
hán shù kù
  • function library
  1. 实验是采用OpenCV基础函数库,利用MicrosoftVisualStudioC++6.0开发完成的。

    The experimental system is completed with Microsoft Visual Studio C + + 6.0 , OpenCV basic function library is adopted .

  2. 并在LabWindows/CVI软件平台下利用其提供的功能强大的信号分析函数库采用3种不同方法实现调幅信号解调。

    Also , the software realization of demodulation of AM signal is performed using powerful Advanced Analysis function Library provided by LabWindows / CVI .

  3. 介绍了C语言和MATLAB数学函数库的数据传递方式。

    The way of transfer data between C and MATLAB is introduced .

  4. Matlab数学函数库在结构动力计算中的应用

    Application of MATLAB Function Base in Dynamic Response Analysis of Structures

  5. DIAMETER协议消息编解码函数库生成器的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Generator for Diameter Message Encoding and Decoding Functions Library

  6. 详细介绍了Matlab数学函数库与C语言的数据交换方法。

    Method of data exchange between MATLAB function base and C language is introduced .

  7. 我应该使用哪些WCFDataServices客户端和服务器函数库?

    What hooks should I use in the WCF Data Services client and server libraries ?

  8. Turboc函数库的开发与维护

    The Development and Maintenance of TURBO C Function Base

  9. 在Turboc中建立自己的函数库

    Establishing One 's Own Function Library in Turbo C

  10. 动态链接函数库(DynamicLinkLibraries,简称DLL)是组成Windows系统最重要的元素。

    Dynamic Link Libraries ( DLL ) are the important components of windows system .

  11. Matlab的引擎函数库及其应用

    Matlab 's Engine Function Library and Its Application

  12. 用C语言编程计算凸轮轮廓数据并构造凸轮轮廓计算函数库。

    The cam outline date were calculated by C language programming and the calculation function warehouse of cam outline was constructed .

  13. 于是,基本函数库也就是API的概念被提出。

    The primary function storehouse API concept is proposed .

  14. 基于MATLAB函数库增强VB数值计算能力的研究

    Research on Intensifying Numerical Computation Ability in VB Based on MATLAB Function Library

  15. C语言编程,利用了C语言丰富的函数库资源,充分发挥了它的灵活性和对底层硬件的操作能力。

    We use the C language as the programming language , because it has the abundant resources and excellent operate ability to hardware .

  16. 下位机软件运行在DOS操作系统下,用C语言开发,包括主程序、定时中断子程序和封装的函数库。

    The software for client runs under DOS operation system and is developed with C language .

  17. 并从内核、函数库、文件系统等方面着手,对Linux进行了裁减;

    The author introduce how to tailor the Linux kernel , library , file system , script .

  18. F函数库(囊括从不可变列表到异步计算函数库的一些常用的东西)

    The F # libraries ( usual stuff , ranging from immutable lists to asynchronous computations library )

  19. VAX系统C语言函数库扩充

    Extension of C language function library in VAX system

  20. 使用高级函数库使DOM更易于使用

    Use a library of higher-level functions to make DOM use easier

  21. USB&GPIB控制器VISA函数库的开发及在Visualc++中的应用

    Development of the VISA Function Lib for USB & GPIB Controller and its Visual C + + Application

  22. 在计算大量的矩阵运算时实现了Matlab的VC接口,调用Matlab的函数库得出结果。

    Calling the Matlab function library to calculate matrix based on the implementation of VC interface of Matlab .

  23. 该项目研究并解决以下问题:(1)DSP函数库的开发。

    This project studies and solves the following problems : ( 1 ) development of DSP initialization function library .

  24. 利用该算法研制出一个矢量汉字库的自动生成工具软件,以及在C语言环境下矢量汉字应用的软件函数库。

    Converting vector chinese character sets into Auto CAD The paper also presents how to use the vector Chinese character library in C language environment .

  25. 此外,基于配对的密码函数库,本文在Linux环境下使用C语言编程实现了协议的基本算法。

    In addition , based on the Pairing-Based Cryptography library , we realize the protocol with C language in the Linux environment .

  26. 另外,Scheme还拥有丰富的列表和树处理函数库,以及专注于处理这些结构的历史。

    Moreover , Scheme comes with a rich library of list and tree manipulation functions , and a history of contemplating manipulation of those very structures .

  27. 该系统还在WEBService组件中引入运动控制器的DLL函数库,并提供了跨平台访问的接口。

    It introduces DLL function library of sport controller into Web Service component , so offering interface for the access through different platform .

  28. 通过重新编译内核、裁剪文件系统和压缩函数库,构建了嵌入式Linux操作系统平台。

    By compiling kernel , reducing file system and compressing function library , an embedded Linux operating system was constructed .

  29. 本文提出了用Matlab数学函数库接口实现信号处理的方法。

    In this paper , the method of Matlab API interface is presented to realize the data collection and signal processing .

  30. 由于Tcl是在一组C函数库中实现的,所以可以利用C语言编写库来实现对Tcl的扩展。

    Tcl is implemented in a C library that is easy to extend by writing libraries in C.