
  • 网络affinity
  1. ProteinA亲合膜色谱柱的性能及从人血浆中纯化免疫球蛋白的研究

    The Property of Protein A Affinity Membrane Cartridge and Purification of IgG from Human Plasma

  2. 基元可逆反应亲合势衰减常数Ar的讨论

    Discussion on Constants A , of Chemical Affinity Decay of Elementary Reversible Reactions

  3. ProteinG免疫亲合层析法纯化单抗;

    The mAbs were purified by protein G immunoaffinity method .

  4. 用Xα方法计算原子的电子亲合势

    Calculation of electron affinities of atoms with x_ α method

  5. 不同病理类型肾病综合征患儿环孢素亲合素mRNA表达的观察

    The observation of cyclophilin mRNA in children with nephrotic syndrome of different pathological types

  6. GaAs和Si的电子亲合势和功函数的比较研究

    Comparative Studies of Electron Affinities and Work Functions for GaAs and Si

  7. 应用生物素-链霉亲合素放大ELISA系统检测抗环瓜氨酸肽抗体

    Determination of anti-CCP antibody by biotin-streptavidin amplified ELISA system

  8. 采用定量酶细胞化学、凝集素亲合细胞化学、透射电镜、扫描电镜及吞噬实验观察PM的结构和功能变化。

    The structure and function of PM were observed with quantitative cytochemistry , lectinaffinitive cytochemistry , transmission and scanning electron microscope and phagocytic test .

  9. 利用这一体系对不同样品中NF-κBp50浓度和具不同NF-κB结合位点序列的寡核苷酸与NF-κBp50亲合和力进行检测。

    The different concentrations of p50 in detection samples and affinity of oligonucleotides with different binding site sequence of NF-kB to p50 were tested in this system .

  10. 数据表明,所有中断都在通过亲合绑定的CPU上处理。

    The data show that all interrupts were processed on the CPUs to which they were bound via affinitization .

  11. 同时也可用于直接引出某些电子亲合势较强的气体元素,如H、O、F等的负离子。

    The negative ions of some elements with larger electron affinity , such as H , O and F , can be extracted directly .

  12. 人血清总甲状腺素(T4)和总三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3)生物素亲合素定量酶联免疫分析(BA-ELISA)

    Biotin-avidin Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay ( BA-ELISA ) for Serum Total Thyroxine ( T_4 ) and Triiodothyronine ( T_3 )

  13. IgM抗体捕捉-生物素亲合素-ELISA检测Ⅳ型登革病毒IgM抗体及其临床意义

    Mac Ba ELISA the detection of IgM antibodies to dengue virus type IV and its clinical significance

  14. 如采用硅烷偶联剂对HA表面改性处理后,可以改善与高分子的亲合性。

    Such as compatibility between HA and polymer can be improved by modifying the HA surface with silane coupling agent .

  15. 关键在于能在可用CPU之间进行负载平衡,同时维持亲合性以提高缓存效率。

    The key was the ability to load balance work across the available CPUs while maintaining some affinity for cache efficiency .

  16. 天然血红蛋白(Hb)经改性处理后可改善稳定性和氧亲合性。

    The stability and oxygen affinity of native hemoglobin ( Hb ) were improved by modification .

  17. 微光管大面积GaAs负电子亲合势光电阴极(NEA)光谱特性测试与分析

    Spectral Properties and Negative Electro-affinity of Large-Area GaAs Photocathode in Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier

  18. 方法:利用亲合层析及凝胶过滤层析从小鼠黑色素瘤中提取小鼠黑色素瘤凝集素(MMA)。

    Methods : MMA was prepared with asialo-fetuin affinity and gel-filtration chromatography form murine melanoma .

  19. 我国小麦禾谷镰刀菌(Fusariumgraminearum)营养体亲合性与致病性研究

    The vegetative compatibility and pathogenicity of Fusarium graminearum isolates in wheat in China

  20. 表达产物为包涵体形式,溶解和折叠后,以GST亲合层析色谱纯化。

    Expressed proteins as inclusion bodies were solubilized , refolded and purified by GST affinity chromatography .

  21. 如果发生这种情况,亲合就会失效,以太网适配器的中断处理可能会在不合适的CPU上执行。

    If that happens , affinitization will be nullified and interrupt processing for an Ethernet adapter may not take place on the intended CPU .

  22. 方法:应用传统的方法首先建立阿霉素肾病模型,通过逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)测定阿霉素肾病肾组织环孢素亲合素基因的表达。

    Methods : We have established ADR nephropathy model , and measured the expression of CyP gene in ADR nephropathy by RT PCR .

  23. CD34免疫亲合柱在脐血造血干祖细胞分离与扩增中的应用

    The application of CD34-immunoaffinity column in the isolation and expansion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells of cord blood

  24. 在多雨或非常湿润的条件下,即使有更多的不亲合的花粉萌发,但它们都会被阻止进入柱头,因此很明显,孢子体SI系统的相互作用并不是限制萌发的。

    In wet or very humid conditions more incompatible pollen germinates , but this is stopped from penetrating , so the interaction is dearly not confined to germination .

  25. 在先前的研究中,CP的分离主要依赖抗体、液相色谱以及亲合标签纯化等技术。

    Typically , in previous reports , the purification of CP mainly relied on the antibody , liquid chromatography and affinity tag-based strategies .

  26. 以链酶亲合素搭桥将生物素标记的抗体与DNA相连建立了免疫PCR技术,并将其用于检测甲胎蛋白(AFP),其敏感性比ELISA法高104。

    We applied streptavidin to bridge the biotinylated antibody and DNA for detection of AFP . The sensitivity of immuno PCR is much higher than that of ELISA .

  27. 凝集素DBA和WGA的受体在生殖周期小鼠子宫内膜中的亲合细胞化学

    Affinity cytochemistry of lectin DBA and WGA receptors in mouse endometrium during reproductive cycle

  28. 结果表示老龄心肌MAO对底物的亲合性略有下降,但酶活力增加了近十倍。

    It was found that the increase in MAO activity with aging was due to the increase of the amount of enzymatic protein .

  29. 方法用游离的亲合素将生物素化的二抗和生物素化的腺病毒六邻体基因重组质粒DNA偶联起来,通过PCR扩增标记的DNA检测弓形虫循环抗原,建立了免疫-PCR检测方法;

    Methods Free streptavidin was used to attach the biotinylated second antibody to the Bio-AdAT DNA , through amplication of the DNA lable , Toxoplasma circulating antigens was detected , thus Immuno-PCR assay was established ;

  30. 结论本研究首次将LCM技术应用于噬菌体表面呈现肽库的筛选,可以使我们直接在新鲜人肿瘤组织中筛选与特定细胞群甚至单个细胞亲合的短肽;

    Conclusions Application of LCM makes it possible to screen phage display peptide library directly from fresh human tissue .