
  • 网络ACTIVITY;Parent-child activities;family Day
  1. 音乐亲子活动中母亲的身份意识及其作用

    The Awareness and Effect of Motherhood in the Parent-child Music Activities

  2. 田野亲子活动浅谈

    On the Field Parent - children Activities

  3. 会所负一层,设置各式最新康体娱乐设施、亲子活动区及附属的休闲室。

    The basement level houses a wide array of modern fitness facilities , an indoor children 's play area and additional recreational rooms .

  4. 拉米·科恩每次都会出现在这个“家庭主父”参加的亲子活动班中,他说,虽然很分散精力,他还是很喜欢做一名全职父亲。

    Rami Cohen is a regular at the stay-at-home dads playgroup1 . He says he loves being a full-time dad , though it divides his attention .

  5. 现在,有些孩子已经长大了,我希望他们保留做姜饼的传统,将来和他们自己的孩子一起做这项亲子活动。

    Some of them are almost grown now , and I hope they will keep the tradition going for their own kids as a heartwarming bonding experience .

  6. 当天威廉王子和凯特王妃带着八个月大的小王子一起参加一场亲子活动,这场亲子会由新西兰皇家普朗凯特协会举办。

    The eight-month-old was brought along by his clearly proud parents , the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge , to the ' playdate ' organised by The Royal New Zealand Plunket Society .

  7. 贝尔当天参加的活动,是白宫为行政办公室员工及其家人举办的亲子活动,每年一次。贝尔的妈妈是行政部门员工,她也出席了这一活动,但她不愿意吐露姓名。

    Bell was in attendance at the event held every year for Executive Office employees and their families with her mother , an executive branch employee who did not want to be identified .

  8. 在亲子阅读活动实施的具体情况调查方面,本研究主要从活动开展的时间与频率、阅读材料的选择和使用、阅读方式方法的选用这三方面考察其具体的开展过程。

    In investigating particular situation of implementing parent-child reading activity , the study is done from time and frequency of the activity , reading materials ' choosing and using , and reading ways and methods .

  9. 通过典型相关分析,揭示出家庭文化资本与亲子阅读活动有显著相关,家庭身体化、客体化和制度化文化资本对亲子阅读活动都会产生重要影响。

    The typical related analyses show that the activity of parent-child reading largely depends on the culture capital of the family . The physical , objective and systematic culture capital is very important in parent-child reading activities .

  10. 亲子阅读活动作为家庭阅读教育的一种重要形式,是指父母与孩子在家庭中开展的以阅读指导为主要内容的家庭教育活动,它对于儿童身心成长具有特殊意义。

    As one important way of family reading education , parent-child reading refers to a family education activity in which parents and children read together in the families . This kind of reading has special meanings for children in developing body and mind .

  11. 投放更多资源以协助家长学习教养子女,以及举办有助于促进亲子关系的活动。

    Devote more resources to help parents learn about guiding their children , and to organise activities to foster a closer parent-child relationship .

  12. 部分家长实施亲子阅读教育活动的知识结构不够完整,缺乏语言学科、认知心理学、阅读心理学、教育学方面的知识。

    While implementing the parent-child reading activity , some parents ' knowledge structures are not complete , lacking knowledge in linguistics , cognitive psychology , reading psychology and pedagogics .

  13. 上周,德州仪器(TI)在位于马里兰州日耳曼敦的工厂(我的工作地点)举行了“亲子工作体验”活动。

    Last week , at TI 's Germantown , Maryland facility ( where I work ), we held a " Bring Your Daughters and Sons to Work " day .

  14. 第三节是幼儿园艺术教学内容的分析:列举了几个班级亲子开放日的活动流程。

    The third section is the kindergarten art teaching content analysis , listed a few class parents open day activities .

  15. 透过观察、模仿、游戏等方式进行,增加亲子或玩伴的活动机会,会丰富其生活经验,对他们语言发展也很有帮助。

    Observation , imitation , game play , and interactions with family and friends , can all help in a child 's language development .