
qīn zuǐ
  • kiss;a smack on the lips
亲嘴 [qīn zuǐ]
  • [kiss] 亲吻嘴唇,以示爱恋

亲嘴[qīn zuǐ]
  1. 那个讨厌的家伙嘴里臭哄哄的,还想亲嘴呢!

    The creep has bad breath and wanted to soul kiss !

  2. 你们要用爱心彼此亲嘴问安。

    Greet ye one another with a kiss of charity .

  3. 雅各与拉结亲嘴,就放声而哭。

    And weeping for joy , Jacob gave Rachel a kiss .

  4. 众人痛哭,抱着保罗的颈项,和他亲嘴。

    They all wept as they embraced him and kissed him .

  5. 愿他用口与我亲嘴。

    ' 'let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth .

  6. 我想,蒂法妮和威尔伯是上什么地方亲嘴去了。

    Tiffany and Wilbur were off somewhere swapping spits , I guess .

  7. 世界上没有光亲嘴那么回事。

    There 's no such thing as " just a kiss " .

  8. 又不容我与外孙和女儿亲嘴。

    And hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my daughters ?

  9. 他就上前与父亲亲嘴。

    So he went to him and kissed him .

  10. 绵软的肤质,红色的嘴唇,诱人亲嘴。

    Soft skin , red lips , so kissable .

  11. 他当时正在汽车里接着她亲嘴。

    He was smooching with her in the car .

  12. 你们要用圣别的亲嘴问众弟兄安。

    Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss .

  13. 他就去,在上帝的山遇见摩西,和他亲嘴。

    So he met Moses at the mountain of God and kissed him .

  14. 你们要亲嘴问安,彼此务要圣洁。

    Greet ye one another with an holy kiss .

  15. “不能停止在公共场合亲嘴的极度可爱的一对”

    " Obnoxiously cute couple who can 't stop snogging in public . "

  16. 亲嘴是施还是受?

    In kissing , do you render or receive ?

  17. 约瑟伏在他父亲的面上哀哭,与他亲嘴。

    Joseph threw himself upon his father and wept over him and kissed him .

  18. 我无法平静直到他用口与我亲嘴。

    I cannot rest until he kisses me with the kiss of his mouth .

  19. 就用右手抓住亚玛撒的胡子,要与他亲嘴。

    And Joab took Amasa by the beard with the right hand to kiss him .

  20. 卡梅隆帮她按摩肚皮,买珠宝,亲嘴嘴。

    Cameron 's wooing her with belly rubs , jewelry , kisses on the mouth .

  21. 二人亲嘴,彼此哭泣,大卫哭得更恸。

    And they kissed one another and wept with one another , David weeping the most .

  22. 犹大随既到耶稣跟前说,请拉比安。就与他亲嘴。

    Going at once to Jesus , Judas said ," Greetings , Rabbi !" and kissed him .

  23. 朋友加的伤痕,出于忠诚,仇敌连连亲嘴,却是多馀。

    Faithful are the wounds of a friend ; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful .

  24. 拖手很罕见,即使双方已拍拖,也不可以在公众场合亲嘴。

    Hand-holding is rare , even if a couple is dating , and public kissing is a no-no.

  25. 拉住那少年人,与他亲嘴,脸无羞耻对他说

    So she caught him , and kissed him , and with an impudent face said unto him

  26. 犹大随即到耶稣跟前来,说,拉比,愿你喜乐!就热切地和他亲嘴。

    And immediately he came to Jesus and said , rejoice , rabbi , and kissed him affectionately .

  27. 约瑟领他们到他跟前,他就和他们亲嘴,抱着他们。

    So Joseph brought his sons close to him , and his father kissed them and embraced them .

  28. 耶稣对他说、犹大、你用亲嘴的暗号卖人子麽。

    But Jesus said unto him , Judas , betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss ?

  29. 愿他用口与我亲嘴!因你的爱情比酒更美。

    Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth ! For your love is better than wine .

  30. 犹大来了,随即到耶稣跟前来,说,拉比!就热切的和亲嘴。

    And when he came , he immediately approached him and said , rabbi ! And kissed him affectionately .