
  • 网络iterative inversion
  1. 数值计算结果表明,这种迭代反演算法与基于Born近似、二阶Born近似和扩展Born近似的反演算法相比提高了成像分辨率,而计算效率相当。

    Numerical results indicate that the iterative inversion method improves resolution compared with other inversion methods based on Born approximation or second Born approximation or extended Born approximation , and has the same computational efficiency .

  2. 为避免迭代反演的缺陷,研究了采用BP神经网络进行测井快速反演的方法。

    A fast inversion method using a BP neural network was developed to avoid the problems of the iterative inversion .

  3. 针对MODIS数据的地表温度非线性迭代反演方法

    A Nonlinear Iterative Method for Retrieving Land Surface Temperature by Using MODIS Data

  4. 在Cauchy准则稀疏反演求解中,应用预条件共轭梯度法实现反射系数和子波同时迭代反演。

    Under the Cauchy criteria , estimating reflectivity and wavelet simultaneously is implemented by the Pre-conditional Conjugate ( PCG ) schemes .

  5. 用多阶Mueller矩阵解对非均匀地表植被生物量和土壤湿度的迭代反演

    Iterative Inversion of Canopy Biomass and Surface Moisture by Using Multi-Order Mueller Matrix Solution of Vector Radiative Transfer Equation

  6. 本文给出的时间域稳健迭代反演方法,可将常规地震时间剖面的视主频50Hz提高到460Hz,使4m厚的煤层项底反射波完全分离。

    The steady iterative inversion in time domain raises the apparent dominant frequen-cy of seismic time section from 50 Hz to 460 Hz , so that the reflections from the top and bottom of 4m-thick coal seam are clearly parted from each other .

  7. 文章从二维介质的马克士威尔方程出发,借助于Backus-Gilbert线性反演理论和连续模型反演方法,给出了一种与大地电磁一维自动迭代反演类似的大地电磁二维连续模型自动迭代的反演方法。

    In this paper , based on Maxwell equation of 2-D medium , an automatic 2-D continuous model inversion method of MT data was given , similar to 1-D inver-sion , by using the theory of Backus-Gilbert linear inversion and the continuous model inversion method .

  8. 应用迭代反演内插算法绘制地质构造图

    Drawing a Geological Structure Map by an Iterative Inversive Interpolation Method

  9. 空间域变深度视磁化强度迭代反演

    Iterative variable - depth inversion for pseudo - magnetizability in space domain

  10. 普通电阻率测井的多参数快速迭代反演

    A Rapid Iterative Whole Inversion Method for Resistivity Log Parameters

  11. 弹性动力学反问题的非线性及其迭代反演

    Nonlinear characteristics of elastodynamics inverse problem and iterative approach

  12. 井间电磁成像的迭代反演算法

    The iterative inversion algorithm incross well electromagnetic imaging

  13. 层状半空间弹性参数非线性迭代反演

    Nonlinear iterative inverse of elastic parameter in half-space

  14. 多层软土地基沉降的分层迭代反演综合预测法

    Iterative back-analysis layer by layer method to predict settlement of several layers soft clay ground

  15. 系统介绍了弹性动力学反问题中各种数值反演方法,包括各种近似下的线性化反演方法;非线性迭代反演方法;

    The numerical methods for inverse problems in elastic dynamics are introduced in this paper .

  16. 时间域稳健迭代反演方法

    Steady iterative inversion in time domain

  17. 对地层模型的模拟测井数据的反演结果表明,本文迭代反演结果与真实地层电阻率分布较吻合。

    The inversion results of the model logging data are in agreement with the true resistivity profile .

  18. 本文提出了三度体重磁异常的人机联作校正-迭代反演方法。

    Human-computer combinational inversion method of 3-D gravity and magnetic anomalies is presented in this paper with correction-iteration .

  19. 同时迭代反演海水速度和海底速度,提高了反演的精度。

    This paper improves the inversion accuracy by means of iteration inversion of the sea-water velocity and bottom velocity .

  20. 对二度体单一密度界面的空间域求解提出了一种改进的迭代反演方法。

    A new inverse iteration method of gravity in space domain for two dimensional body is introduced in this paper .

  21. 该技术能充分利用折射波场的丰富信息,在迭代反演中不仅能简单快速地得到反演结果,而且所得解具有良好的稳定性,较少受主观因素影响。

    This method can make full use of the plentiful information of refractive seismic wave and obtain the velocity with fast convergence in iteration .

  22. 计算量及计算机内存量过大是波动方程迭代反演中所面临的主要困难之一。

    Too much computation and too big internal storage to be used are the main troubles we face in the iterative inversion of wave equation .

  23. 基于扩展玻恩近似和电场积分方程,建立起非线性反演方程,然后应用两步线性反演方法进行迭代反演。

    The nonlinear inversion equation based on the extended Born approximation was derived , the two-step inverse method for reconstructing the conductivity profile was presented .

  24. 在视磁化强度反演的空间域矩阵法的基础上,本文提出了视磁化强度的空间城变深度迭代反演方法。

    Based on the pseudo-magnetizability matrix inversion method in space domain , an iterative variable depth inversion for pseudo-magnetizability using sliding window technique is suggested here .

  25. 高速公路隧道水平层状围岩支护优化水平层状非均质地层中阵列感应测井响应数值模拟与全参数迭代反演

    Support Optimum on Horizontal Bedded Surrounding Rock of Expressway Tunnel Numerical Simulation and Multiparameter Iterative Inversion of Multi-array Induction Logging Response in the Horizontally Layered Inhomogenous Medium Formation

  26. 与传统线性化的迭代反演比较,神经网络反演能够克服传统方法的不足、获得更好的反演结果。

    Compared to the traditional iterative inversion method through linearization , the neural network inversion is able to overcome disadvantages of the traditional inversion and obtain better results .

  27. 2再对整个阵列感应测井资料进行二维迭代反演,实现理论模拟与整个测井资料的最佳拟合。

    Then , 2 D iterative inversion has been done for whole multi array induction log data , fulfilling optimum fitting between theoretical modeling data and total log data .

  28. 由于复杂模型存在多个局部极小,常规的迭代反演方法不能得到好的解。

    Gammon iterative inversion methods have been unsuccessful at inverting seismic data obtained from complicated models , the major difficulty being the presence of numerous local minima in the objective function .

  29. 讨论了水汽总量和云中液态水含量的统计反演法以及水汽垂直分布的迭代反演法。

    A statistical method for retrieving the total water vapor and cloud liquid water content and a non-linear iterative algorithm for retrieving the water vapor profiles in the troposphere are discussed .

  30. 考虑振幅几何扩散补偿、散射角度补偿,在迭代反演过程求出最优解,即保幅偏移解。

    An optimal solution , which is a true amplitude , is obtained in the process of iteration by considering the weighted factors to compensate the amplitude spreading and the angle effects with offset .