
  • 网络iteration;iterative computations
  1. 颗粒与高频感应热等离子体流的迭代计算

    Numerical iteration of plasma and particle flow in a RF plasma generator

  2. 透平压缩机叶栅S1流面迭代计算方法的改进

    Improvement on Iteration Calculation Method for Cascade S_1 Stream Surface of Turbo-compressor

  3. 在Fluent中采用SIMPLE算法来迭代计算进行数值模拟。

    The numerical simulation is based on the SIMPLE algorithm in Fluent .

  4. 通过迭代计算揭露海洋热贮存C对气候系统的调控作用。

    A regulating feature of oceanic capacities C in the climate system is revealed by means of mapping iterations .

  5. 传统状态估计主要基于监控和数据采集(SCADA-SupervisoryControlAndDataAcquisition)系统提供的遥测量,采用迭代计算求得状态向量。

    Traditionally state estimation uses the remote measurements provided by the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition ( SCADA ) system , obtaining the state vector iteratively .

  6. 从而将材料界面演化变形的levelset算法归纳为初始化,速度扩展、材科界面变形计算与重新新初始化并循环迭代计算四部分。

    The level set algorithm for tracking the motion of material interfaces can be divided into four parts : initialization , velocity expanding , computing of motion for material interfaces and reinitialization .

  7. 其中,组态软件用来制作人机接口界面同时作为数据输入输出接口,matlab负责完成复杂的优化迭代计算。

    The configuration software is used to develop human-machine interface and IO interface , and matlab takes charge the complex optimization computation .

  8. 计算Kalman滤波器的方法主要采用迭代计算法,在工程应用中在线进行无穷迭代运算所带来的较大计算量势必影响计算速度。

    The Kalman filter algorithm mainly adopts the iterative methods , which affect the calculating speed in engineering application .

  9. 然后通过增大荷载以及增加裂缝长度的方式迭代计算,求得相应尺寸构件的承载能力,整个计算过程采用Matlab编程来实现。

    Then the bearing capacity of the member is obtained by the iterative calculation of the increasing load and length of the crack , which is realized in the Matlab .

  10. 同时本文在新算法中应用AOS格式进行迭代计算,使得新算法有很高的计算效率。

    Furthermore , the new algorithms have high efficiency by using AOS scheme .

  11. 用Matlab来迭代计算反应床温降及裂解气组分,并把结果代入到下一级的翅片管数值模拟中。

    Matlab is used to iterative calculate the reaction bed temperature drop and the product gas composition which is substituted into the numerical simulation of next level of the finned tube .

  12. 作者在[2]中曾利用[1]的结果,对一种分布式公用存贮器型多总线多处理机系统提出了PE的迭代计算方法。

    Using the result in [ 1 ] , an iterative formula is proposed in [ 2 ] for the performance evaluation of a distributed common memory multiple hus architecture .

  13. FDTD数值计算要采用增加辅助变量和相应的辅助差分方程的方法使FDTD迭代计算稳定。

    In order to get FDTD iterative computation stable , FDTD numerical method should increase the subsidiary variable and the corresponding auxiliary difference equation .

  14. 求解SPAC系统水热输移的耦合迭代计算方法

    The coupled iteration method in solving the water movement and heat transfer in SPAC

  15. 本文对q步并行Halley圆盘迭代计算类PDI(2,q)给出了一个收敛性定理。

    In this paper we give a convergence theorem for PDI ( 2 , q ), which we call the q-Step Parallel Halley Disk Iteration .

  16. 但是,一般来说,FDTD法迭代计算的时间比较长。

    But usually the iterative time of FDTD method is quite long , the iterative calculation of FDTD method is needed to perform at many angles in this case .

  17. 在化工管路的计算中,运用Excel电子表格进行试差迭代计算,无需编程,可直接准确、快速地得到计算结果,适用于教学与工程计算中。

    This paper introduces an iteration method of calculating trying difference in chemical engineering tube lines with Excel spreadsheet , which is easy to use without programming . The method can be applied in teaching and engineering calculating .

  18. 该模型采用传统BP算法和改变步长的BP算法,为了使模型具有最佳的迭代计算速度和预报精度,本文对隐含层单元数、权重初始值范围、学习速率等参数进行了优化。

    The model gives two BP algorithms as traditional BP network and improved BP network , in order to get better iterative speed and high precision , the work optimize the unit of couch , the beginning value , and the study speed .

  19. 利用Huber函数作为影响函数进行加权迭代计算,权重为上次迭代的残差函数,以此减少奇异值对回归系数的影响;

    The weights are functions of the residuals from the previous iteration such that the estimator is not influenced by data with error .

  20. 通过迭代计算和电磁能量Joule加热的耦合方程来解Elenbaas-Heller能量平衡方程,可以对等离子体的温度轮廓进行模拟。

    The Elenbaas & Heller energy balance equation can be calculated by iteration procedure and Joule heating couple equation . The temperature profile of the plasma can be simulated .

  21. 通过对不同厚度样品的红外透射比测量,经反演迭代计算得到了一种中红外硒化物玻璃(Ge(30)As(10)Se(60))的光学常数,并进行了误差模拟分析。

    Optical constants of a MWIR selenide glass were obtained through successive iterations of transmittance spectrum of samples with different thickness Its simulated error was analyzed . the maximum simulated error of the water depth is around 10 percent of observed ;

  22. 流固耦合迭代计算方法可以充分利用现有的大型软件ANSYS和FLUENT进行复杂结构的流固耦合问题的计算分析,具有工程实用性。

    The fluid-solid coupling iterative computing method come forward in the paper may make best use of the present large-scale software , FLUENT and ANSYS , to calculate and analyze the complex fluid-solid coupled problems , which is practicable in the engineering .

  23. 本文,对于任意给定的矩阵A,我们给出了计算其M-P逆和加权M-P逆的有限迭代计算公式。

    In this paper , a finite formula is presented to compute Moore-Penrose inverse A + and weighted Moore-Penrose inverse A + M , N of a given matrix A.

  24. 算法把原问题分解为一系列子问题,在保持原问题的Wolfe对偶可行的前提下,通过迭代计算,由这一系列子问题的最优解向原问题的最优解逼近。

    The original problem is divided into a series of subproblems in the method . In the condition of Wolfe dual problem is feasible , the optimum solution is obtained by solving the subproblems through iterations .

  25. 另外,在解码过程中用连分数方法来做Berlekamp算法,使之更为适合于计算机迭代计算。

    In addition , the continued fractions method is used for solving the Berlekamp 's algorithm , because it can be easily implemented in a computer .

  26. 而对长距离输电线,则提出一个修正系数来修正tanhγχ≈γχ的误差,通过一欠迭代计算获得准确的故障位置。

    For long transmission lines , a factor k is presented to correct the error by tanh γχ≈γχ , and fault location can be accurately obtained by one or two iterative calculations .

  27. 从而简单、明了地赋于投入产出表RAS方法的信息意义.我们还给出一种迭代计算方案.最后指出,该方法可以用统计方法检验新的理论预测与原投入产出表的差异性。

    Therefore the information meaning of RAS method of input-output table was given . Also , an iterative computation scheme was given . Finally , it is pointed out that this method can be used to test the difference between new theoretical prediction scheme and the original input-output table .

  28. 首先,针对最近点迭代计算方法中存在的不足,从提高算法的效率和准确性入手,利用Bernstein多项式算术运算和Bezier曲面分割算法,提出了一种基于四叉树递归分解的最近点计算方法。

    In order to achieve the optimal matching between free-form objects . Firstly , a novel algorithm to calculate closest point , based on recursive quadtree decomposition , is presented , which combines with the robust arithmetic for multivariate Bernstein-form polynomials and Bezier surface segmentation algorithm .

  29. 在SL-RFE方法中,通过迭代计算子集水平分数,递归地删除噪声特征,并更新图的结构。

    In SL-RFE , we iteratively calculate the subset level score and recursively remove those feature with least scores based on the updated graph .

  30. 该方法首先利用传统的传递闭包方法得到1个初始分类,并在此基础上提出初始分划矩阵,根据考虑权重因子的模糊ISODATA方法对相关数据进行迭代计算,从而对数据进行有效分类。

    According to the method , an initial classification was firstly performed by use of the conventional transitive closure method , and then an initial division matrix was constructed . With the weighted fuzzy ISODATA method for iterative computation of the related data , the data were classified effectively .