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  1. 面对市场对现代技能人才的要求不断高移化的状况,高职院校必须把培养高素质综合性人才的工作放到突出位置,以满足社会的需求。

    According to the situation of requirement for modern skills talents keeping going higher and higher , higher vocational colleges must focus on training high quality talents to meet social requirement .

  2. 针对分析型设备尺寸小、结构紧凑等特点,对系统中主要设备进行了创新的小型化、快开化和可移化设计,并给出了各设备的强度计算方法。

    The main equipment in the system is innovatively designed to be small , opening quickly and mobile due to the characteristics of small in size and compact in structure of the analytical type equipment .

  3. 利用键移重整化群的方法,研究了Sierpinski地毯上S~4系统的相变和临界性质,得出了系统的递推关系和临界点。

    Using the bond-moving renormalization-group method , the phase transitions and critical properties of S ~ 4 system on Sierpinski carpet are investigated , and its recursion relations and fixed points are obtained .

  4. 其中,存在主义学派的思想更潜移墨化地影响着当代大学生的人生观。

    Among them , the thought of existential school is unconsciously influencing on the contemporary college students'outlook on life .

  5. 但是从虚位移原理化为能量关系的变分形式时,要求位移和应力在积分域内处处连续。

    The transformation of virtual displacement principle into the varia-tional energy form is performed on the bases of continuity conditions of stress and displacement throughout the integrated space .

  6. 人在异化过程中,我认为并没有被移心化,沙滩山的足迹可以抹掉,但人已走过。

    In the process of alienation , I think that has not been " moved the heart of the " footprints of the mountain you can erase the beach , but people have already walked through .

  7. 实验中发现所制备的纳米Al2O3的红外光谱存在吸收峰的蓝移和宽化,对出现此现象的原因进行了分析讨论。

    The blue shift and broadening of absorption peak were observed , and the causes of these phenomena were discussed .

  8. 目的:建立一种囊袋模型,研究兔晶体囊外摘除术(ECCE)后残余的晶体上皮细胞(LECs)在体外增殖,移行,化生的情况。

    Objective : To study the proliferation , migration and metaplasm of residual rabbit lens epithelial cells ( LECs ) after extracapsular cataract extraction ( ECCE ) based on the rabbit capsular bag model in vitro .

  9. 蒙脱石红移、蓝移及水化特征的谱学分析

    Analysis on red-shift , blue-shift and hydration characteristics of Montmorillonite

  10. 因此,显然,我发现了它也是移向特殊化。

    And so , remarkably , I discovered that there 's also a drift toward specialization .

  11. 在拓扑变换中,光滑表皮的形态演化总体来说可用以下八种表皮发生方式概括:包裹、外突、内陷、内移、环化、内延、卷曲、层裂。

    Topological transformation of the smooth epidermis in the form of evolution in general can be summarized as the following six kinds of epidermal ways : wrapped , the protrusion retraction , shift ring , within the extension , curl and spall .

  12. 结论MRI尤其是增强MRI能反映膝关节移植物正常韧带化过程中的形态学和组织学变化。

    Conclusion Changes in MRI signal intensity reflect the process of graft remodeling .

  13. 保留残迹重建ACL可以加速移植物再血管化。

    The ACL reconstruction with preserving-remnant can promote the angiogenesis of the grafts .

  14. 结果表明,戊二醛浓度0.5%,pH7.0,温度20℃,时间12h以及液态酶与壳聚糖凝胶1∶1配比是谷胱甘肽S转-移酶最佳固定化条件,固定化酶催化菲降解的最佳反应时间是9h。

    The results show that the best conditions of immobilization glutathione S-transferases are concentration of glutaraldehyde 0.5 % , pH7.0 , temperature 20 ℃, time 12h , enzyme and chitosan 1 ∶ 1.Immobilization enzyme catalyzing and decomposing reaction time is 9h .

  15. 骨移植物再血管化与骨改建的相关研究

    Experimental Study on the Revascularization and Remodeling of Bone Grafts Transplantation

  16. 高层框架侧移计算的连续化方法

    Continuum method of side sway calculation for tall frame structure

  17. 目的探讨骨移植物再血管化与骨改建的相互关系,并对深冻自体骨和深冻异体骨的再血管化和骨改建进行比较。

    Objective To explore the relations between revascularization and remodeling of bone grafts .

  18. 考虑频散介质的电磁波传播,引入随频率变化的电位移矢量D,并对电场强度E和电位移D进行标准化。

    To study propagation characteristic of radar wave in a dispersive medium , frequency - dependent flux density D was introduced , and electromagnetic field E and flux density D were norma - lized .