
  • 网络affinity energy
  1. 电导法研究固-液体系吸附质亲和能

    The Study on Affinity Energy of Adsorbate in Solid-Liquid System by Conduction Method

  2. 质子亲和能愈大,P区元素氢化物水溶液的酸性愈弱。

    The bigger the proton affinity is , the weaker the water solution acidity of P_ block element hydride becomes .

  3. 利用固&液界面吸附的动力学方程,求取表观吸附速率常数(k),测定了平衡吸附量(Qe),分析计算出了吸附质的亲和能(Ua)及吸附势(E)。

    The rate constant of apparent adsorption was evaluated by the kinetic equation of solid-liquid interface adsorption .

  4. 脂肪胺、醇HOMO能级与质子亲和能关系

    A relationship between HOMO energies and proton affinities of aliphatic amine and alcohol

  5. 使用不同的基组计算团簇YO的电子亲和能和电离能。

    Different basis sets were used to calculate the electron affinity ( EA ) and ionization potential ( IP ) of YO .

  6. CN取代的PDI具有较高的电子亲和能,并且其对应的化合物A-CN和B-CN具有较小的电子重组能和空穴重组能。

    Compound A-CN and B-CN has a smaller hole and electron reorganization energy , and their electron affinity higher .

  7. 脂肪醇盐离子质子亲和能与量子化学参数的关系

    A relationship between quantum chemical parameters and proton affinities of alkoxide ion

  8. 但是,电子亲和能既可以是负的,也可以是正的。

    Electron affinity , however , can be either negative or it can be positive .

  9. 要想答对这个问题,你只需要好好想一想,电子亲和能的真正意义。

    To answer this question you just really want to think about what does electron affinity means .

  10. 这意味着氮的电子亲和能很低,它实际上并不愿意得到一个电子。

    So this means nitrogen has low electron affinity , it doesn 't actually want to gain an electron .

  11. 利用结构与亲和能关系的分析对变异所产生的抗药性进行了定量的和力学的解释,而且与实验分析相一致。

    This study provides a quantitative and mechanistic explanation of mutational effect from detailed analyses of the structure-affinity relationship .

  12. 电负性标度与电子亲和能的规律性研究Ⅰ.价电子的平均核势

    A New Electronegativity Scale and the Systematic Trends of the Electron Affinities ⅰ . The Average Nuclear Potential of the Valence Electrons

  13. 那么,你认为稀有气体的电子亲和能,应该是一个高的正值,一个低的正值,还是一个负值?

    So do you think noble gases would have a high positive electron affinity , a low positive , or negative electron affinity ?

  14. 看来大部人都想到了,如果你翻翻讲义的话,它们的电子亲和能确实是负的。

    So most of you recognize , if we switch back to the notes , that they do have a negative electron affinity .

  15. 通过孤立给体和受体的几何构型优化,计算了给体的电离能和受体的电子亲和能。

    After geometric optimizations of the isolated donor and acceptor , the ionization potential of the donor and the electron affinity of the acceptor have been calculated .

  16. 那么,我们可以想一想电子亲和能的,周期性规律是怎样的,就像我们刚才分析电离能那样。

    So , we can think about trends in electron affinity just like we did for ionization energy , and what we see is a similar trend .

  17. 合子后的子房内自交不亲和能形成合子,但由于自交不亲和通常由单位点控制,合子败育集中发生在受精作用后的很短时间内。

    Post-zygotic self-incompatibility , referred to as an abortion , occurs shortly after fertilization , and is a result of the interaction between the maternal plant and the zygotes .

  18. 详细地分析了团簇的结构特征,平均结合能,垂直电离势,垂直电子亲和能,电荷转移以及成键特征。

    Structural features , binding energies , vertical ionization potentials , vertical electron affinity , charge transfers , and binding characters were evaluated for each Au & Ni binary cluster .

  19. 我们讲了电离能的,电子亲和能的,还讲了电负性的,也就是前两个的组合,最后讲了原子半径的。

    We talked about ionization energy , electron affinity , we talked about electronegativity , which is just kind of a combination of the first two , and then ended with atomic radius here .

  20. 然后我们再开始讲元素周期表,我们会看到很多周期性规律,比如电离能,电子亲和能,电负性以及原子半径。

    We 'll then take a turn to talking about the periodic table , we 'll look at a bunch of periodic trends , including ionization energy , electron affinity , electronegativity and atomic radius .

  21. 结合自由能的计算采用MM/PBSA的方法,预测的结合亲和能很好地解释了所研究的抑制剂间的活性差异。

    Binding free energies were calculated by molecular mechanics / Poisson-Boltzmann surface area ( MM-PBSA ) method . The predicted binding affinities can give a good explanation of the activity difference of the studied inhibitors .

  22. 在本实验条件下,利用生物素亲和素系统能较好地固定化葡萄糖氧化酶,经过纳米金颗粒修饰的QCM基片对酶的吸附量比未经修饰的基片可提高1倍以上。

    The results indicate that glucose oxidase can be immobilized well by biotin-avidin system and the quantity of enzyme immobilization is doubled by nanoparticle Au .

  23. 将抗原蛋白固定在硝酸纤维素膜上,然后对抗体进行亲和纯化,能快速有效获得高特异性抗体。

    So that antibodies could be specifically bound to its antigens rapidly , efficiently and precisely .

  24. 结果证明,利用抗柚皮苷免疫亲和色谱,能特异性地剔除四逆散或其他样品中的柚皮苷成分。

    This immunoaffinity column of anti-naringin antibody could be used for specifically depleting naringin from Si-Ni-San and other samples .

  25. 我们正不断地扩展公司经营的产品线,不断地引进国际上优秀品质的产品,让中国更多的父母亲和婴童能享受到世界一流品质的产品。

    We keep adding product lines and introducing international high-quality products , aiming at providing more and more Chinese parents and babies the best products in the world .

  26. 中国古代器具设计在尊重自然、顺应自然的同时,提倡一种既与大自然高度亲和,又能充分调动人类潜能的、非对抗的创造活动,值得当代设计师高度重视。

    Designers of modern times should attach importance to the idea of ancient Chinese that in designing instruments Man should respect Nature by living in harmony with it and fully exercise the potential and creativity while being emotionally attached to it .

  27. 总结了银团簇的理论计算方法及计算得到的主要性质如稳定几何结构、子亲和势与电离能。

    The theoretical calculation methods , the calculated properties such as geometry , EA and IP of silver clusters are also discussed .

  28. 某些自交不亲和植物的花粉管能到达胚珠,但胚珠败育,这其中有的是由于受精失败,有的是由于受精后的早期胚珠败育。

    In some self-incompatible plants the pollen tube reaches the ovule but the ovule aborts , either because fertilization fails or because the ovule aborts at an early stage after fertilization .

  29. 研究结果表明,由于蓖麻凝集素是一种专一性的半乳糖结合蛋白,该亲和层析柱对半乳糖苷化的胰蛋白酶表现出良好的亲和性并能有效地将其从反应混合液中分离纯化出来。

    The results showed that this affinity chromatography column had a good binding with the modified enzyme , and can purify it from reaction mixture .