
  • 网络time to trigger;Trigger;Time
  1. 基于此算法,作者提出了一种基于A3事件的统计切换算法,该算法通过统计阈值代替延迟触发时间,可以降低无线链路失败的出现概率,改善系统性能。

    Based on this traditional algorithm , propose an statistical algorithm , in which statistical threshold is used to replace the time to trigger , which can reduce the probability of radio link failure , and improve the system performance .

  2. 讨论了锁频激光器输出特性的变化,测量了激光器的输出线宽,分析了失谐量、注入功率及调Q触发时间对锁频激光输出性能的影响。

    The characteristics of the injection locking laser are discussed . The linewidth of the laser is measured . The influence of the detuning , the injected power and the trigger time of the Q-switch to the injection locking laser are analyzed .

  3. 本文重点研究了双基地SAR本振相位同步误差与触发时间同步误差对成像的影响,建立了误差模型,给出了仿真试验结果,为系统设计提供了参考依据。

    The effect of local oscillator syntonization error and triggering time synchronization error on bistatic SAR imagery are analyzed based on their error models . Useful simulation results are provided for system design .

  4. 以预主脉冲方式工作的激励软X光激光毛细管放电装置,其预主脉冲先后触发时间间隔的控制,直接影响了泵浦能量转换为X射线激光能量的效率。

    When the capillary discharge device runs with pre-pulse and main-pulse , its efficiency of energy transferring by bumping to X-ray laser rises . The control of trigger delay time from pre-pulse to main-pulse is very important for this device .

  5. 在本实验条件下,反应的触发时间在球磨24小时到24.5小时之间。

    The time of starting reaction is 24 to 24.5 hours of milling .

  6. 仿真试验给出了固定、线性、正弦及随机型触发时间同步误差对点目标成像指标的影响,同时给出了相应的面目标仿真结果。

    The effect of fixed and linear error on focusing quality is given by simulation .

  7. 从日期字段中减去这个筹建时间,就应该是这个升级应该开始的触发时间。

    Subtracting the lead time from that date yields the the Trigger Point when upgrade work should begin .

  8. 对时域天线波束扫描进行了理论分析,实现超宽带时域天线的波束扫描的关键是对各脉冲源触发时间进行精确的时间延时控制。

    To realize time-domain antenna array scan , the pivotal problem is accurate delay-controlling to trigger of pulse sources .

  9. 允许用户指定出站事件从低级监测模型发送到高级监测模型的触发时间。

    Allowing users to specify when outbound events should be triggered from low-level monitor models to a high-level monitor model .

  10. 系统对触发时间约束进行了监控处理,从而保证流程不会长时间停留在一个具体环节中。

    The system monitors the triggering time constrain so as to guarantee the procedure not staying at one place for a long time .

  11. 本文建立了触发时间同步误差模型,结合频率源相位噪声模型,初步分析了随机型时间同步误差对成像的影响。

    Triggering time synchronization error model is derived , and based on phase noise model of frequency source , random synchronization error is considered .

  12. 影响系统速率的因素包括硬件的触发时间、继电器的动作和稳定时间,以及软件开销。

    Factors that affect system speed include the triggering time of the hardware , the relay actuation and settling times , and software overhead .

  13. 目的探讨人群脑卒中发病的时间模式,以提供病人进入脑卒中发作的触发时间。

    Objective To Study the temporal patterns of stroke onset , and to provide insights into the triggers which might cause the acute onset of stroke and to develop preventive strategies .

  14. 软件故障注入是评测复杂的分布式、网络等容错系统的重要手段,可以按照故障注入触发时间、故障注入触发方法分类。

    Software-implemented fault injection is an important method of measuring complicated distributed network fault-tolerant systems . It can be classified according to the fault injection trigger time or the trigger method .

  15. 如果时间差是负数,可以视为一个错误,因为永远不会在延迟时间结束后,在一个更早的触发时间从队列中取得项。

    If the delta is ever negative , consider that an error , as you should never get an item from the queue with an earlier trigger time , when the delay has ended .

  16. 初始的触发时间和脉冲宽度能在纠缠中产生峰值,脉冲的最佳宽度能使得纠缠达到最大值。

    It is found that the initial triggering time and the width of the pulse can generate a peak in the entanglement . There is an optimal width of the pulse that the entanglement can reach a maximum .

  17. 根据信号触发时间与滚动轴承不同故障类型的理论碰撞频率间的关系,去除重叠和无效部分,重构出完整的故障周期性信号。

    According to the signal to trigger the time and bearing a different fault type of the relationship between theories of collision frequency , remove duplication and ineffective part of the reconstruction of a complete failure of periodic signals .

  18. 该方法不需要触发时间计数装置的开启信号和停止信号,也不需物体在2只传感器之间稳定运动,因而也降低了对运动物体的要求。

    In this method , it is not need to open and stop signals to trigger time counting apparatus ; and steady movement of object between two sensors is not specialized . Thus , the requirements of movement object are simplified .

  19. 由于激光诱导产生等离子体是一个非常复杂的过程,容易受激光能量,光谱仪的触发时间,周围环境,实验样品准备,样品的基体效应,数据采集方式等影响,继而影响其定量化分析的精度。

    It is easily influenced by many factors , such as laser energy , triggering time of spectrometer , environment , sample preparation , matrix effect of sample and data acquisition method . These factors will affect the accuracy of quantitative analysis .

  20. 通过个体化的ECG触发延迟时间设置可以最大可能地减少搏动模糊伪影并提高图像整体质量;

    The accurate individual EGG trigger-delay setting could reduce the cardiac pulsation blurring to the minimum and improve the image quality .

  21. 光电导开关对光信号具有Ps量级的响应速度,使得其触发晃动时间在Ps量级。

    The photoconductive switches responded to the optical signal with pico-second rate so that it can kept the pico-second triggered jitter-time .

  22. 心电触发延迟时间通过观察四腔心层面RCA断面的运动以确定准确的舒张中期冠状动脉显示运动暂停的间期;

    ECG trigger-delay was accurately set to mid-diastolic " motion freezing " by observing the movement profile of RCA cross-points on four-chamber view individually .

  23. 这种效果触发的时间是随机的。

    The amount of time for this effect to take place occurs at random .

  24. 例如,短时间运行的流程会生成事件,用于触发长时间运行的流程启动。

    For example , a short-running process generates an event that results in launching a long-running process .

  25. 本文围绕数字存储示波器高速触发与时间内插电路模块设计与功能验证这一主题而展开。

    The dissertation focuses on the subject of design the High Speed Trigger and Time Inter-plug Circuit and verify its function .

  26. 行食管酸灌注试验测定其化学性感觉阈值,以触发症状时间和酸相关症状积分表示。

    The chemical sensitivity was measured by acid perfusion test , and quantified by two parameters ( trigger time and acid related symptom score ) .

  27. 对比试验数据进一步说明其影响是改变了触发开始时间和断电时间,对实现系统控制策略的优化起到一定的作用。

    The comparison between the experiment data is further illustrated its influence is the change in triggering the onset time and off time , to realize the system control strategy optimization plays a certain role .

  28. 由事件触发的长时间运行的流程在extends关系中描述。

    A long-running process triggered by an event is described with the extends relationship .

  29. 您上一次检查的时间作为触发刷新来自时间服务器(timeserver)的时间的变量。

    The last time you checked acts as the variable to trigger refreshing the time from the timeserver .

  30. 数字示波器定位触发功能在时间关联中的应用

    The application of digital oscilloscope orientation triggering function in time correlation