
  1. 大家回忆起各种各样的故事&他们在小时候的故事,爸爸年轻时的故事,还有分享家里秘密的故事。

    People recalled kinds of stories & stories about when they were little , stories about when Dad was young , and stories that shared family treasures .

  2. 看到猫和狗――特别是狗――对一个家庭是如何地依恋,如何地想要分享家里发生的一切事情,是十分感人的。

    It is touching to see how a cat or dog - especially a dog - attaches itself to a family and wants to share in all its goings and comings .

  3. 尽管他更希望能与蜘蛛和蝙蝠分享他的家。

    Though he 'd rather share a home with spiders and bats .

  4. 你们将要共同分享的家?

    The home you will share ?

  5. 几乎没有一个家族会满足于长期与外部股东分享一家混合所有权模式的上市公司的继承权。

    Few families are content to share their birthright with outside shareholders in a listed hybrid for long .

  6. 许多热爱自拍的游客纷纷在Instagram和脸书等网站上分享在这家咖啡馆拍的照片。

    Scores of selfie-loving visitors have been sharing the images shot in the cafe on sites like Instagram and Facebook .

  7. 在离开他夏威夷女友,在那里他们被报道分享一个家后,斯诺登在香港一间酒店说出这番话。

    Snowden said that from a hotel in Hong Kong after having left his girlfriend in Hawaii , where they were reported share a home .

  8. 一天丑八怪将爱分享给了邻居家的哈士奇们,可对方却并没有报以慈悲,小丑被撕咬得很严重。

    One day Ugly shared his love with the neighbor 's huskies . They did not respond kindly , and Ugly was badly mauled .