
  1. 在行社交亲吻礼时,总是等待女人去开始。

    Waits for a woman to initiate a social kiss .

  2. 如今,克尼格社团制限制办公室亲吻礼,并说一定要禁止这种礼仪。

    Now the Knigge Society has ruled on the issue of office kissing and says it must go .

  3. 有五分之一的人在行亲吻礼时与对方尴尬地撞脸,还有一成的人慌乱中选择了挥手致意。

    One fifth had an embarrassing clash of faces as they tried to kiss , and one in10 became so flustered they resorted to waving instead .

  4. 受调查者中约有50%的人用握手以外的方式互致问候,16%的人倾向于欧式面颊亲吻礼,而近1/3的人会选择拥抱问候。

    Almost 50 per cent are using alternative ways to greet , with 16 per cent preferring a continental-style peck on the cheek and nearly a third opting for a hug .