
jiè wài qiú
  • out-of-bounds;out;foul ball
界外球 [jiè wài qiú]
  • (1) [out-of-bounds]∶出界。出了限定的游戏范围,出了游戏场地,在边线或边线以外

  • (2) [foul ball]∶打出的棒球滚出内场的边线或落在界外

界外球[jiè wài qiú]
  1. 篮球比赛掷界外球配合方法的探讨

    On the co-operative Skills of out-of-Bounds Basketball-Tossing in a Match

  2. 篮球界外球固定进攻配合

    The Regular Attack Cooperation of Out-of-bounds Ball

  3. 还有新闻和运动台的界外球录影。

    And get foul ball footage from news and sport stations .

  4. 篮球掷界外球战术配合的探讨

    A study on the basketball tactical coordination in out-of-bounds play

  5. 澳大利亚队的第一个进球即是依靠尼尔投掷界外球得分的。

    Australia scored their first goal from a throw in by Lucas Neil .

  6. 流动性掷双骰子游戏。掷界外球必须用双手

    A floating crap game . You must do the throw-in with two hands

  7. 界外球是重开比赛的一种方式。

    A throw-in is a method of restarting play .

  8. 掷界外球必须用双手

    You must do the throw-in with two hands

  9. 比赛的胜利将取决于我们争界外球时的控球能力。

    Victory in the match will depend on our ability to win lineout ball .

  10. 由穆尔在中线附近掷界外球。

    And it 's Moore to throw the ball in near the halfway line .

  11. 界外球是足球比赛中重新开始比赛的一种方式。

    A throw-in is a method of restarting play in a game of Association football .

  12. 球出界了,哪个选手掷界外球?

    Which player should throw the ball in when it has gone out of play ?

  13. 即便阿森纳获得了界外球的机会他们的喊声也好像是进球了一样。

    Even when they got a throw-in the noise was like they 'd scored a goal .

  14. 但前锋在禁区内犯规了。造成掷界外球的犯规

    But the forward made a foul in the penalty area . foul without free throw award

  15. 在掷界外球时,球接触球场或被球场上球员接触。

    During a throw-in , the ball touches or is touched by a player on the court .

  16. 造成掷界外球的犯规

    Foul without free throw award

  17. 你必须在球出界地方掷界外球

    You have to throw the ball in the spot where the ball left the field of play

  18. 长久以来,电视游戏对于界外球的处理都不是很重视。

    It 's been awhile since a videogame has treated out of bounds plays with the proper respect .

  19. 昨天晚上,麦克。库伯格尔被一个界外球击中头部而死亡。

    Mike coolbauge was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head .

  20. 我们很好的应对了界外球、角球和长传的压力。

    We dealt with the pressure of the throws , the corners and the long balls forward reasonably well .

  21. 巡边员告诉主裁判哪个队该掷界外球、角球或球门球。

    The linesmen tell the referee which team should be awarded a throw-in , a corner kick or a goal kick .

  22. 我得告诉你这是在20年前,他们在球场每个地方都使用远距离掷界外球。

    I must tell you this was20 years ago and they used the long throw in from every part of the field .

  23. 我们还以为汤姆打了个本垒打,可是差几英寸变成界外球。真是差一点儿也不行啊。

    Tom had a home run , but the ball went foul by inches . A miss is as good as a mile .

  24. 我全神贯注地看着球赛,连眼睛也没眨一下,直到有颗界外球正中我的眼睛。

    I was concentrating so hard on the game that I didn 't even blink until a foul ball hit me straight in the eye .

  25. 界外球固定进攻战术配合是篮球比赛中简单、有效的特定进攻战术配合方法,在掷边、端线界外球时所运用。

    The regular attack Cooperation of out-of-bounds ball is the easiest and the most efficient strategic cooperation , used in shooting sideline and baseline balls .

  26. 3中国队获前场篮板球后进攻速度最快,前场界外球次之,再次是抢断球。

    The attacking speed is fastest and the offensive rebound , the offensive out comes the next , and the snatching attack comes the third ;

  27. 斯蒂芬-库里三分二连击之后,又在一次底线界外球回合中接到了凯文-杜兰特异想天开的传球完成上篮。

    Then Steph Curry hit a pair of 3s . Then Kevin Durant found Curry on a creative give-and-go layup on a baseline out of bounds play .

  28. 当他被淘汰之后,他爸爸开始加入,并帮助他们度过了一个充满希望,失望,平飞球和界外球的夏天。

    When he gets cut , his father steps in and together they spend a summer full of hope and disappointment , line drives and foul balls .

  29. 在追着界外球跑或是找球员讨要签名之余,我们也花了一些时间,讨论未来会变成什么样子。

    While not chasing after foul balls ( thanks , Youk !) and autographs , we spent some time talking about what the future might look like .

  30. 球员可用脚、头和胸部触球,但是只有守门员和掷界外球的球员可以用手触球。

    Players may use their feet , head , _or_chest to play the ball with the exception of the goalkeeper_and_of making a throw-in , players may not use their hands_or_arms .