
  • 网络touch the ball;First Touch;impact
  1. 目前NBA的规则,只有在球整体离开篮筐圆柱体之后,球员才能触球,否则就是干扰球。

    Current NBA rules , only to leave the basket in the ball the whole cylinder , the player can touch the ball , otherwise it will interfere with the ball .

  2. 美国橄榄球大联盟首轮选秀落下帷幕,据NPR新闻的迈克·佩斯卡报道,对不常触球的进攻球员来说是个大日子。

    With the first round of the NFL draft in the books , NPR 's Mike Pesca reports it was a big day for the members of offense who rarely touch the ball .

  3. 他第一次触球就得分了。

    He scored the first time he touched the ball

  4. 这个数据体现球员的触球次数。

    This shows how many times each player touched the ball .

  5. 查尔斯的球杆是顺着目标线,从球的正上方去触球。

    So Charles'club is coming nicely on top of the ball .

  6. 对足球比赛中一次性触球战术打法的研究

    Sphere of inertia An investigation into one-time-touch-ball techniques in football game

  7. 在足球中以手触球就是犯规。

    It 's against the rules to handle the ball in soccer .

  8. 每次我一触球他们就不停地击鼓。

    Every time I touch the ball they give me a drum roll .

  9. 利物浦队因对方一队员用手触球而得到一个罚球。

    Liverpool were given a penalty when one of their opponents handled the ball .

  10. 用手触球是违犯规则的。

    It 's against the rules to touch the ball with one 's hands .

  11. 削球:向下挥拍触球,使球后旋。

    Chop : a downward stroke producing back-spin .

  12. 第一次触球的时候,他把球停住,然后开始带球过人。

    The first ball he touched , he stopped it and he went dribbling .

  13. 这样就可以让我非常扎实地去触球,将球打出沙坑。

    And this should allow me to make nice contact out of the bunker .

  14. 在足球运动中只有守门员可以用手触球。

    In soccer , only the goal-keeper may play the ball with his hands .

  15. 在触球时间,拍框的偏转程度直接地受球的能量影响。

    The amount a frame deflects during ball contact directly affects its power potential .

  16. 如果见到对方触球,可以要求宣布其犯规。

    If you touch a hedgehog it will react by curling into a ball .

  17. 他的意识和触球总是很突出。

    His awareness and touch is always spot-on .

  18. 一种足球模式掌握球的人不是踢球而是触球。

    A version of football in which the ball carrier is touched rather than tackled .

  19. 在触球的一瞬,可以体会到整张胶皮完全地吸收了由速度胶水才能形成的击打感觉。

    Feel at the ball contact fully assimilate the clicking sensation generated by speed glues .

  20. 开球的球员在其他球员触球前不得再次触球。

    The player who kicks off may not touch the ball again until another player has .

  21. 在触球时的击打感觉也最大限度地反映了形如内能胶水般的效果。

    Clicking sensation at the ball contact also reflects the maximized built-in tension simulating full speed-glue effect .

  22. 更多的触球

    More touches of the ball

  23. 守门员是唯一可以在己方禁区内用手触球的球员。

    The goalkeeper is the only one who can touch the ball by hand without being penalized .

  24. 这就是说只要球碰了篮筐,球员们就可以触球。

    This means that as long as the ball touched the basket , players can touch the ball .

  25. 我更确信那不是个确定的点球,尤其是鲁胖子触球的力量那么大。

    It is definitely NOT a clearcut penalty , especially with Rooney having played the ball too hard .

  26. 莱曼用脚触球的时间比用手多,但这就是足球。

    Jens has touched the ball more with his feet than his hands , but that 's football .

  27. 另外一个体现一个中场球员对球队的贡献的指标是“触球”统计。

    Another really key indicator of how much a player contributes from midfield is the " touch " statistic .

  28. 没有比迷你网球(打小场)更能提升触球(网球停留在拍线上)的手感。

    There is no better way to develop feel for the tennis ball on your racquet strings than mini-tennis .

  29. 他的每一次触球都会让我情不自禁的站起来,并且心中充满着自豪感和毫无修饰的激动。

    Every single one of his possessions had me on the floor , overwhelmed with pride and unfiltered elation .

  30. 鉴于上述的情况,触球时就要杜绝双手的抛挑动作,这一点首先从握杆做起。

    Whereas above instance , stop throw away your hands when strokes ball , which need to start from grip .