcinoma of the floor of mouth and its clinical stages and clinicopathologic grade .

  30. 主要研究了LON总线与RS-485组成的分级混合控制网络结构以及组态软件在智能小区网络开发中的应用。详细阐述了引入混合网络结构的优点;

    This paper mainly researches on the application of hierachical hybrid network structure and configuration software in the development of intelligent community network .