
  • 网络feature detection;Signature Detection;Signature-based Detection
  1. 该技术改善了基于特征检测算法中存在的不足,提高了对未知入侵类型的检测能力,并对Hamming网络入侵检测技术进行了分析和测试。

    This technique can improve the existing insufficiencies of the signature-based detection algorithm , and also do well in detecting unknown intrusions . We also analyzed and tested the Hamming network intrusion detection technique in the remainder of the paper .

  2. 特征检测与异常检测相结合的入侵检测模型

    The Intrusion Detection Model Based on Signature-based Detection and Anomaly Detection

  3. 基于冲击响应的目标P特征检测算法研究

    Target P feature detection algorithm of impulse response

  4. 基于包特征检测的IP业务流分析模型

    IP Traffic Analysis Model Based on Package Characteristic Detection

  5. 而误用检测又主要集中在特征检测,即stringmatch。

    Furthermore , misuse detection concentrates on signature match , i.e. , string match .

  6. 本义研究合成孔径雷达(SAR)图象结构特征检测。

    This paper studies on the detection of structural featrues in synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) images .

  7. 针对以往基于图像的人脸特征检测对光照敏感的缺陷,提出了一种基于3D数据的人脸特征检测算法。

    To compensate for the illumination limitation of facial features detection in image , the paper is concentrated on the 3D facial features extraction .

  8. 由此提出一种利用木马操作行为特征检测网络中白勺HTTP隧道木马白勺方法。

    This paper presents a new method to detect the HTTP tunneling Trojans by using operation behavior characteristics .

  9. 基于颜色分割和KL变换的人脸特征检测

    Detecting facial features based on color segmentation and KL transform

  10. 根据过零交叉的视觉机理,提出了一种具有方向选择性和变尺度的特征检测算子,并以B样条形式给出了其小尺度下的离散化图象处理形式。

    Ased on the zero-crossing theory , a new kind of edge detector with orientation selectivity and variable scale is presented , and its discrete B spline form under a small scale is also given .

  11. 文章首先针对传统的SIFT特征检测算子计算复杂、灵活度不够、实时性差的缺点,提出了改进方案并成功地进行了图像特征点的检测。

    Firstly , it puts forward improvements for the traditional SIFT feature detection operator which has insufficient flexibility and high complexity .

  12. 该技术采用样条差分均值,进行准周期预测特征检测,获得高的QRS检出率,对QRS实施优化次数的平滑插值,有效地压缩了ECG频带,提高了递归DCT压缩ECG数据序列的效率。

    The frequency band of QRS is efficiently compressed with approximate optimal interpolation times . The efficiency of recursive DCT is improved with the technique .

  13. 基于循环谱分析的LPI信号特征检测新方法研究

    A Novel Research on Feature Detection of LPI Radar Signals Based on Cyclic Spectrum Analysis

  14. 基于滤波器组和高阶累积量技术的LPI信号特征检测的新方法

    Research on LPI signals feature detection based on parallel filter bank and higher order cumulants

  15. 一项对开源的网络入侵检测系统SNORT的分析显示,特征检测就消耗了系统30%至80%的CPU资源。

    An analysis shows that in Snort , an open source software-based NIDS , the signature matching alone consumes 30 % to 80 % of the CPU time .

  16. 本文对局部能量模型进行改进,提出了一种新的基于相位信息的图像特征检测算法&对称局部能量模型(SLE)。

    This paper presents an improved Local Energy model called Symmetry Local Energy model ( SLE ), which is a novel image feature detector based on phase information .

  17. 预处理程序是Snort的一种插件,它在数据进入特征检测引擎之前对数据进行处理,并且努力与不断变化的漏洞和攻击保持同步。

    The preprocessor is just one kind of plug-ins of Snort , which deals with the traffic packet before which transfer to the detection engine .

  18. 因而本文在对经验模式分解算法和相位信息进行分析与综合的基础上,提出了一种用于水中图像特征检测分析的EP模型。

    Therefore , the EP model is proposed based on the feature detection for underwater image analysis by analyzing and synthesizing the empirical mode decomposition method and the phase information .

  19. 根据对这2株菌的形态及生理生化特征检测结果,确定这2株菌分别为溶藻弧菌(Vibrioalginolyticus)和副溶血弧菌(V.parahaemolyticus)。

    Based on the morphology and the physiological and biochemical characteristics , these 2 bacteria were identified as Vibrio alginolyticus and V. parahaemolyticus , respectively .

  20. 最后,针对矩形特征检测速度快和HOG特征检测精度高的特点,提出了将矩形特征和HOG特征组合的方法。

    It also can enhance the detection precision . Finally , a method combining the rectangular features with the HOG features is proposed , which integrates the fast speed of the rectangular features and the high accuracy of the HOG features .

  21. 该模型依靠基于主机的代理HIDA和基于网络的代理NIDA,运用异常检测与特征检测相结合的方式进行有效的入侵检测;

    The effective detection can be performed by host based agents and network based agents using the mixed mode of behavior based anomaly detection and knowledge based signature detection in this mode .

  22. 分析了融合多尺度CSS与DAISY图像配准算法的优缺点,发现针对特征检测与特征描述的改进并不能很好的解决图像配准算法的时间效率。

    After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages between multi-scale CSS image registration algorithm and DAISY image registration algorithm , it is found out that it is not a good method to solve the time effect of image registration algorithm by improving features detection and characterization .

  23. 通过理论分析和大量实验,验证了新模型可以可靠地进行低层特征检测,能够服务于不同的视觉信息处理应用。(2)提出基于Hough变换的自适应直线特征检测算法。

    Through the theoretic analysis and a large scale of experiments , we showe the GP model can implement low-level feature detection reliably , and can be well applied to visual information processing applications . ( 2 ) A novel Hough-based algorithm for straight line feature detection is proposed .

  24. 基于形态滤波遗传算法对目标红外图像特征检测

    Target IR Image Signature Detection Based on Morphology Filtered Genetic Algorithm

  25. 树状僵尸网络及其特征检测方案的设计

    Tree Botnet and design of Botnet detecting program based on feature

  26. 基于三阶累积量对角切片的信号特征检测

    Signal Feature Detection Based on Third Order Cumulant Diagonal Slice

  27. 基于小波尺度图重分配的轴承瞬态特征检测与提取

    Bearing Transient Feature Detection and Extraction Based on Reassigned Scalogram

  28. 基于波形奇异性特征检测电流互感器铁心饱和的新方法

    New Current Transformer Saturation Detecting Method Based on Singularity Characteristics of Waveforms

  29. 基于线性组合模型的人脸特征检测方法

    A Facial Feature Extraction Method Based on Linear Combination Model

  30. 基于深度信息与尺度空间的仿射不变特征检测

    Affine invariant feature detection based on scale space analysis and depth information