
yí dònɡ jìn ɡōnɡ
  • motion game;motion offence
  1. 他也在继续学习勇士队的移动进攻战术体系和无限换防战术-对22岁的他来说是个艰巨的任务。他曾说过他在大学和高中时期对荧幕报道几乎毫无经验,而这对于NBA大牌来说是不可或缺的。

    He 's also continuing to learn the Warriors ' complicated read-and-react offense while trying to pick up their switch-everything defense -- no small task for a 22-year-old who said during the preseason that he had very little experience with screen coverages in college and high school , something that 's become essential for an NBA big .

  2. 对篮球移动进攻战术的探讨

    Exploration of the Tactics of " Moving Attack " in Basketball

  3. 试论篮球移动进攻的传球技术

    Discussion on the Passing Tactics of Moving Offence in Basketball

  4. 现代篮球移动进攻法探讨

    Discussion on the Method of Moving Attack in Modern Basketball

  5. 当火箭队的定向移动进攻越来越受到租滞时,他们仅仅在第三节就被逆转了11分。

    The Rockets had11 turnovers in the third quarter alone as their motion-oriented offense became increasingly stagnant .

  6. 阵地进攻是篮球比赛永恒的主题,而作为整体打法最好体现的移动进攻必将成为各队研究和训练的重点。

    Basketball game are the offensive positions in the timeless subject , and the best game as a whole reflected the movement of the offensive team will become the focus of research and training .

  7. 篮球换位进攻是在篮球“8字”进攻法之后出现的移动进攻方法,它是现代篮球移动在第二阶段的一种表现形式。

    Basketball offence of position changing is a kind of moving offence method after the emergence of " 8 " formation offence . It is a performance form at the second stage of modern basketball movement .

  8. 文中阐述了篮球移动进攻法的基本概念、移动进攻法的优势、控制问题、几项原则及教学与训练中应注意的几个问题。

    This article expounds the basic concept of moving attack method in basketball , superiority of the method , questions in controlling , several principles and some problems which should be cared in teaching and training .

  9. 现代篮球运动具有高速度、高空优势、高超技巧、高对抗、快速灵活的特点,进攻向移动进攻方向发展,防守日趋综合多变,对青少年篮球运动员移动的训练提出了更高的要求。

    Modern basketball is of high speed , air advantage , super technique , high antagonism , agility and velocity . Its attack focuses on moving attacks and variance , which puts higher requirements on moving training of juvenile basketball players .

  10. 其中,策应配合一环上是中国的特点也是与世界强队在发动方式上的差异所在,如何合理有效的运用策应配合来发动移动进攻是中国所面临的一个重要问题。

    Among them , one ring coordinate with Chinese characteristics are also strong at launch with the world of difference in the way where and how a reasonable and efficient use to coordinate with China to launch mobile offensive are facing an important issue .

  11. 定义了移动配合进攻战术的理论概念;

    Concept of " moving cooperation " is defined .

  12. 通过研究美国NBA比赛控球后卫的组织进攻形式,发现一种新的组织进攻方法&控球后卫不定区域移动式组织进攻方法。

    After analyzing the methods of organizing back fielder in NBA , a new method is been found . Organizing back fielder can make a moving attack in unfixed ares .

  13. 对篮球“移动配合”进攻战术的初步研究

    Elementary research on Attacking Tactics of basketball " moving cooperation "

  14. 现在你们需要注意一些假动作,双脚要保持移动留下足够进攻的距离就不要再靠近。

    Now you may have to watch for the feint , so keep your feet moving and only stay in range long enough to land your blow .

  15. 做出掩护的第一件事就是需要确保稳定的站位,身体不能偏向两侧,如果你的脚正在移动或者身体偏向你的掩护方向,你可能被吹移动掩护或者进攻犯规。

    The first thing that you need to focus on when setting a screen is making sure that your feet are set and that you aren 't leaning to one side or the other . If your feet are moving or you lean into your screen , you may get called for a moving screen and an offensive foul .