
qīn shǒu
  • Hands on;personally;with one's own hands;oneself
亲手 [qīn shǒu]
  • (1) [with ones own hands]∶自己动手

  • 这些是他亲手种的树

  • (2) [oneself]∶自身

  • 你亲手做一做

亲手[qīn shǒu]
  1. 这位来自南京的颜女士向当地媒体透露,虽然自己亲手激活并设置了面部识别软件,但她的一名女同事却每次都能解锁她的iPhoneX手机。

    Yan from Nanjing in east China , told local news that despite personally activating and configuring the facial recognition software , her female work colleague was able to get into both devices on every single attempt .

  2. 仅此一点就让这个性情温顺的小个子男人不顾心中的恐惧,开始搞出机密文件——深信他是亲手在为吉米•卡特(JimmyCarter)刺探情报。

    That 's all it took for the meek little man to ignore his fears and begin bringing out classified documents ─ all in the belief that he was personally spying for Jimmy Carter , God help him .

  3. 现在99%的小学生都亲手操作过电脑。

    Ninety-nine per cent of primary pupils now have hands-on experience of computers

  4. 他总会亲手挑选一批聪明而年轻的军官常伴他左右。

    He had made it his business to surround himself with a hand-picked group of bright young officers

  5. 马丁亲手帮他父亲修建起了水景园,就这样对园艺产生了兴趣。

    Martin helped his father dig the water gardens out by hand . Thus he discovered his interest in gardening .

  6. 我要亲手把他撕成碎片。

    I 'll rip him apart with my hands .

  7. 孩子的衣服都是她亲手做的。

    She made clothes herself for her children .

  8. 这是他亲手种的花。

    This is the flower he planted with his own hands .

  9. 你亲手做做。

    Do it yourself .

  10. 师傅亲手把这本武林秘笈传授给了我。

    The master handed me the rare and secret book of martial arts .

  11. 他没有亲手杀死犯人,监狱看守在这起凶杀案中充当了他的工具。

    He did not himself kill the prisoner ; the jailer was his instrument in the murder .

  12. 我早起晚睡,亲手处理一切事情,承担一切风险,在我的一生中,这一次才不愧为堂堂男子汉。

    I was up early and down late , set my own hand to everything , took dangers as they came , and for once in my life played the man .

  13. 比尔亲手写了32封信。

    Bill wrote the 32 letters by hand .

  14. 在博物馆里,除了可以看到制作陶器的陶具和工具外,游客还可以在那里尝试亲手制作陶器。

    Along with seeing examples of pots and tools used for making pots in the museum , visitors can try to make their own pots there .

  15. Agritainment(农家乐)就是指农村旅游,像走玉米田迷宫、搭乘颠簸的干草车、亲手摘南瓜等场院式活动均属“农家乐“范畴。这种日渐兴盛的旅游形式在帮助农民增加收入的同时也让城市大人们有机会品味乡间生活。

    Agritainment is farm-based tourism , includes family style activities , such as corn mazes their revenue stream .

  16. 亲手做所有事,哪怕是使用电脑。

    Do everything by hand , even when using the computer .

  17. 微软亲手为火狐和谷歌浏览器超越自己铺平了道路。

    Microsoft paved the way for Firefox and then Chrome to surpass it .

  18. 获得最佳回报的唯一方法就是亲手打造自己的未来。

    The only way to get the best outcome is to shape your own future .

  19. 多年前,我参加了一个朋友组织的晚餐聚会,女主人拿出她亲手做的美味的蘑菇沙司来款待我们。

    Years ago while attending a dinner party hosted by some friends of mine the hostess served a meal with this delicious mushroom sauce .

  20. 一个女人期望着男人给她建造她理想中的世界,而不是自己亲手创造,这真是大错特错。——

    How wrong it is for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants , rather than to create it herself . -

  21. 开发人员避免了亲手编写UI的每一部分。

    Developers are protected from having to write every part of the UI by hand .

  22. 布什的两个双胞胎女儿送的是她们亲手录制的一盘CD,供他在锻炼的时候听。

    Bush 's twin daughters , gave him a CD they had made for him to listen to while exercising .

  23. 所列出的支持资源由IBM支持团队亲手挑选,可作为提高技术和进行故障诊断的信息工具使用。

    The support resources listed are hand-selected by IBM support teams and act as informational vehicles for skills enhancement , as well as troubleshooting .

  24. Maxine喜欢吹嘘所有的菜肴都由她亲手烹饪,

    You see , Maxine liked to brag that she did all her own cooking

  25. 我还没有为学习UNIX构想出与“ConjunctionJunction”相似的作品,但是我会在未来的几个月里尝试亲手编写这样的歌曲。

    I haven 't come up with a " Conjunction Junction " equivalent for learning UNIX , but I 'll try my hand at writing such a song in the coming months .

  26. 不过,问题在于这两家公司都有自己亲手打造的流媒体视频产品,而这些产品和Netflix存在竞争关系。

    The problem , however , is that both Amazon and Apple have competing streaming video products that are established in their own right .

  27. 在这一集里,观众们将会看到Stefan在亲手杀了自己父亲、转变了自己哥哥之后,他经历的最黑暗的日子。

    From there , viewers will be taken back to Stefan 's darkest days , after he murdered his father and turned his brother .

  28. 这种学校的私人主动性是故意扼杀了ABA的认证机构所控制,每一个亲手挑选雇员或朋友到学校八字脱落酸ABA的路线。

    The private initiative of such schools is deliberately choked off by the controlling ABA accreditors , each a hand-picked employee of or friend to the ABA schools toeing the ABA line .

  29. 使用Drools解决简单问题使得有机会亲手实验,这增强了对于技术的信心。

    Solving a simple problem using Drools gave a chance of hands on which boosted the confidence in the technology .

  30. Bochannek表示,人们有机会在展览上亲手触摸其中一些物品。

    Mr. Bochannek says people have the chance to handle some of the objects in the exhibit .