
  • 网络mobile data traffic
  1. 此外,视频功能是耗费移动数据流量最多、也是增长最快的部分,占所有4G网络的45%到55%。

    Additionally , video is the largest and fastest-growing segment of mobile data traffic , comprising 45 to 55 percent of all 4G-dominated networks .

  2. 移动数据流量中,69%被视频所占。

    Videovideo accounts for69 % of mobile data traffic .

  3. 该公司表示,移动数据流量营收同比增长43%。

    The company said mobile data traffic revenue rose by 42 per cent over the year .

  4. 急速增长的移动数据流量,对电信运营商来说既是机遇,也是挑战。

    The rapid growth of mobile data flow is not only opportunities but also challenges for the telecom operators .

  5. 智能手机、软件狗和平板电脑的出现,迫使美国运营商不得不推出新技术,以应对额外的移动数据流量。

    Smartphones , dongles and tablets forced US operators to roll out new technology to cope with extra mobile data traffic .

  6. 有着“互联网女皇”之称的风险投资公司凯鹏华盈合伙人玛丽·米克尔制作了这份备受期待的年度报告。报告称,去年,中国移动互联网数据流量同比增长189%,且增速正逐年加快。

    The data flow of China 's mobile internet surged 189 % last year compared with the same period in the previous year , with growth rate accelerating year by year , said the much-anticipated annual report of Mary Meeker , dubbed " Queen of the Internet , " a partner at venture capital provider Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers .

  7. 这使得移动通信系统的数据流量呈现爆发式增长,需要无线网络提供有效的支持,给移动通信系统的发展带来了巨大的挑战。

    Wireless network needs to provide effective support , and it has brought great challenges to the development of mobile communication system .

  8. 世界范围内,移动网络上的数据流量很快将会超过固网上的数据流量。

    • the volume of worldwide mobile data traffic on mobile networks will soon eclipse the volume of data traffic on fixed networks .

  9. 移动互联网的数据业务流量不断增加,对移动通信技术提出更高的要求,这种迫切的发展需要不仅要求移动上网速率上的提高,也要求质量上的保障。

    The increase of mobile Internet data traffic puts forward higher requirements , and the urgent need for development of mobile communication technology requires not only improvement of the rate of the mobile Internet , but also the quality assurance .

  10. 然后,全文运用数据挖掘技术进行了湘潭移动现有客户的移动数据流量资费项目研究。

    Then , it studies on GPRS item of Xiangtan mobile by using data mining technology .

  11. 随着移动网络用户及其移动数据流量的爆炸式增长,单纯扩大网络容量已经无法满足移动网络用户的各种应用需求和移动网络运营商盈利需求,智能主动服务是一种重要的解决方案。

    With the explosive growth of mobile Internet users and its mobile data traffic , simply to expand network capacity has been unable to meet a variety of application needs of mobile Internet users of and the profit needs mobile network operators . Intelligent active service is an important solution .

  12. 未来几年,移动视频将占据全球2/3的移动数据流量,这使其在宽带无线通信研究领域的地位更加突出。

    In the next few years , mobile video will account for two-thirds of global mobile data traffic , which makes research about mobile video more important in the field of broadband wireless communication technologies .

  13. 思科提供的一组对比数据显示了移动领域的规模增长:2012年移动数据网络上的流量为885拍字节,较2000年全球互联网总流量高出近12倍。

    Cisco offered a comparison that suggests how big mobile has become : the traffic on mobile data networks in 2012 885 petabytes was nearly 12 times greater than total Internet traffic around the world in 2000 , back when the web was taking off .

  14. 尽管中国移动拥有中国62%的移动电话用户,但由于该公司的3G网络速度缓慢,其移动数据流量份额相对较小;该公司正寻求通过大举部署4G技术来补救这一问题。

    While China Mobile boasts 62 per cent of all mobile phone customers in China , its share of mobile data traffic is relatively small due to its slow 3G network , which the company is seeking to remedy with a widespread rollout of 4G technology .