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  1. 南宋绍兴地区文化发达,文人汇聚,彼此交游,迭相唱和,成为文人群体较为活跃的一个区域。

    The culture in Shaoxing area is development , literatis get together , make friends with each other through responsory , that become a region which the group of literati is active during the Southern Song Dynasty .

  2. 结果表明,对于高维函数,当迭代步数相同时,旋转曲面变换粒子群优化算法与其他两种粒子群优化算法相比,具有稳定性要好,收敛速度快。

    Experimental results show that compared with two conventional PSO at the same iterations for high dimension function , the proposed method converges faster and is more stable .