
  • 网络Shared Library;share library;shared object
  1. 单击Build按钮创建共享库。

    Click the Build button to create the shared library .

  2. 基于C共享库的MATLAB与Visualc混合编程

    MATLAB and Visual C # mixed programming based on C shared library

  3. 在新的共享库面板中,在configuration选项卡中的generalproperties下

    In the new shared libraries panel , under the general properties in the configuration tab

  4. 打开共享库的ScriptLibrary视图。

    Open the Script Library view of the shared library .

  5. MATLABC共享库在测控分析系统开发中的应用

    Application of MATLAB C shared library in a remote control & meter analysis system

  6. 基于Linux共享库注射技术的网络诱骗系统设计

    Design of network deception system based on Linux shared library injection

  7. 使用MATLAB编译器创建一个C++共享库。

    Use MATLAB compiler to create a C + + shared library .

  8. Xerces-C++是一个作为共享库提供的XML验证解析器。

    Xerces-C + + is a validating XML parser that is provided as a shared library .

  9. 指向一个新的共享库的路径需要追加到LDLIBRARYPATH变量末尾。

    The path to a new shared library needs to be appended to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable .

  10. 附注:共享库可以通过一个api动态装载。

    Side note : shared libraries can be loaded dynamically through an api .

  11. 静态成员msInitializer确保在使用共享库的客户机模块的main()函数之前调用构造函数。

    The static member m_sInitializer ensures that the constrictor is invoked prior to the main () function of the client module that is using the shared library .

  12. 介绍了MATLABC共享库在一个测控数据分析系统中的应用实例。

    This paper introduced an application of MATLAB C shared library in the remote control and meter analysis system .

  13. 请务必用-fpic选项构建每个C源文件,因该选项可以生成独立于位置的代码,这非常适合于共享库。

    Be sure to build each C source file with the-fpic option , which generates position-independent code suitable for a shared library .

  14. 根据需要访问EAR中的依赖项和包,或将其作为共享库。

    Access any dependencies and package within the EAR or as shared libraries as needed .

  15. 段D和F-预留给DB2共享库

    Segment D and F-Reserved for DB2 shared libraries

  16. 分段F:共享库数据

    Segment F : Shared library data

  17. 实例证明通过C共享库来实现MATLAB与Visualc混合编程的方法是行之有效的。

    The method of hybrid programming with MATLAB and visual C # based on C shared library is proved to be effective .

  18. 这是通过修改mappedbase地址取得的,该地址指定共享库的连接地址。

    This is accomplished by modifying the mapped_base address , which specifies the attachment address of shared libraries .

  19. 在Systemz上,-fpic会导致全局偏移表非常小;因此,您应该使用-fPIC以获得较大的共享库。

    On System z , - fpic causes the global offset table to be rather small ; therefore , you should use-fPIC for large shared libraries .

  20. 还要检查并且确保创建了正确的符号链接,指向适合平台的Java共享库。

    Also check and make sure you have created symbolic links to point to the Java shared libraries for your specific platform .

  21. 包含共享库的JAR文件。

    The JAR file containing the shared library .

  22. 编译CUDR并创建一个共享库。

    Compile the C UDR and create a shared library .

  23. 为此,以实例的方式展示了由MATLAB生成C共享库,并在Visualc中调用此C共享库来实现两者之间的混合编程。

    Therefor , an example is constructed to demonstrate the mixed programming with a C shared library made in MATLAB and called in visual C # .

  24. 您将使用MATLAB编译器创建一个C++共享库,该库将包含矩阵求逆函数。

    You will use the MATLAB compiler to create a C + + shared library that will contain the matrix inversion function .

  25. MATLAB支持将用MATLAB编程语言编写的函数(在.m文件中)编译为C++共享库。

    MATLAB supports compiling functions written in MATLAB programming language ( in . m files ) into C + + shared libraries .

  26. 在类UNIX系统中,如Solaris,LDLIBRARYPATH环境变量可以指定共享库搜索顺序。

    In UNIX-like systems , such as Solaris , the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable specifies the shared library search order .

  27. libMatlabinv.so:这是共享库,包含从MATLAB代码生成的C++函数实现。

    LibMatlab_inv . so : This is the shared library that contains the C + + function implementations generated from the MATLAB code .

  28. 一些文档说明共享库是通过nfs加载的。

    Some documentation says shared libraries are loaded over nfs .

  29. 在这些企业发行版中,有一个叫做/proc/pid/mappedbase的文件包含了一个地址,共享库将从该地址装载到内存。

    On these enterprise distributions , there is a file called / proc / pid / mapped_base which contains the address where the shared libraries are to be loaded into memory .

  30. 通常,在Linux上共享库都有主版本号和次版本号,还有一些符号链接指向更通用的名字。

    Normally , on Linux , a shared library will have major and minor version numbers , with symbolic links to more general names .