
ɡān rǎo qiú
  • interfere with ball
  1. 目前NBA的规则,只有在球整体离开篮筐圆柱体之后,球员才能触球,否则就是干扰球。

    Current NBA rules , only to leave the basket in the ball the whole cylinder , the player can touch the ball , otherwise it will interfere with the ball .

  2. 国际篮联的规则也与NBA有着很大的区别:没有防守三秒,没有严格的干扰球制度,而是更多的体现了身体对抗。

    FIBA ball is in many ways far different than the NBA : no defensive three-second violation , looser rules on swatting balls away from the rim , and an overall more physical style of play .

  3. 你不得干扰这个球。

    You must not interfere with the shuttle .

  4. 无球队员防守方而,塞尔维亚队多采用封堵跑位路线,突分后及时补防轮转,内线绕前侧前防守等方式,干扰无球队员接球。

    Without the ball defense , Serbia block moves to use more routes , minutes after the time up against the sudden rotation , within the wound before the defensive front , etc. interfere with the ball without the ball .